Published at 25th of May 2022 08:37:32 AM

Chapter 388

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It's not too late, and I don't want to waste a little time. Leiyin tries to hide her breath, shuttling through the forest quickly, heading for the back mountain of Muye village.

The reason why I want to hide my breath is that I don't want people to find out. Although it's at night, the dark part of Muye monitors the movement of the whole village almost all the time. Now I can't even bear to be careless.

The reason why I came to Houshan is that the grass here is luxuriant and the natural energy is relatively high, so it is more suitable for practicing fairy art.

Now Leiyin's Mudun fairy art has almost reached the peak (he can use the strongest [top Buddha]). He wants to try whether he can practice Mudun fairy art, which is more powerful than that of the early generation of Huoying qianshouzhujian.

He sat on the ground and meditated according to the Buddha's words, trying to feel the purer force of nature around him and refine the purity of chakra.

"126, 127, 128..."

when Lei Yin was sitting in silence, he suddenly heard the sound of "bumping" against the tree trunk not far away.

Lei Yin stood up from the ground and jumped into a tree.

From the tree, an 11-year-old boy is kicking another tree trunk.

Who else is not Li Locke?

when he kicks 192 times, Li Locke falls to the ground.

"Damn it! He didn't succeed again. Next, 200 side kicks. If he still didn't succeed, he would do 200 push ups!".

"Eh? There is another person?"

because Leiyin has strong perception, it can see a figure not far away. Although it is well hidden, it is still found by Leiyin.

Quite thick eyebrows, a green tights. It's Michael.

At this time, kaihuang began to pay attention to lillock.

"Li Locke, who has poor foundation and ordinary talent, has worked so hard, and I can't give up practicing..."

thinking like this, Lei Yin flashed away...

the next day, the students of Muye Ninja college ran on the playground to exercise their physical fitness.

Li Locke gradually couldn't keep up with others and was about to fall behind.

"Hey, look at that idiot. He can't do anything...

" he's such an incompetent guy. "

Some of his classmates laughed at him, which made Li Locke very uncomfortable.

"Don't look down on me! In fact, I am very strong!"

Li Locke said, trying to catch up with everyone.

"What did you say? You said you were strong? Ha ha, don't laugh. "

"For a guy like you who can't do Ninjutsu, magic or even the simplest physical skill, it's a waste of food to live!"

what these children said was more and more harsh. The insulting lillock blocked his ears directly, his arms stopped swinging, and he fell to the ground again with a "crack".

"Ha ha ha..."

"how dare you say that you are very strong in this way?"

"this incompetent fool!"


seeing Li Locke's more embarrassed appearance, the students laughed more severely, and some naughty children even began to hit him with stones.

Li Locke held his head in a painful way, and the tears in his eyes were still swirling.

Also in running thunder is really can't see down, he took advantage of people don't pay attention to, speed running in the body of chakra, silent between suddenly released.

Bang, with Li Locke as the center, an invisible wave suddenly surged in all directions, directly shaking out all those who just laughed at Li Locke and falling to the ground.


in a scream, the students were all startled, thinking that this wave was released by Li Locke, and they were scared away.

Because it only released ordinary chakra energy and did not cause any casualties, there was no one to investigate this matter...


one day, qimukakasi and maitekai stood at the entrance of the village.

"Hello! Kakashi, who can finish 200 laps before us? Youth can't live up to it! "

compared with Kay's passion, Kakashi looks lazy, as if she didn't sleep well:" wait a minute, Kay, do you know about that child yesterday? "

"Eh?" Kai Wenyan, who was ready to go, stopped. "Do you mean the child who didn't know what Ninja was used to shake other people away?"

"That's right."

Speaking of lillock, Kay seemed to be very interested: "I should know something about that child. If that inexplicable force is not his work."

Like Li Locke, Kai is also a very hard-working person. He goes to the back mountain to practice every day. One day, he accidentally finds Li Locke, and then he can see the hard-working child every day. Gradually, Kai has a good feeling for the , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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