Published at 25th of May 2022 08:43:22 AM

Chapter 39

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"Sure enough, is there still human trafficking?" Lei Yin thought to himself.

“…… His rock bottom price is One million Bailey

As soon as the host's voice fell, the men began to compete. They had been mobilized by the girl's beautiful face to produce androgen.

"I'll pay 1.5 million!"

"I'll pay two million!"

"I'll pay three million!"

"I'll pay five million!"

The last bid was made by the bright fat man in the front row. The girl auctioned him for 5 million Bailey.

When the iron cage was pushed down, the fat man also looked at the "prey" that he had already got.

At this time, the woman next to the fat man was not satisfied: "you have 16 women, can't you be satisfied?"

The fat man pinched the woman's thigh and gave her a smile: "what do you know? To be a man is to enjoy it. If I don't buy it, the little creature will be bought by others. Who makes me so rich? Ah ha ha... "

The girl was auctioned off, and then the staff took out the second item.

A man in a suit brought out a fruit tray, the contents of which were covered with black cloth.

I saw that the host danced happily and looked very excited: "OK, next, the second commodity, if you eat it, you can get powerful power immediately."

With that, the host suddenly opened the black cloth, showing in front of everyone is a purple fruit covered with spiral pattern.

What's this?

The devil's fruit.

Then, the host introduced that this is the rubber fruit of Superman.

Isn't this the fruit of Luffy? Why are you here? Lei Yin is thinking, the host then introduces.

"Please see, this is the rubber fruit of Superman series. The ability of the fruit enables the user's whole body to stretch and rebound within a certain range, making the ordinary strike more powerful. And the fruit is immune to attack, bullets, artillery and even lightning. If you eat it, you can become a strong man immediately

The host said eloquently on the stage, and the audience's eyes lit up.

Lei Yin knows in his heart that this rubber fruit is not a powerful demon fruit at all. In the original work, it is the fruit of the protagonist, and it is well developed. However, even if it is not powerful, it is also a devil's fruit. It is not an ordinary apple. Ordinary people can still become capable after eating it, surpassing ordinary people several times.

Moreover, the number of demon fruits is extremely rare. The reason why a large number of capable people often appear in animation or comics is that the world depicted in animation is the world of the strong. No matter in that world, civilians are the vast majority of the existence. That is to say, if the evil fruit is divided according to the head, it is estimated that tens of thousands of people will not get one.

It's really because the quantity is scarce, so the price of any kind of demon fruit is very high. The average family can't buy one without eating or drinking for ten years.

"The bottom price of rubber fruit is... 80 million Bailey!"

As soon as the words came to an end, the field began to boil.

"I'll pay 85 million!"

"90 million!"

"I'll pay 98 million!"

"100 million, I'll pay 100 million Bailey!"

While the crowd was fighting, a figure stepped on the air and flew up to the stage, snatching the devil's fruit.

This move makes the field immediately quiet down.

It was Lei Yin who flew up to grab the rubber fruit.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Seeing this, the staff immediately took out their swords and guns and pointed to Lei Yin.

Lei Yin said faintly: "I'm sorry, this fruit has been harvested."

Lei Yin is clearly in the Ming Dynasty, no one knows what his routine is.

The leading man said, "who are you? How dare you behave here? Do you know whose territory this is? "

Lei Yin casually pulled out his ear: "I'm the Navy, you are underground illegal trade, so this fruit should be called capture."

The leading man looked at him with disdain: "what a fool, just a navy, who dares to speak in front of Don Quixote family!"


The leading man impolitely pulled the trigger in his hand, and the bullet flew towards Leiyin. Leiyin just flashed over the bullet.

Just now he said, Don Quixote family?

Almost all the people who participated in the auction at the bottom were scared to run away when they heard the gunshot, but only a few people looked at the stage with great interest...

people in the backstage heard the gunshot in front of them and rushed out with fireguns.

"He's a navy. He's here to smash the field. Let's kill him together!"

Wen Yan, these people in suits raised their guns together, and the bullets rained out towards the thunderSeeing this, Lei Yin steps to the ceiling with [yuebu] and quickly makes a seal with both hands. Then he puts his hand to his mouth and makes a move of Ninjutsu...

"Huodun - the art of haohuoqiu!"

A large fireball suddenly fell towards the crowd. It hit the floor with a roar and burned most of the staff.

"This guy is the one who can burn fruit!" The rest of the people who are not dead give a wrong definition in panic.

"Quick... Go and ask the boss to come out!"

The rest of them abandoned their armor and went to their boss.

When the thunder fell to the ground again, there was a big fire.

He scratched his head helplessly: "it seems that the play is a little too much."

Then, his hands again, "water escape - the art of water chaos wave!"

Like a waterfall of water gushing out, in a moment, put out the fire clean.

Lei Yin is not a good man or a good woman. The reason why he put out the fire is to prevent it from burning backstage, because he also wants to get more benefits here...

Lei Yin impolitely put the "seized" rubber fruit in his pocket. At this time, a businessman who just didn't leave the stage came to him.

The businessman smiles at Lei Yin: "I don't think Mr. Li is an ordinary person. Can you do business with me?"

Lei Yin looked at him: "business?"

Merchant: "well, how about selling me that fruit in your hand?"

Lei Yin thought for a moment: "OK, how much will you pay."

The merchant put up a finger: "100 million Bailey."

Lei Yin waved his hand: "add another 10 million, or we will not talk about it."

Seeing this, the merchant fell into deep meditation.

In the market, ordinary Superman fruit, like this rubber fruit, has a market price of 100 million Bailey. If you buy it at an auction house, you don't know how much the price will be increased. Moreover, you are just an ordinary businessman. When you encounter such a demon fruit again, you don't know when

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