Published at 25th of May 2022 08:37:25 AM

Chapter 394

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"Oh, did I say that?" "Water wood evil evil smile," I mean through this investigation, you just pass the first pass, can't say directly can be promoted to bear

Two black faces are sad: "but..."

Shuimu looks like a neurotic, and his face changes a look: "here, I am the rule! You kids have to obey, and you don't have to argue. Do you understand? ! "

Shuimu's words made them speechless, while Lei Yin felt something was wrong.

"Well, the next test..." Shuimu said, and took out a white kuwu from the tolerance bag. "If you three come to grab this white kuwu, kill or beat the other two and get this kuwu, then you are qualified to endure."

When Shuimu said this, his eyes were extremely evil.

Erhei smelled the speech and looked anxious: "you mean that only one of the three of us can be the next bear?"

"that's right."

"How... How can it be like this?" Meng Xiaomeng said with a pathetic look.

Then, Shuimu threw the white bitterness on the ground, like an extremely excited look: "come on! Start fighting happily! Wahaha.. "

" Hello! I said you bastard! "

at this time, a low voice came.

Meng Xiaomeng and erhei are surprised. It turns out that Lei Yin said this to Shuimu.

As soon as Shuimu heard this, his face immediately changed color: "what do you... Say? ! "

Lei Yin's face became gloomy:" I said, you bastard, have you gone too far? ! "

Meng Xiaomeng"!

er Hei "!

Shuimu never dreamed that a kid who just graduated from school would dare to scold him like this. This is something that has never happened before.

"You damned kid, how dare you say that to me?" Shuimu said, putting on a posture that seemed to beat Leiyin.

In fact, the topic of Shuimu is no longer an investigation. It can be called embarrassing. The intern ninjas who just graduated from school can't even control chakra to climb trees in the water. They even let them go to a rotten wooden bridge that is about to collapse. They want their lives.

In fact, from the beginning, Lei Yin knew that this water tree was not a good bird. In the original work, he pretended to be harmless to human beings and animals, cheated Naruto to steal the multi shadow scroll for him, and almost killed Mr. iluka.

Later, Lei Yin learned that Shuimu was not only cruel, but also psychologically twisted. None of the students he had led could become ninjas, and some of them were even beaten to pieces by him. The children he had brought were people with no background and no strength, so he reported to his superiors that these children were not qualified, and the superiors would not study deeply.

Because of the psychological distortion, he felt that it was very pleasant to play and abuse these children who were not in person, so he put forward abnormal tests again and again. The purpose was not to improve the students' strength at all, but simply to abuse them to find pleasure.

Lei Yin actually saw it in his first test. He just wanted to see what medicine he bought in the gourd, and he also had the strength to fully cope with his so-called "tests". It was just that Shuimu once again made unreasonable demands, which made him unbearable.

Have strength and courage, afraid of him a bird's egg!

"I don't know how you can be a teacher like a bastard!" Lei Yin's words were even worse, and his eyes showed murderous, which surprised the three people.

"You damned kid, are you impatient with the living tower?" Hearing Lei Yin's words, Shuimu finally showed his ferocious face, rolled up his sleeves and walked towards him.

"Just in time..." Lei Yin's eyes coagulated, and he walked towards it.

"Numb! Do you know if Laozi is your teacher or Zhongren?" Shuimu saw this, his face was even more angry, his hands were flying up and down, and he quickly made a seal.


for the sudden Shuimu, Lei Yin takes a punch and quickly breaks the seal of Shuimu, hitting his eyebrow. Shuimu screamed and spat blood. He fell on the ground and rolled back for several weeks before stopping.

Meng Xiaomeng and ER Hei are stunned by the scene in front of them!

er Hei: "actually one punch will be tolerated..."

Meng Xiaomeng: "Hey, that's our teacher. In this case, will it...

" this is my business, and it has nothing to do with you two! "Lei Yin still stares at Shuimu fiercely and says.

Shuimu was hit, lying on the ground humming trying to get up from the ground, just with both hands on the ground, but suddenly fell down again.

In fact, Lei Yin only uses less than 10% of his strength. If his strength is greater, I'm afraid Shuimu is already a corpse , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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