Published at 25th of May 2022 08:37:25 AM

Chapter 395

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A few days later, Muye, Huoying office.

"I said you three, how dare you beat your teacher."

Three generations of eyes, fire shadow, ape flying, sun chop, with a pipe in his mouth, calmly looking at the three little ghosts below.

Er Hei was about to say something, but Lei Yin stopped him: "all things are done by me, and they have nothing to do with each other."

The day cut smoked a cigarette, smell to ask a way: "that can say, why do you want to hit water wood?"

"Shuimu is cruel, tyrannical and psychologically twisted. Let's do things that are impossible. It's not training at all. It's just wanting our lives."

Lei Yin tells ape feirizhan how Shuimu investigated the three of them.

"Then, why can you do it? Listen to Shuimu, you built a bridge with tudun. "

"It's just that I work harder than others." Lei Yin told a lie casually.

I didn't expect that at this time, rizha suddenly clapped the table and stood up: "you guy! I'm not praising you! No matter what the reason, you should not beat your teacher! This is a unique thing in Muye village for generations!"

rizha's fierce voice and color shocked all the Ninjas present.

"Fire Shadow Lord..." I have never seen such a big fire from rizha before, and iluka murmured.

Hearing this loud bang, Lei Yin's face remained unchanged: "it's not investigation at all, it's abuse! If I choose again, I will beat him hard! Besides, at this time, I do it by myself. If I have any responsibility, I will bear it by myself, please Huoying don't punish them!"

at this time, erhei finally couldn't help but raise his right hand: "in fact, I can't stand Shuimu to let Lei If you want to punish me, punish me! "

This time, without hesitation, Meng Xiaomeng raised her white hand and raised her voice: "and me! I want to beat Shuimu, too!"

"Hello! You kids are not allowed to talk nonsense in front of the fire shadow master! "One of the special people scolded loudly.

However, ape feirizha continued to say: "you three..."

when he said this, rizha had been looking at Leiyin's eyes. Erhei and Meng Xiaomeng had already started to play drums in their hearts. They didn't know what to do next, and Leiyin also looked at rizha straightly, without the slightest fear.

His anger gradually dissipated and he made a 180 degree turn. Instead, he had a kind smile: "I declare that from now on, Leiyin, erhei and Meng Xiaomeng will become xiaren!"? How now... Suddenly let oneself become the next bear? Beat water wood thing not to pursue?

"This is..."

while the three people were wondering, rizha said: "I have sent the secret department to investigate the matter of Shuimu these two days, but there is something wrong with it. For his bad behavior, we handed it over to the interrogation Department of the secret department for interrogation, and he also confessed his previous treatment of students."

"It turns out that...

" and for this, please allow me to say sorry to you. It's improper for me to use such a person as your teacher. " The day cuts such as say to three people.

Iluka: "Lord Huoying, you...

Huoying will apologize to the three xiaren, which surprised everyone present.

Seeing this, heier hurriedly said: "master Huoying, you don't have to be like this... We..."

rizhan still smiles: "you three are not only brave, but also loyal, especially Leiyin... Your temper is very suitable for my taste. I've decided to send you a new teacher to help you grow up... "

" Dahe! "

with a loud drink, Dahe stands out from the team.

Captain Daiwa, who was injured by Kakashi in the original book, took the place of Kakashi to lead the seventh class. When he was young, he was experimented by the big snake pill and succeeded unintentionally, inheriting the blood boundary of wood Dun among the fire shadow thousand hand pillars of the early generation.

"It's him!" seeing Dahe, Lei Yin was also stunned.

Seeing these three kids, Dahe put an approachable smile on his face and said, "from now on, I will be your team leader. We must get along with each other."

Erhei: "well, we certainly will."

Meng Xiaomeng thought: this time, the teacher looks much better than Mr. Shuimu?

it's late when he comes out of Huoying office. Dahe told the three people to gather on the bridge to the east of Muye village tomorrow morning, and then they dissolved.

Taking advantage of the afterglow of the setting sun, the three people walked on the path between the villages. Lei Yin said, "didn't I say that? Why did you all jump out when I took the responsibility by myself? "

" we are in a team. If you are alone, we will not be loyal enough. "

"Yes, yes.""Ha ha...

ha ha..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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