Published at 25th of May 2022 08:37:20 AM

Chapter 400

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Guitong pill spit out the silk thread and just not the same, Dahe and Leiyin obviously feel, this line of chakra, obviously stronger than just a few points.

When Dahe was about to make trouble, Leiyin had already finished the seal:

"Huodun - the art of Haolong fire!"

because this skill Leiyin had already been quite skilled, so only one "Yin" seal was formed, and a huge fire dragon rose up in the sky...

"how... How is it possible?"

seeing this scene, Dahe was forced to stay in the same place!

if the C-level Huodun just now If the technique [Impatiens fire] is a coincidence, then the B-level fire escape technique now used is definitely not a joke!

it's not easy for xiaren, who just graduated from school, to use such C-level Ninjutsu, to release such strong B-level Ninjutsu.

After thinking about this guy once knocked down Zhongren Shuimu, Daiwa felt that he was more and more incredible.

Who on earth is this kid?

Dahe is thinking that the yellow silk thread just ejected has been burned to ashes. What's more, Guitong pill quickly dodges and runs for life, and three arms on his right side are seriously burned.

"Hello! Is that guy across the street really just a bear? How can such a skill be released? "

" in my opinion, he disguised himself as xiaren, didn't he? "

"Hateful, Muye these hateful swindlers!"

not only Dahe, but also Yinren over there don't believe that Leiyin is just a low tolerance level.

However, Lei Yin is a real endurance.

So Ninja's level doesn't represent strength.

Kaihuang's father, Maite Dai, was jokingly called "Wannian xiaren". In order to protect his son, he alone opened eight dunjia and killed four of the "seven people of nindao". After many years, kaihuang nearly killed six yuzhiboban with his terrible eight dunjia, which was called "the man who almost kicked a big end"; Naruto was from the bottom The Ninja level is only a temporary title, it does not represent anything.

However, Daiwa and the other four heyinren don't know the origin of Leiyin at all. They just show him the B-level Ninjutsu.

"Even if he's Shangren, we can only do our best."

"The game has become a little fun now! Eh ha ha ha..."

although the three right arms were severely burned, guitongwan didn't seem to care about it. There were black stripes on his body and face, and the right arm grew slowly. With his grinning face, it looked very strange, "it's really fun The game... Is still behind, eh ha ha ha ha...

duo you also coldly looks at the ghost child pill that seems to have "mutated" and says, "Hey! Although that kid (Lei Yin) and that Shangren (DA he) are not easy to deal with, you don't have to use them so early

Left near right near: "tube him, in this way, can let them die faster, but we still have a lot of things to do, if late, big snake pill Lord will not spare us."

GUI Tong Wan ignored their conversation, but quickly made a seal, and then he pressed his hands on the ground: "psychics!"


suddenly, a spider with a length of 10 meters appeared on the ground. GUI Tong Wan rode on the spider and looked at them covetously. The spider roared like a beast.

"Now that I've become like this, you'll realize it!"

he said. He saw the big spider quickly draw out the thick and thin silk thread from the bottom of its huge hip, and quickly weave it into a big web.

"Bug... Bug! It's still black!" Meng Xiaomeng screams out and faints.

Meng Xiaomeng said that he was very afraid of insects when he first met with the Daiwa team in front of him. Now he suddenly saw such a big one and was stunned.

Seeing this, Dahe shook his head helplessly, took him to one side, and then made a seal with both hands:

"Mudun Lianzhu family skill!"

in an instant, he summoned a hardwood house and put Meng Xiaomeng in it to prevent him from being affected by the battle.

"Lei Yin, it's up to you and me to deal with them now. Don't take them lightly." Dahe said to Lei Yin.

"I understand."

Lei Yin said, his hands sealed again: "Huodun - haohuoqiu skill!"

he wanted to use Huodun skill to burn the giant spider summoned by guitongwan. Unexpectedly, jilongfang rushed to the front of the big spider: "smelly little devil, you give me enough!"

"hurricane Luohan boxing!"

it was a bit stronger than the strength of one punch flying two black And then the fire of thunder will disappear , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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