Published at 25th of May 2022 08:37:19 AM

Chapter 401

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Jilongfang fists with chakra, a punch will Leiyin fire Dun scattered.

Ghost boy pill grimly smile, draw a don't know what the meaning of the gesture, the next moment that spider open blood basin big mouth, countless small spiders jet out.

"You guys, I can't spare you!"

er Hei, who was knocked down by jilongfang just now, went up with his sword and killed two little spiders, but several spiders fell on him, and the spiders' claws like daggers directly penetrated Er Hei's body.


with a scream, erhei spat out a mouthful of blood, fell to the ground and fainted.

Seeing this, Daiwa went to rescue erhei, but Duoyou immediately flew forward and stopped him: "do you want to save him? Leave your life first!"

A side kick from Daiwa, straight to duoyoumianmen, and another punch from left to right to shake it back.

"You'll put your life together to save a useless waste. Muye's Ninja is really pedantic!" Zuo Jin and you Jin said, taking a kuwu from his bag and stabbing Er Hei's head.

Seeing that erhei's head is about to be pierced, a figure flies over, and the kuwu in his hand is actually broken. The figure holds erhei up and instantly breaks away from chuyinren's claws.

This man is Lei Yin.

"This guy, when?"

"gen... Didn't see clearly..."

although they didn't want to admit it, they didn't see clearly when Lei Yin came to them and took Er Hei away.

When they found Leiyin again, Leiyin had already put erhei into the house made by Daiwa with Mudun just now, and put it with Meng Xiaomeng.

Even Daiwa was a little surprised. He didn't see when Lei Yin went up, and the little spiders released by Gui Tong Wan just now. He didn't know when they had disappeared.

If Lei Yin goes later, er Hei will die here.

"I can see that Shangren is not easy to deal with, but that xiaren kid is definitely not a layman." Seeing the strength shown by Lei Yin, I made such a judgment.

Zuojin and Youjin continued: "Muye is more famous for yuzhibo, Riyi and Qianshou. This kid hasn't shown any blood from the beginning to now. If he is an ordinary kid, he can't have such strength at all."

"It's possible that his strength is still above that."

"If that's the case, we'll kill the kid first!"

ghost pill said, the big spider under his body disappeared, and his body color gradually deepened, and his face became more and more terrifying and ferocious. In the end, his whole body became dark brown, but his face turned into three empty eyes, a disheveled white hair to his waist, which looked like a ghost Like.

Jiro Fang: "you guy, you have already dealt with him directly with [mantra seal state 2]."

"Don't you say that kid is hard to deal with? Let's get to know him first

Ghost child pill said, take down a hard bow from his leg, and then spit out a finger thick and thin, an arm long silk thread in his mouth, the spider thread instantly solidified into a hard sword, "don't worry, I'll shoot through him now!"

said, ghost child pill twists the bow and takes the arrow, aiming at the thunder: "little ghost, you give me a good look, this is my strongest weapon The arrow is made of high-density sticky gold, and the hit rate is 100% to 120%. That is to say, as long as I shoot an arrow, I will definitely hit the target. Then, enjoy the game! "

ghost pill said with a grim smile, aiming at Lei Yin's head and pulling the bow and arrow.

"Whoosh" of an arrow shot, suddenly a golden stone cross sound, shot the arrow was hit to one side.

When he looked at it again, Lei Yin held a Ku Wu in his hand, which he used to block.

"What? ! "

Yinren was stunned.

After blocking the arrow, Lei Yin said faintly, "doesn't it mean that the arrow you shot can't escape? In that case, I won't hide. "

"Don't be proud there, you little devil! Next, I'm going to shoot you into a hedgehog!"

"secret skill - Secret bow - pitiful crack!"

then, guitongwan spat out gold arrows from his mouth one after another, and dozens of arrows were all on the bowstring, and all at once shot out.

What guitongwan said is not too exaggerated. These arrows seem to be surrounded by thunder from almost all angles. It seems that every arrow is an example.

However, Lei Yin also took out a bitter weapon and shot it at these arrows , the fastest update of the webnovel!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!