Published at 25th of May 2022 08:37:17 AM

Chapter 403

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Hearing the words, the man quickly drew his sword and stood up, looking warily at the thunder. After Lei Yin, he followed Dahe and others.

The man's action scared away all the people in the tavern. His blade pointed directly at Lei Yin and others, and said in a dull tone: "who are you?"

several people didn't answer him. Lei Yin flashed and almost disappeared behind him.

When Leiyin slowly fell to the ground again, the man's mask and headscarf were taken off.

It's the skinny guy they're looking for, Inoue.

"Are you good enough to go back with us? Or are we beating you and taking you back? Or do we just kill you? "

Lei Yin still has a bad smile on her face.

"With you?" Inoue disdain, toward Leiyin sword, Leiyin holding a bitterness, to block the edge of the well. Then, Lei Yin made a sudden effort on his hand and directly ejected the well several steps away. Between his hands flying up and down, he had already made a seal: "Lei Dun - thousand birds flow!"

the whole body was full of thunder and lightning. He quickly came up and directly electrified the well.

When Dahe saw this, his hands also sealed: "Mudun - the art of silent killing and binding!"

in an instant, when he was paralyzed on the well, the vines tightly tied his body, and he could not move even though he was already paralyzed...

in this way, Dahe class successfully completed the task, and the three generations of Huoying sent people to send him back to the kingdom of iron to the samurai leader Sanchuan for disposal He sent messengers to send him 50000 taels of thank-you money and thank-you letters. However, the three generations refused to accept the money, saying that Inoue came to his own border line and had the obligation to deal with it. In this way, the iron Kingdom and Muye made friends for the time being.

On the other hand, because of the excellent completion of this task, Daiwa is very confused about the strength of Leiyin.

However, the doubt comes from doubt, but Daiwa has no malice, because Lei Yin's performance is always trying to complete the task and protect his companions. Just the day after Dahe class finished the task, the third generation Huoying asked about the performance of his students in the task.

Daiwa did not hide anything from the three generations and told them the details of the mission.

After hearing Daiwa's words, Huoying asked with his pipe in his mouth, "four ninjas with strange shapes, have you seen them before, or have you heard of them before?"


Similarly, Dahe also tells three generations of Huoying about the four strange ninjas he met on the road, but they don't know that they are the four men of Yinren, the student of three generations of Huoying and the subordinate of dasheban.

Now, they don't know that at all.

Daiwa: "they don't know which country's rebellious tolerance is. They came to the land of fire and caused some small riots. Their strength is not particularly strong, so they can't become a big climate."

In fact, what Daiwa said is right. Compared with the organization [Xiao], Yinren are just a mob.

"Although that's the case, it can't be too slack. After all, it was caused in the land of fire. I'll send some people from the secret department to investigate..." three generations of Huoying knocked on his pipe and continued, "compared with this, I pay more attention to the student you said."

Three generations will open a scroll on the table, on which is a detailed report of the mission made by Daiwa.

Three generations looked at him seriously: "two C-level, one B-level, and one A-level Leidun, with strong perception and fast speed..."

"Mr. Huoying, do you know the specific situation of this student?"

Daiwa means, who are Lei Yin's parents, and whether there is any special blood boundary.

Three generations smoked a pipe and said: "what I know is similar to you. My father is Zhongren, and my mother is xiaren. Four months ago, I was killed by rebellious Ren in Wuyin village when I was on duty. Besides, that rebellious forbearance is Shangren. "

Dahe sighed: "what you know is no different from what I know. In that case, there is only one conclusion to be drawn - this child, he is really an incomparable genius. "

Three generations of Huo Ying suddenly laughed: "genius or whatever, in short, I will always pay attention to him, and you, as their teacher, should also pay attention to this kid. And one more important thing... "

" hmm? "

" after 28 days, I've put up the list of your class for the middle school endurance test organized by our Muye. I hope you'll go down and prepare well. "

"Well, Lord Huoying, it was originally said that there were only the required classes? How can we...

the three generations of Huoying smile: "because you have the child of Leiyin in your class...

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