Published at 25th of May 2022 08:37:10 AM

Chapter 409

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The first exam was a written one, about which Lei Yin knew for a long time.

"Hand in your application form in order... First of all, each of you has 10 points at the beginning, a total of 10 questions, one point for each question, and the exam will be subject to the reverse deduction system. In other words, if you answer two wrong questions or do not answer two questions, you will get eight points. According to the total score of three members in each group, the full score is 30, and the one with the highest score wins... "

hearing the speech, Sakura chunye can't sit still:" wait! Why should we judge by the total score of three people? "

Yibixi's face is gloomy: "don't talk to me, you don't have the right to ask questions here!"

after hearing this, Sakura chunye is silent.

"Last, if cheating is found in the exam, two points will be deducted at a time!"

all the rules have been read out, and most of the students have a nervous look on their faces.

With the announcement of ibish's password, the examination officially began.

These xiaren people are not honest and obedient idiots. Many people have long heard the clue from the rules and used their own ninja or blood to cheat. Some of them were found five times and were directly expelled from the examination room.

Lei Yin is still sitting on the seat with a calm face, writing the test paper calmly.

This kind of examination is as simple as searching for things and flicking his shoulder.

Not to mention his eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, he can sense any action within tens or even hundreds of kilometers just because of his powerful and abnormal power of seeing, hearing, color and perception.

Of course, he will not use the eternal kaleidoscope to write wheel eyes, if that is bound to cause a big stir.

How can xiaren, who used to be a crane tail and just graduated from school, be a top-notch writer?

even the yuzhibo people have never had such abnormal characters.

Therefore, Leiyin uses the power of seeing and hearing.

There is also an important point, familiar with the animation of thunder, know the trend of the plot.

Even if you don't write a word like naruto, you can pass the last question.

In particular, Naruto's "even if I bear it all my life, I will become a fire shadow for you to see!" also moved Lei Yin for a while.

So before the first exam, Lei Yin told Er hei and Meng Xiaomeng that no matter what kind of questions the examiners gave up, thousands of them could not give up. As long as they did not give up, they would pass.

The reason why Lei Yin wants to write the examination paper is just to have fun, because he knows that among these candidates, there are two ninjas who know the examination questions and deliberately write the correct answers for the students to cheat.

Lei Yin felt their writing style and wrote his own examination paper.

Yu Zhibo uses the writing wheel eye, RI Ningci uses the white eye, and Kan Jiulang of shayin uses the puppet technique. You nvzhi uses the insect to create the reflection with the susceptor and chakra line every day to provide the answer to Li Luoke.

Lei Yin wrote down the last word and stretched his back.

Suddenly, some sand appeared on Lei Yin's desk, and a lot of sand also appeared around him.

See, thunder suddenly smile: sandstorm I love you? If you want to copy my test paper, you are a thousand years ahead.

Chakra on his body surged, and instantly dispersed the sand.

"Damn it!" I yelled, and my senses were shocked. "The patience of Muye, you wait for me..."

forty five minutes later, ibixi heard his low voice: "OK! It's time to announce the tenth question! A despairing question... "

" my choice for you is [test] or [not test]. "

Erhei: "test or not? What if we choose not to test?"

Yibixi's face is more and more gloomy: "if you choose not to take the exam, then all members of your group will be eliminated directly."

The whole audience was shocked: "what? Since you say so, it's definitely the choice to take the exam!

IBI Xi's face changed from the original gloomy to a slightly playful smile: "if you choose to take the exam and you don't answer the right questions, then you will not be qualified to take the Zhongren exam in your life!"



after hearing the words, kyushi stood up and said: "this... What's the bullshit rule Ah? Don't we have many people here who have participated in the test more than once? "

"It's bad luck for you, because this year's rules... Are up to me to decide!"

ibixi used to be the leader of the interrogation Department of Muye's secret department. He knew a lot about people's psychology and often interrogated prisoners, so the choice he gave would be very painful.

The choice of Ibis is daunting, and most of them are afraid that they will not be able to be Zhongren in their whole life, so they abstain from the examination one after another , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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