Published at 25th of May 2022 08:37:09 AM

Chapter 410

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"I announce that those who choose to continue to take the exam will all pass!"

sure enough, erhei and Meng Xiaomeng both passed the exam after listening to Lei Yin. In addition, kakashiban, kaiban and I love Luo all stayed.

With a bang, the window broke and a figure flew in from the outside.

"It's too early to be happy now. I'm the chief examiner of the second exam. I'm washing red beans. The next exam is waiting for you."

There are 81 people left in the first exam, that is, 27 teams. They follow yushouxihongdou to the next exam room...

"this is [the second exam room] - the 44th exercise room, also known as [the forest of death]!"

with the introduction of yushouxihongdou, people drive inside, surrounded by some intertwined trees and many trees The twisted grass looks terrible and weird.

"Soon you'll know why it's called" death forest "..."

"why?" Some students asked naively.

"This is the consent, you should sign on it first..." said, Royal hand washing red bean took out a pile of documents.


the red bean washed by the Royal hand showed a lovely and playful look: "because someone will die here, I have to ask for your consent first, otherwise, I will be in great trouble."

Red bean said this with his lovely expression, let the students feel shudder.

What red bean asks everyone to sign is obviously something similar to "life and death document". Even if someone dies in the exam, it has nothing to do with the root examiner.

Hearing this, some people look embarrassed.

Meng Xiaomeng shows obvious fear. She hides behind Lei Yin unconsciously, as if danger could happen at any time.

Seeing this, erhei smiles at her: "Xiaomeng, don't worry, no matter what, Leiyin and I will protect you."

Lei Yin turns around and smiles at her, indicating that I think the same as Er Hei.

"In short, it's the ultimate survival test."

"Extreme survival test?"

Nara Deer pill showed a look of no fighting spirit: "this kind of thing, let people think about it, it feels very troublesome."

"In the examination room, you can use any Ninjutsu, body skills, and endurance tools, in order to seize the scroll by any means." Then he took out two scrolls, one with the words "heaven" and the other with the words "Earth". "A group must collect the book of heaven and the book of earth at the same time to reach the central tower to be qualified."

The examinees listened carefully to red bean's introduction of the examination rules.

"A total of 13 volumes of the book of heaven and 14 volumes of the book of earth are distributed. Each group will get one randomly. The examination time is 120 hours, that is, five days. "

"Five... Five days?! what do we eat?" When it comes to this, there is an obvious color of anxiety on Akira's face.

"Well, you can find a way to solve it yourself. There are many wild animals, of course, there are many beasts, poisonous insects and poisonous weeds. Because there are only 13 volumes of the book of heaven, there are only 13 groups left at most. There may be members killed or injured during the examination, so there may be no more than 13 groups. "

What yushouxihongdou said is true. Many people can't help swallowing and spitting.

"The last one, you are not allowed to open the scroll before you reach the tower!"

erhei: "what if you open it?"

Red bean showed a very strange smile: "why don't you try?"

the rules have been explained, and all ninjas are ready to go.

"OK, I'll announce that the second game of Zhongren test starts now!"

with the command of the competition, everyone goes to different entrances...


"Damn it!"

there is a group of three people who are just approaching a big tree and are hanged up by a big net. Not only that, but also a lot of swords come out from all directions Being shot is a serious injury.

"It seems that the good play has already begun..." yushouxihongdou heard the scream inside, but his face showed a look of excitement...

"where is it called?" Hearing the scream, erhei couldn't help looking around.

Meng Xiaomeng: "so... So scary..."

Lei Yin: "you two don't have to be afraid, just follow me closely."

Er Hei sighed and said to Lei Yin, "this scroll is the safest to put on you."

The second black group got the book of the earth, and the scroll was kept by Lei Yin.

"Just keep up with you? You are so confident!"

just in time, several figures suddenly rushed towards Lei Yin, and ER heiba's samurai sword came to meet them, blocking the person in front of them all of a sudden... , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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