Published at 25th of May 2022 08:37:07 AM

Chapter 412

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"Give me enough!"

the sound of Jin's bell was disturbing people. At this time, the thunder flashed by and a white light suddenly appeared, directly cutting off Jin's artery.

Lei Yin's A-level white blade killed Jin Chui.

Erhei had just received a heavy blow from a voice. He shook his head violently and gradually recovered.

At this time, TOS, who had just been blown away by the beast wave gale palm, came back and saw the dead Jin Chui and the sack who had broken an arm. He was even more angry: "you damned guys! I will never spare you!"

then he rushed forward, and the air hole on his arm gradually widened...

er Hei stared at him, dancing his sword and stormed away<

"secret sword: Yan Hui!"

er Hei's speed is amazing. When he flies close to TOS, the light on the blade becomes brighter and brighter.

That's chakra gathering.

Seeing this, TOS's eyes suddenly widened and his pupils shrank. When he was about to release the move, he was beheaded and his blood was splashed.

After using this move, erhei suddenly fell to the ground, and the sword body was also inserted on the ground.

Leiyin also went up and ended Sark's life.

In this way, after a fierce battle, Leiyin three killed Yinren three.

Although erhei couldn't get up, he didn't get hurt. The move [secret sword · Yanhui] just now was a move that focused most of chakra's body on the sword body and feet, and released instantly. It was not only powerful but also very fast.

So, er Hei almost ran out of chakra. Although he was weak on the ground, his smile was still on his face: "Lei Yin, you are not the only one who has been practicing hard and become stronger silently!" he said, and ER Hei also gave Lei Yin a thumbs up.

Lei yinchong smiles at him, saying "I know.".

This time, Lei Yin praised the strength of Er Hei. For example, the strength of Yinren Trio in xiaren middle school is also the upper middle school. If he can defeat one of Yinren, it means that his strength is close to Zhongren!

and the move [Dance of two days and the moon], which was just used, is not as powerful as [Dance of three days and the moon], but as a good example, it is worth mentioning It's very valuable to endure.

It can be seen that in order to enhance their strength, Erhai has really made a lot of efforts.

Leiyin searched the three dead Yinren and found a scroll from the leader TOS.

This scroll... Is the book of the earth.

Seeing this, erhei's fists smashed to the ground: "we fought so hard that we almost lost our lives. As a result, we still captured the same scroll as ourselves, which is disgusting!"

according to the examination rules, only by collecting the book of heaven and the book of earth to reach the tower of the death forest can we win. In this way, it is a futile battle.

"Don't complain. Luck is also a part of strength. Let's go on looking for it." Lei Yin said and folded up the scroll.

Because erheichakra was almost exhausted, Leiyin found some small wild animals nearby and cooked them with fire. It was a lunch for everyone.

A few hours later, the two black chakra almost recovered, a few people continue to move forward.

"Hello! Hand in your scrolls...

there is a call behind them when they are walking.

When you look around, you can see that it's rixiangningci, lilocke and Tiantian.

It's caiban.

Ning CI still remembers the scene when Lei Yin blocked Zhongren in front of classroom 201.

More importantly...

"hand over the book of the earth in your hands!" he said faintly.

Hearing this, erhei was surprised: "why do you know..."

Lei Yin said to erhei, "isn't it strange? He has white eyes. I'm afraid he's already seen the scroll in my pocket."

Ning CI continued: "you actually have two volumes of the book of the earth, which shows that a group has been defeated by you. What can you do?"

"Is that the book of heaven in your hands?" Lei Yin asked.

"Of course, if anyone has the ability, grab the scroll in the other party's hands." Ningci did not hide.

"Wait, this guy... Give it to me." He walked forward every day and looked directly at Lei Yin.

Obviously, she is still worried about being defeated in the graduation exam.

"I also want to fight with him, this guy is... Very strong," Li Locke said.

It is also Li Locke's wish to fight with the strong.

"After all, we are all woody. I don't want to engage in so many intrigues. Let's have a fair one-on-one fight. The final winner gets the scroll in the other's hand. What do you think?" Said rixiangningci.

Lei Yin: "just what I want."

"Hey, don't look down on people. Lei Yin is not the only one in class 16!"One side of erhei is not willing to drink, and rushes to Ningci...

he is not willing to drink , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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