Published at 25th of May 2022 08:37:04 AM

Chapter 415

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Seeing this scene, Li Locke and ER Hei, who are fighting, also stop.

Seeing this every day, he looks down and depressed.

Ning Ci, who had just been shot off, came back wobbly with an extremely unwilling look on his face.

But they did lose.

Ning CI seemed to be exhausted. He took out the book of heaven from his forbearance bag: "we lost. Take it."

Although Ning CI is aloof and aloof, he is still a trustworthy person. When he loses, he takes the initiative to take out the book of heaven.

Leiyin not only didn't take their book of heaven, but also handed over his book of earth.

Seeing this, the rest of the five people were shocked!

"Hey, what do you mean!"

Ning CI couldn't believe it. He looked at Lei Yin and said.

"We have two books of the earth. If we give them to you, we have another volume. If you give them to me, you will have nothing." Lei Yin laughs strangely, but it doesn't seem to be deceiving.

"But if you don't want it, there is still no book of heaven." Asked lillock.

Lei Yin looked confident: "the examination will be finished in three days. Do you think that with our strength, we will not be able to grab a volume of the book of heaven?"

The three felt that there was some truth in what he said.

Has been like "decadent" every day, at this time suddenly stood up: "Hello! Are you looking down on us? "

Lei Yin still smiles: "everyone is woody, even if it's a help. The most important thing is that I think you have great potential and will definitely be my strong opponents in the future, so I don't want to lose opponents like you. "

When Li Locke heard the speech, he was almost moved to cry: "this is youth, what a broad-minded youth!"

Lei Yin said, put the book of the earth into Ning Ci's hands, and Ning CI also raised a smile: "you are really interesting, Lei Yin. I know that although I still have some gap with you, one day, I will catch up with you."

"Then I'm waiting for this day."

Lei Yin does so, erhei and Meng Xiaomeng don't say anything, and the two groups say goodbye.

After more than 20 steps, he yelled after her every day: "Lei Yin! We owe you a favor this time! Remember... I will beat you in the future!"

for Jiao's cheering every day, Lei Yin didn't wave back to her to show that he understood.

In fact, the reason why Leiyin didn't take their book of heaven and gave them the book of earth is not that he said they had potential, but that Leiyin didn't want to change the track of Huoying's history.

At least for now, he doesn't want to.

Although Li Locke, Ning Ci and Tian Tian are not weak in the later stage, they are definitely not Lei Yin's target.

Lei Yin's target is Naruto, Sasuke, ban, daitu... And even the big tube muhuiye! If he changes history too much, he is afraid of causing too much butterfly effect and can't attract these six strong men.

In the original book, the tiantianyi group entered the third test. If they take away their book of heaven, it is hard to guarantee that they will enter the third test.

In the condition of not changing one's mind, take a message.

It's Lei Yin's words. There are still three days to go, and a Book of heaven should be a search for something for him.

Lei Yin, who left Suning and other three, walked in the forest for more than two hours.

"Please... Please don't kill me! Whoa!

as they were walking, they heard a scream from the other side of the woods.

Meng Xiaomeng and ER Hei are surprised. Lei Yin flashes over and hides under a big tree to watch the situation there.

"Casket bound with sand!"

like a yellow boa constrictor, a pool of sand entangles a foggy man to death with only one face, which looks like doomsday.

Next to them are two bodies of Wuyin ninja, which have already become bloody.

A panda eye short man with a gourd on his back manipulated the sand and wrapped it more and more on the man.

"Please... Please let me go! I'll give you my scroll!"

Ninja Wuyin's voice trembled with fright, and the cry of despair was heard all the time.

The guy with the gourd on his back would not listen to him. He reached forward with one hand and held it forcefully:

"funeral in Sandstorm!"

"bang" made a dull sound. The sand tightened in an instant, and the corpse disappeared. The blood light splashed all over the sky and fell on the ground again.

It was bloody.

Needless to say, the man who controls the sand is shayin's [sandstorm] I love Luo...

I love Luo , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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