Published at 25th of May 2022 08:37:03 AM

Chapter 416

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"It's a pleasure to kill people!" I licked the corner of my mouth with my tongue, and there was a trace of bloodthirsty excitement on my face.

Behind him, Kan Jiulang and Shouju, who are in the same group, don't look very good.

Kan Jiulang looked at me Ai Luo over there and said in a low voice to the hand next to him: "every time I come out with him to perform a task or something, I'm always scared."

Hand Ju also whispered: "yes, he's really scary..."

on the other side, Lei Yin has returned to his teammates. He said to them: "you can go around here and go straight ahead to reach the central tower. I'll get the book of heaven and join you right away. When you go there, you must be fast. When you get to the tower, find a hidden place to hide. "

Erhei: "no, I want to go with you."

Lei Yin: "now is not the time to be a hero. I'm not sure that guy ever beat him, but even if I can't beat him, I can definitely run away. You two hurry up and do as I say, and we'll pass the exam! "

erhei pulls Meng Xiaomeng up and says," OK, let's go first. You must follow me. "

Meng Xiaomeng: "Lei Yin, you must be careful...

" don't worry! "

With that, they went to the direction designated by Lei Yin.

Watching them walk away, Lei Yin quickly goes in the direction just now...

on the other side.

"We already have so many scrolls in our hands. Now hurry to the tower." Hand bow brow tight wrinkly, say.

I love Luo has killed several groups of ninjas and snatched the scroll from them, but he still looks discontented: "let's see if there are any 'prey', you know, killing is a kind of fun."

Hearing this, Kan Jiulang and Shouju looked at each other and sighed at the same time.

Just as he was talking, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the three people.

When they saw it, the man was a young man in his early twenties.

The man said, "since you have so many scrolls, how about one or two

The man's tone is very provocative, and Kan Jiulang and Shouju have a confused face.

Is this man crazy? How dare you challenge me? I love Luo with a rare smile: "this time I met so many ninjas in the exam, you are the first one to dare to talk to me like this."

Kan Jiulang looked puzzled and said to the young man, "I didn't see you at all during the exam. Who are you?"

I love Luo raised my hand and his face was obviously excited: "no matter who he is, he will soon become a corpse!".

"Sand when rain!"

suddenly, I love Luo clenched his fist, the sand of the ground gathered in the air, and then it fell like a torrential rain.

I don't know when the young man has disappeared in place.

"Sword in the hand of sand!"

I love Luo, sensing the position of the young man, suddenly raised his hand to the right, and the sandy ground turned into a sword in his hand.

Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish.

I guess the young man is on his right.

In fact, it's not a guess, it's a feeling based on one's own perception.

"Casket bound by sand!"

I love Luo, who controls the desertified ground, attacks the young man who has appeared. The sand, like vitality, quickly entangles the man's body.

Men are wrapped up like zongzi.

"I wanted to play with you for two more rounds, but I didn't expect that you were just like that!"

I said, flattening my right arm, and suddenly holding it on my right hand:

"sandstorm funeral!"

"bang", the wrapped sand was suddenly compressed, directly crushing the opponent's body.

Suddenly, blood light splashed all over the sky.

I love Luo, who was in a high mood, and his eyes flashed a trace of decline: "I thought he had two talents, but I didn't expect that he was just a snob."

On one side, Kan Jiulang and Shouju sighed. Although the scene was bloody, they seemed to be used to it.

"Sure enough, I love Luo is a monster that can't be surpassed." Hand Ju murmured in a low voice.

"It seems that I didn't bring you much interest!"

suddenly, a voice came. When the voice just fell, the young man stood in front of the three.


when they were stunned at the same time, they all felt quite incredible.

I love Luo, who has always been calm and indifferent, can't help but burst out laughing: "Wow, ha ha ha! It seems that you really have two talents, so let's see who can kill each other..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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