Published at 25th of May 2022 08:37:01 AM

Chapter 418

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I love Luo's body quickly tail beast, Lei Yin's eyes also become scarlet.

"Is this guy from the yuzhibo family?"

Kan Jiulang exclaimed in amazement.

The young man drank softly:

"writing wheel eyes · divine power!"

for a moment, the man's eyes were like the center of the vortex, as if absorbing everything around him.

At the next moment, heaven and earth seem to disappear. Shouju, Kan Jiulang and I Ai Luo, who are rapidly becoming tailed animals, just feel that they are in a gray space, and I Ai Luo gradually becomes normal again from tailing animals. Shouju and Kan Jiulang were so frightened that they couldn't make a sound. Even I love Luo feel a little uneasy.

Before long, the gray space gradually disappeared, and the three returned to the original world.

As if to see the sun again, he touched his body up and down to see if he was hurt: "just... What happened just now? Where's the man

When they looked again, the figure of the man had disappeared.

Kan Jiulang was in a state of shock: "can we say that we have met a demon?"

"Damn, one volume of the book of heaven is missing!"

I love Luo took out a pile of scrolls, only one volume of the book of heaven is missing.

Hand Ju has not recovered from the fear: "what was that just now?"

I love Luo's brow pressed: "what I know is not very clear. It's a kind of space Ninja called" Shenwei "... That guy's strength is far beyond Shangren..."

Kan Jiulang has an incredible look: "far... Far beyond How can I bear it? "


words are divided into two parts. The young man with "book of heaven" and "book of earth" two scrolls, high-speed shuttle in the forest, suddenly, into a 12-year-old boy.

It was Lei Yin who changed the young man who was fighting with three of my friends just now.

Since he came here from the world of pirates, he has been practicing with writing wheel eyes. Before the middle school entrance examination, he has already practiced "Shenwei"!

at this time, he has possessed "eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes", so it is not difficult to practice "Shenwei".

As a matter of fact, to use Shenwei for the current three person group of I love Luo can be said to be killing chickens with ox knife. He just wants to practice his hand.

Moreover, in order to change the plot, Lei Yin just took one of the "book of heaven" which I love Luo snatched from many groups, and did not kill them. I love Luo's scroll in their hands can completely pass the exam.

The principle of Shenwei is to transfer itself or other objects around it from the earthly space and heterometric space to achieve its own purpose. In short, it is to bring something you can see into the space of different degrees, or to bring something in the space of different degrees into the real space. The size or weight of the controlled object depends on the pupil force of the performer.


as soon as he arrived near the central tower, erhei called out to him.

"Oh! Are you all right? "Said Lei Yin, running to meet them.

"How's it going? Have you got the book of heaven Two black slightly interest ground asks a way.

The next moment, Lei Yin's face flashed an obvious color of loss.

It doesn't look like it's going to work.

Er Hei patted Lei Yin on the shoulder: "it doesn't matter. Among the three of us, you've done a good job. If it's too big, we'll look for it."

"Yes, we can't rely on you alone." Meng Xiaomeng also added.

They comforted Lei Yin, who couldn't help laughing.


then Lei Yin took out two scrolls from the bag, one is the book of heaven and the other is the book of earth.

"Ha? So you're teasing us." Er Hei smiles and pats Lei Yin on the shoulder.

"Brother Leiyin, you are really capable!" Meng Xiaomeng also said.

"It's not too late. Let's go." Lei Yin said, will take two people into the central tower. At this time, Meng Xiaomeng stopped.

"Go, Xiaomeng." Two black urges a way.

At this time, Meng Xiaomeng lowered her head and looked very lonely.

"What's the matter with you?" Lei Yin didn't know what she meant.

Unexpectedly, Meng Xiaomeng's voice was crying: "I feel that I'm useless. Every time I do a task or compete with others, I can't help at all. Sometimes I try my best to hold everyone back. Sometimes, looking at brother Leiyin so strong, I really hate myself..."

with that, Meng Xiaomeng began to cry.

"Everyone has their own characteristics. What's more, we just graduated from xiaren. As for me, I just worked hard. In fact, you performed very well. When we played Yinren, you were willing to give up your life for your partner. I think such companions are powerful and reliable. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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