Published at 25th of May 2022 08:37:00 AM

Chapter 419

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Lei Yin's words are magnificent, but they come from the heart.

Not to mention erhei. At first Meng Xiaomeng thought that he had killed Yinren and had to take his life for revenge. Erhei was very moved.

"Do you really think so?" Meng Xiaomeng looks at them pitifully.

"Of course." Lei Yin and ER Hei nodded.

When they say this, Meng Xiaomeng smiles, and the three of them gather together to walk towards the central tower...

because the arrival of thunder has changed some of the history of Huoying, the 21 who entered the third exam in the original book are now 21. Without jianmeicheng, TOS and Sark, there are three more people, Leiyin, erhei and Meng Xiaomeng.

These 20 people walked into the third arena.

The three men of asmaban were among them.

Yamanakano looks at Sasuke with a crazy face; Nara has a bad face, as if he thinks things are very troublesome; Akira touches his stomach for several times, takes out a packet of potato chips from his pocket, and eats them as if nothing had happened.

On the other side, there is a row of Shangren, all of them are the teachers who lead the team.

Mackay looked at Kakashi next to him, with a smile on his lips: "your class's luck is really good, you can pass all of them, but next, it won't be so smooth, because our class is in... The next exam depends on our strength. Youth is sometimes bitter and sometimes harsh, Kakashi...

Kakashi is a teacher Vice lazy appearance, this just slowly turned his head: "ah? Are you talking to me?"

Kay said a lot of words, but Kakashi turned a blind eye to it, which made Kay suffer ten thousand points of damage at once. He thought in his heart: "damn! We are really eternal opponents, Kakashi! You are cruel!"

the three faces of kaiban are full of fighting spirit.

In addition, I love Luo ban three people, there are three days to Hata also passed the exam.

Dog grave teeth looking at there I love Luo, eyes show a pair of very not adapt to the expression, his arms red pill also shrink neck, shivering dare not come out.

The forefinger of day ruddy farmland hands lightly touch, blush to look at Naruto, in the heart is very gratified.

Like naruto, erhei seems to be very excited.

Every day has been looking at the thunder, do not know what to think.

Meng Xiaomeng is still timid. She feels very nervous.

Dahe class is recognized as the weakest among these classes. Xirihong looks at Dahe next to him: "I can't believe that your class has passed all of them."

Dahe said with a modest smile: "yes, I didn't think of it."

With a megaphone, yushouxihongdou announced in a loud voice: "next, let's invite Huoying to explain the related matters of the third test... You all have to listen! Huoying, please...

three generations of Huoying cleared his throat with a pipe:" about the third test, there is one thing I want to make clear first. "


"that's why we have this last game."

"What is the reason?" some students also want to know.

Three generations of Huoying pulled the hat: "the reason why the allies want to jointly hold this exam is to deepen the friendship among countries and enhance the strength of ninja. I hope you don't misinterpret its meaning. In short, this exam is actually the epitome of the war between the Allies...

the high sounding words of the three generations of Huoying made some students very impatient, such as Yu Zhibo, zouzu, I love Luo, and Lei Yin even dozed off.

"Well, I don't have much to say, you can come out first!"

as soon as the voice of the three generations of Huoying fell, a figure suddenly appeared.

"Then I'll take care of the next work!".

"Hello, everyone, my name is gale... Cough..."

moonlight gale is the special endurance of wood leaves, with thick black circles under the eyes, always like a disaster.

Seeing the examiners like this, the students suddenly feel less pressure.

All of a sudden, the moon's face became gloomy, which made his sick face even more strange: "this round of competition needs to have a preliminary election, which will determine whether you are qualified for the third exam..."

"preliminary election?"

"the first two exams were too easy, and the number of people left behind was a little large, so we should cut down according to the rules People... "

hearing this, the hearts of the students were raised to their voices again.

"Previously, Huoying said that there would be many VIP guests coming to watch the battle, so the time is limited, so it can't be delayed too long... So if you feel sick or don't want to continue after listening to my instructions, please raise your hand, if not, we will start the preliminary election!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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