Published at 25th of May 2022 08:43:19 AM

Chapter 42

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"Is this really helping you?" he asked

Lei Yin nodded for sure.

T. Penn: "well, I promise to do good every day."

After a series of disturbances during the voyage, the warship finally arrived at its final destination, marinfando, the headquarters of the Navy.

As soon as I arrived at the port, I felt a majestic momentum. What came into my eyes was a huge Fortress (the front fortress that was destroyed by the war many years later in the original work). Two big words "Navy" were written on it. These two words were written by the hand of the Warring States period by the marshal of the Navy.

Marinfando, the island has a huge military fortress and large towns where military families live, as well as numerous heavy guns and numerous naval ships. Above the fortress, there are offices and conference rooms for marshals, generals and generals, as well as trees, flowers and other plants and lawn space.

Around the fort there are four huge high-rise sentries, on which the flags of four seagulls are flying, which are the symbols of the Navy.

Finally set foot on Malin Fando, t pen went to general Kapp with Leiyin.

When he found Kapp, he was wearing a dog's head mask with tea and snacks beside him. He was basking in the sun in his yard and looked very relaxed.

When t pen saw Kapp, he respectfully saluted: "Captain pen, bring private Lei Yin, report to the lieutenant general!"

Kapp took off his dog's mask and looked at them with a smile: "Oh, you're here at last. I'm so worried."

Thunder sound a head black line: "anxious? I didn't see it at all... "

T Penn touched the thunder voice with his hand: "Hello, this is lieutenant general Kapp. Please be polite..."

"It doesn't matter," Kapp interrupted before Penn finished. "That's what this kid looks like. I'm used to it in shields."

Kapp is a real easygoing person.

Later, Penn truthfully told Kapp about Leiyin's capture of diamandi.

Kapp got up from his chair. "Now, what about the diamandians?"

Peng en said: "it's handcuffed with the stone of the sea floor, and it's still under escort on the warship, waiting for your treatment. What Leiyin means is to take the credit I'm sorry, but I don't think it's appropriate, so I'd like to ask for your advice... "

"That's it!" Unexpectedly, Capulet immediately agreed, "diamandi said you captured it alive."

When Kapp said that, t Penn didn't refuse.

Penn then said, "well, what should we do with him now?"

"You go down first and give him directly to the marshal of the Warring States period," Kapp said

"Yes, sir Pen saluted and went straight down.

After Penn left, Kapp came and patted Leiyin on the shoulder: "I didn't expect that we two wanted to go together. I can't see that you are still a low-key man. Ha ha ha... "

Lei Yin spread out his hand: "well, I just want to practice quietly for a period of time, and I don't want to be bothered by too many external factors."

Kapp: "yes, the capture of the Don Quixote family, or the top cadre, will certainly cause a small shock in the world. If you let others know that this is the work of a 16-year-old third class soldier, it will surely attract the attention of the world. By then, you may not have a safe life. "

"By the way, where are you going to put me? Do you want to fight with ordinary soldiers? Or should I have an officer to direct the troops? " Lei Yin asked.

Kapp laughed. "None of them."


"With your age and strength, a formal Navy is not suitable for you. You have said that you need to cultivate yourself. So I think about it and I should arrange you in [youth training camp]."

"Youth training camp?"

Then, kapuxie said with a smile: "yes, when you get there, you should work hard for me. If you behave well, how about introducing yuanhuatina from the youth training camp to you as a girlfriend?"


Lei Yin was full of depression: "old man, not to mention that you are a Navy Lieutenant, can you be a little serious when you are old?"

"Ah ha ha..."

However, speaking of Tina, it seems very familiar. Lei Yin thought. By the way, remember, this guy is a Superman with the ability to tie the threshold. She is called [black threshold] Tina. Many years later, she became a captain of the Navy headquarters, and later became a major general of the headquarters. She is a real beauty. Unexpectedly, Tina is also in the youth training camp now.

Suddenly, Lei Yin thought of something, he asked Kapp: "old man, do I still enter the youth training camp as a third class soldier?"

Kapp raised a finger: "you are so powerful, of course, you will not enter the cradle of future naval officers with such a low rank."

"Is it?" Lei yindao.

"Well, I'm going to raise your rank."

"What?" Leiyin looks at Kapp with some expectant eyes.Kapp solemnly said: "next, I officially announce that private Lei Yin will join the youth training camp as a private student."

Lei Yin was depressed: "ha? You've been a private for a long time? Are you teasing me, old man

"I didn't see the joke. The army's orders are like a mountain. I want you to report to the youth training camp immediately tomorrow. There must be no mistake."

"Well Ok... " Lei Yin has a black line.

Ah, Kapp, it's really the old man who is full of childishness.

In fact, Lei Yin doesn't mind the military rank. What's the use of being a navy general now? If you don't have the strength, you can become a marshal directly. It's useless.

Just a moment before Lei Yin asked Kapu, Lei Yin had a bad feeling. Kapu was really fond of nonsense and gave himself a very low rank.

In fact, Kapp did this with a good intention. He knew that Leiyin was powerful and might have already surpassed the strength of the colonel or even the Brigadier General of his headquarters. He did this to make Leiyin not be too conspicuous, to behave in a low-key way, and to enhance his strength silently. When that day suddenly broke out, he suddenly ascended to the top of the Navy. Second, he didn't want to let him Lei Yin is only 16 years old. After all, he is young and energetic. If he gives it to a military officer or even a school officer, he will become a general or even a general in the future. It's not good not to experience any storm.

Although Kapp is usually careless, he is a single celled creature. In fact, he is very smart. Otherwise, he would not have been in the high position of lieutenant general for so many years.

"By the way, smelly boy, the students in the youth training camp all have their own single dormitory, and your dormitory is only more than one kilometer away from my house. I specially left it for you. You can live there in the future."

Maybe in Kapp's heart, he has regarded Leiyin as his grandson , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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