Published at 25th of May 2022 08:36:59 AM

Chapter 420

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Hearing this, a man with a wooden leaf Ninja to protect his forehead slowly raised his hand: "I abstain!"

"dou Xuechang..." Sasuke and chunyeying all looked unbelievable.

"Why? Why do you want to give up Naruto is not reconciled to him.

"I'm sorry, Naruto. In fact, I'm black and blue. To tell you the truth, before the first exam, I was almost deaf in my left ear because of Yinren. If I think about it for a while, I have to fight with my life... I've reached the limit." The pharmacist said lightly.

Among the Ninjas present, I'm afraid only Lei Yin knows what medicine he bought in the gourd.

Meng Xiaomeng seems to be still hesitating, but when she looks at Lei Yin, she makes up her mind to stick to it.

"Now, no one wants to quit, right?" Continued the moonlight gale.

There was no sound on the court.

Moonlight gale: "in this case, then this is the beginning of the preliminary election, this is a personal battle, take the form of one-on-one combat."

"In addition to the retired pharmacists, there are just 20 people who will compete in ten rounds, and the winner can take part in the third game."

"However, in my opinion, the outcome is obvious. In order to minimize the number of corpses, I will take the initiative to terminate the competition. And what determines your destiny is... "

with a wave of the moonlight, the big screen in front of you is pulled down and two electronic screens appear," then it will decide the names of the two belligerents in the first round. "

With the rapid rolling of names on the screen, many people's hearts are pulled up again, and even the sound of some people swallowing saliva can be heard.

The results of the first round came out quickly.

Yuzhibo Sasuke vs erhei!

seeing this scene, Sakura chunye shows a worried color: "Sasuke, I'm so scared. If you think it's not OK, you should give up!"

Sakura chunye refers to the spell left by the big snake pill in the death forest. If it breaks out, it will make you feel very scared.

Sasuke heard this, with an impatient expression: "you don't come here to get in the way, and I'm injured, don't tell others, I come here to fight with the strong, rixiangningci, the thick eyebrow, the cucurbit back and the guy of Daiwa team, you're not allowed to get in the way of me!"

Naruto hears the words, with an angry face: "you bastard! What do you pretend! Sakura She is concerned about you...

"Naruto..." before Naruto finished, Sasuke looked at him seriously, "I'm eager to fight with you, too!"

"ah?!" Naruto was stunned.

"Please come to the front of the two people whose names appear on the screen!"

Yu Zhibo, Sasuke and erhei stand opposite each other. Sasuke's left shoulder is aching and the curse is looming. Erhei also seems to feel some strange things about him...

"then, except for the contestants, all the others please go up there."

"The first round, start!"

when Kakashi went up, he rubbed past Sasuke: "don't use the writing wheel eye."


"if the curse on your neck breaks out, you will die. If it turns out that way, I will rush up and stop you without hesitation. "

Sasuke: "when Meng Xiaomeng goes up, he cheers on ER Hei. Er Hei shows his big teeth and smiles at Meng Xiaomeng.

"Well, then, let's go!"

as soon as the order of the game came down, Sasuke took out a few of them from the newspaper and suddenly threw them out.

Seeing this, erhei draws his sword and waves it. The edge of the sword "jingles" to stop the suffering. Then erhei jumped into the air and fell head-on to Sasuke.

Sasuke see, once again took out a bitterness, block two black sword.

However, Sasuke immediately felt that the strength of his wrist was poor. When his hand was loose, he yelled "not good" in his heart. He got away and hit the ground with his sword. Several floors were broken.

Being repulsed, Sasuke didn't feel discouraged, but showed a trace of pleasure: "are you all as strong as you in Dahe class?"

erhei carried his sword on his shoulder and said with a smile: "the man in our class is dozens of times better than me."

Hearing the speech, Sasuke can't help but turn to look at Lei Yin who is watching the battle over there.

"Is that so? This test is really interesting! "

Sasuke said, one flew over, almost at the speed of his opponent's reaction, quickly kicked his chin:

" lion with bullets! "

er Hei was kicked up by surprise.

However, his body seems to be out of control, and ER Hei still seems to be moving...

Sasuke points out two fingers at Er Hei's waist, but at this time, a sharp pain comes from his neck, and the curse is looming.


Sasuke tried his best to suppress his thoughts, and then he felt , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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