Published at 25th of May 2022 08:36:58 AM

Chapter 421

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A smile appeared on Sasuke's face: "sorry, I'm going to win!"

in mid air, Sasuke's leg kicked erhei's waist and bounced down with force:

"the lion continued to play!"

"boom", erhei was directly bombarded on the ground, Sasuke completed a series of actions.

"Huhu..." Sasuke tired of asthma, has relaxed, it seems that he has won.

"No! No!" suddenly, Sasuke's pupils contracted and his face became tense again.

"Dance of two sun and moon!"

suddenly, two black figures came from Sasuke's left and right sides, holding swords.

It turns out that when Sasuke ejected him into the air just now, and a spell appeared on his neck, er Hei had already made a rapid seal and made two shadow parts. Just now, Sasuke used the [lion's volley] to defeat only two black and one shadow.

"In that case, there's no way." As if Sasuke had already felt the general, his hands also quickly sealed:

"Huodun · haohuoqiu skill!"

"boom", the flame soared from his mouth. When the "two erhei" approached, affected by the flame, a shadow suddenly burst, while his master protected him with a knife, and was directly impacted on the wall and fell heavily.

Two black vomit blood, difficult to stand up.

"In the first round, yuzhibo will help win! Pass the preliminary election!" the moonlight gale announced loudly.

Naruto jumped up excitedly: "great!"

on one side, Sakura chunye didn't feel very good, because she was still worried about the curse on Sasuke's neck.

When Li Locke saw Sasuke, he was afraid. Because the move that Sasuke just used [lion Liantan], is the move that Sasuke copied himself [Biao Lianhua].

"How terrible is the lineage of yuzhibo family..."

"in this way, who is stronger, RI Ningci or yuzhibo zuozhu?"

While people were talking, Sasuke's neck hurt again.

At this time, a group of people from the medical class came, and they carried erhei down for treatment.

Kakashi quickly flashed to Sasuke: "let me come, I will seal his spell."

After Kakashi took Sasuke away, moonlight gale announced the start of the second round.

The name on the big screen is rolling rapidly, just like people's rolling heart. Suddenly, the screen stops and two names are displayed on it.

"In the second round, Meng Xiaomeng vs. red body armor!"

seeing her name, Meng Xiaomeng's petite body was stunned and extremely nervous. She subconsciously gathered behind Lei Yin.

Lei Yin patted her on the shoulder: "it doesn't matter. You just take it as a game. You don't have to work as hard as erhei. If you think you can't, you just surrender and give up."

Hearing this, Meng Xiaomeng nodded. She walked on the stage tremblingly and stood opposite to the red carcass armor.

This red body armor wears glasses to cover the face, but still can feel the chill on his body.

"Oh, I didn't expect to be a lovely and beautiful little sister. It really inspired me to fight! Ah ha ha...

Meng Xiaomeng takes a deep breath, but stares at him.

"Meng Xiaomeng, it's really more and more lovely now..."

"yes, I think so, too."

"It's cute like her name."

Some of the boys on the top were in praise.

Once upon a time, Meng Xiaomeng was introverted and didn't dare to talk much. She had a low sense of existence in the class. Now that she has become a formal Xia Ren, and entered the third exam, she also has that kind of "half blood Lori" appearance, which naturally attracted some attention.

Jealousy is a woman's nature.

When the boys said this, Sakura chunye, Inoue Yamanaka, Shouju and Tiantian all felt uncomfortable. Sakura chunye flicks her hair involuntarily, and yamanakano thinks: what's the big deal...

with the command of the game, Akagi smiles ferociously, takes out three swords in his hand, and suddenly throws them out. Meng Xiaomeng almost has no time to react and tries to dodge. As a result, he still has a sword in his hand and cuts his right arm directly.

Meng Xiaomeng covers his right arm, and the blood flows down.

Red carcass armor continued to grin: "Oh, dear little sister, you seem to be injured. Why didn't you scream? Let me hear your wonderful cry

As he said this, he stepped on the ground with his right foot and flew over. However, Meng Xiaomeng raised his fist to fight against him and was immediately shaken back.

Lei Yin, who was watching the battle above, clenched her fists tightly, sweating from her forehead, but prayed for Meng Xiaomeng to surrender earlier.

Meng Xiaomeng holds the ground in both hands and tries to stand up from the ground.

"Ah ha ha, I knew you were not defeated. Why? Because I didn't make any effort at all. I really want to hear the cry of a beautiful girl like youThe red carcass armor screams like crazy, and suddenly rushes to Meng Xiaomeng again...

the red carcass armor rushes to Meng Xiaomeng again , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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