Published at 25th of May 2022 08:36:56 AM

Chapter 424

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Naruto's cat's face was shocked: "his face... Actually peeled off? ! "

Kan Jiulang:" this indicates that another I love Luo is about to wake up. "

"The other I love?"

"well. If it falls into his hands, he will die miserably...


the layer of sand formed on the surface of I love Luo's skin is [sand armor]. From I love Luo Hulu, the unconscious defense of sand is [sand shield], and the defense of [sand armor] is less than [sand shield].

The sand is like poisonous snakes surging around me. Although his [sand shield] has been beaten to pieces and his [sand armor] has been beaten to pieces, his face is still indifferent: "are you the only one who can do it?"

I love Luo's double defense attacks a lot of Li Locke's damage, which makes Li Locke ponder: if he continues to fight like this, his layer of defense is still quite difficult to break, and he must cause a more powerful attack than just now... In this case, only lotus flower can be used!

thinking about this, Li Locke gently unties the bandage on his hand, and then surrounds my love Luo Fei ran up and took up the smoke and dust in the battle circle.

I love Luo eyes indifference, but some impatient expression on the face: "what do you want to do, come quickly!"

"Then I'll do what you want!"

as he said this, Li Locke flew over and kicked my arrow on the chin. My arrow's body was out of control and kicked off.

"Damn it!"

I was kicked in the air by lillock's feet with a whisper.

The bandage on Li Locke's arms gradually fell off, directly entangled my arrow's body, and immediately rushed his head down. They whirled down and fell to the ground.

"Watch Lianhua!"

"boom" a loud noise, I love Luo head on the ground, Li Locke jumped away.

"Is this... Dead?"

When the smoke dissipated and slowly appeared, all the people fixed their eyes and saw that there was only one empty shell left.

On the stage, Mackay was shocked: "when did you escape? Xiao Li should have noticed it!"

Kakashi: "just in the moment when you blinked, his speed was really fast...

when I love Luo appeared again, he had a ferocious face around Li Locke's back.

As a result, I love Luo's hands together, and the sand of the gourd is completely liberated. It is like a waterfall that spreads all over the world...


Li Locke is impacted by a large amount of sand, utters a scream and falls on the wall.

"Xiao Li, why doesn't he hide?" Above, chunye Sakura can't help asking.

Kai sighed: "in fact, Lianhua is a move that both sides are hurt..."


Kai: "Lianhua was originally forbidden."

Kakashi added: "this high-speed movement will increase the load on his body. Does it hurt when he moves, Kay?"

Kay nodded.

Lei Yin was watching the game all the time, more carefully than any other game.

At this time, lillock stood up from the ground and surprised me.

Teacher a Kai is looking at me and laughing, which is enough to revive me.

Even if you are in a dilemma, you need to be strong...

even stronger than before!

the lotus flower of woody leaves will bloom again!

looking at Li Locke who stands up again, I suddenly smile: "you will die here!"

Li Locke ignores his words, and a vague breath flows on his body.

Seeing something wrong with the situation on the court, Kakashi's pupil tightened: "Kay, you should not be...

Kay's face was solemn:" you guessed well. "

On the court.

Li Locke's breath is more and more strong...

Ning Ci, Sasuke, Naruto, and Leiyin...

I don't want to be eliminated here alone!

teacher a Kai, please agree with me... Now is the time for me to carry out my forbearance way!

"the third door, student door, open!"

Li Locke's whole body exudes a violent breath and faces all directions Fang swept away, his eyes almost disappeared, his hair stood up like wire, and his whole body turned red.

"The fourth door, the injured door, open!"

with a loud bang, a big pit appeared at the foot of lillock, and the gravel on the ground floated up...

all the people in the hall were shocked. Lei Yin is staring at the whole fire shadow, he thinks the greatest Ninja...

eight door dunjia!

regardless of everything, even death, in a short time to obtain extremely powerful!To die without knowing death is to be ignorant;

to die without knowing death is to be fearless!

with a bang, Li Locke ran to the place where he passed. The ground was nearly broken, and the wind pressure was almost blinding , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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