Published at 25th of May 2022 08:36:54 AM

Chapter 426

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Muye village, a relatively dark and uninhabited corridor.

One man leaned against the post and the other stood beside him.

It's big snake pill and pharmacist's bag.

They are planning to destroy Muye village.

"Muye is still a leisurely place. Other countries are preparing for war, but they are enjoying peace." The big snake pill has a sly smile on its face, and the evil spirit shows in its eyes.

The pharmacist pushed up his glasses and said, "then just take this opportunity to take it down."

"Yes, I don't know if it's fun to take down the head of that old thing of three generations."

The pharmacist said with a smile: "the head of three generations? Big snake pill, do you really think so?"


"it seems to me that you haven't made up your mind yet."

"You mean, he used to be my teacher, so I will be merciful?"

"of course, you are not the kind of indecisive person. We destroy this village, in addition to fun, but also to capture that person... "

" you can understand... "

in the third examination room.

"I told you before that you will play in front of everyone. Each of you represents the fighting power of your own country. At that time, I hope you can play your best. " "First of all, congratulations to the players who have entered the preliminary election. Then, the formal competition will be held in a month's time!"

"what? A month later? "

"I thought it would start now."

"Cough..." the third generation cleared his throat, "this period of time, is to prepare for everyone."

"Get ready?"

"well. The official selection and the preliminary selection are different. At that time, Fengying and the leaders of some countries will come back to watch the competition. For the sake of fairness, please work hard in this month. Of course, it's OK to have a good rest. "

"Well, Lord Huoying, let's...

" don't worry. Although I also want you to dissolve, there is one more thing to do. "

Hearing the words, Naruto could not bear it for a long time. On the cat's face, he was worried: "what's the matter? I have to hurry up to practice! "

Three generations: "don't worry, each of you takes a piece of paper from the box red bean takes."

Taking advantage of this extraction time, Lei Yin moved his mind and came to the Holy Buddha ridge.

Buddha is still sitting on one side, closed his eyes and said, "what do you want me to do this time? I don't think you're here to practice?"

"Buddha's lesson, I have something to ask...

when Lei Yin left Shengfuling, everyone drew their own notes.

The battle situation, whirlpool Naruto vs RI Ningci... Leiyin vs chitui armor...

it turns out that Leiyin just flew to the Holy Buddha ridge and asked the Buddha to use his magic power to help him fight with chitui armor.

He wants to avenge Meng Xiaomeng.

"Well, hard work! See you in a month, disband!"

after disbanding, Lei Yin went to Ninja hospital nonstop.

Erhei was not seriously injured and could be discharged after a few days' rest.

Lei Yin goes to Meng Xiaomeng again. Although Meng Xiaomeng has suffered a lot of damage, she has been treated very well. It's no big problem.

However, when she saw Lei Yin looking at herself, a rare smile appeared on her always melancholy face, "brother Lei Yin, who is your opponent? Did you win?"

Lei Yin: "it's Qiu daoding of asmaban, I won."

Meng Xiaomeng: "I knew that. You are really good. How is erhei now? It doesn't matter, does it?

Lei Yin: "it doesn't matter. I just went to see him. He didn't get any serious damage, and he was discharged in a few days just like a strong calf."

Hearing this, Xiaomeng covered her mouth and chuckled. A blush appeared on her face, which made her more lovely.

Lei Yin: "take good care of yourself. I think you are much better. I'm going to practice for the next competition. First of all, I'll...

"Lei... Lei Yin brother..." hearing this, Meng Xiaomeng's smile disappears again and looks at Lei Yin with pitiful eyes.

"What... What's the matter?" Seeing Meng Xiaomeng like this, Lei Yin was stunned.

"Nothing... Nothing..." Meng Xiaomeng looks like she wants to talk and stops, and a look of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

Meng Xiaomeng, like erhei and Leiyin, is an orphan. In the hospital, except for medical ninja, she doesn't see anyone else every day. Those medical ninjas are just routine, take good care of his illness, not to mention any relatives.

She must feel lonely.

Lei Yin looks at her. Meng Xiaomeng is pathetic, which makes people feel heartache.

Lei Yin seemed to understand her meaning, and a smile hung on her face again: "well, during this period of time, when I finish my practice every day, I will come to see you, OK?""Really?" When Meng Xiaomeng heard this, he had a spirit in an instant , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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