Published at 25th of May 2022 08:36:49 AM

Chapter 431

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At the top of the audience.

Several sand bear surrounded by a person with a "wind" character hat slowly came here.

"Oh, welcome, Mr. Feng Ying!"

seeing Feng Ying coming, the three generations of Huoying are very happy, "it's hard for you to travel..."

although Feng Ying is wearing a mask, you can still see the cold color in his eyes: "it's better to hold in Muye. Although you are still young, I'm afraid you can't bear it It's better to decide the candidate for the fifth generation as soon as possible...

after hearing this, the three generations didn't have any anger on their faces, instead, they burst out laughing: "ha ha ha, don't treat me as an old man, I want to work for ten years."

"Well, it's time to start the game."

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for gathering here to watch the Zhongren test held by Muye village!"

then, the referee said to the participants, "listen, this is the last test, which is the same as the rules of the preliminary election. The competition will not stop until one party admits defeat or dies. However, when I decide that the game has been divided, I will take the initiative to stop it. Do you understand? "

"Well, in the first game, whirlpool Naruto vs RI Ningci!"

with the command of the game, they slowly came forward and stood opposite each other.

The rest of the players who won't compete for the time being went to the observation platform.

"If Naruto compares with ningcibi, I'm afraid there is no hope."

"It's just luck that the short Ninja has come to this day."

"The first game, start!"


RI Ningci sealed the acupoints on Naruto's body with [eight trigrams palm · sixty four palms] so that he could not use chakra.

When the referee thought that the victory had been divided, Naruto put his hands together and put a lot of red chakras out, which made everyone feel disgusted... Finally, Naruto beat Ning Ci by surprise.

After the unexpected ending, the whole audience applauded, Naruto ran around the playground excitedly, with a very bright smile on his face...


in the fourth game of the final, Leiyin vs red copper armor!

red copper armor slowly came to the stage. Although he was wearing sunglasses and black mask, he still felt the evil breath of his body, and Leiyin was facing him Come, but with a faint murderous.

"Come on, Lei Yin! You must beat that guy hard!" cried erhei in the audience.

When Meng Xiaomeng sees the red copper armor, she looks sad. Obviously, she is still worried about the last match.

On the field, they stood opposite each other, looking coldly behind the red copper armor lenses: "are you the man in the same class with that little girl? Thinking about your reaction that was out of control last time, I was really amused, ha ha ha... "

red copper armor said, so he made a" Hi "gesture to Meng Xiaomeng in the audience. Meng Xiaomeng was shocked and subconsciously hid behind Er Hei.

Seeing this, Lei Yin was even more angry. He clenched his fists and said, "Hey, your name is red copper armor, isn't it? I advise you to say what you want to say now, or there will be no chance in the future. "

Hearing the words, the red copper armor frowned: "Oh? Do the guys of Muye like to talk big like you? I'm really upset. Don't worry, wait a moment, I promise you'll be worse than the woman in your class! "

" the fourth game of Zhongren test finals starts! "

with the command of the game, the red copper armor takes the lead in taking out a handful of bitterness and throws it out directly. After a few dodges from Leiyin, it avoids all bitterness and emptiness. In this process, the seal has been completed between the two hands...

the red copper armor is the first to take out a handful of bitterness and emptiness After the red copper armor was thrown out, a strange chakra gathered on his hand and flew towards him. It turned out that the purpose of his throwing was just to protect him, and his real goal was to suck up chakra in the body of thunder and make him die in pain.

It's a pity that he thought too naively.

"Since you come to die yourself, no wonder I am!" thought Lei Yin, with a little blue light on each finger. All of a sudden, he stopped to drink, and the four bright awns, like blue lightning, went straight towards the red copper armor.

The four "blue thunderbolts" are sharper than the four long guns, and accurately insert the limbs of the red copper armor.

With four blood lights, several heartrending screams came. The knee and elbow of the red copper armor were stabbed. He fell directly on the ground, and his painful body began to twitch.

When people were still amazed that Lei Yin could use this kind of technique, the referee was a little anxious to stop the match and directly announced that Lei Yin had won. However, Lei Yin's action was very fast, and directly shot the last lightning gathered on the index finger through the head of the red copper armor...

he was very quick , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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