Published at 25th of May 2022 08:36:47 AM

Chapter 432

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The red copper armor was killed on the spot. The referee wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

"The fourth round of the final, the winner, thunder!". In particular, Huoying, "Fengying" and the country's top officials and Shangren people feel incredible.

"I didn't expect that little guy could use this level of Lei Dun's Ninjutsu with just a little patience. He is a genius..."

"and his strength is terrible. No one is a layman who can go to this step. He can kill easily. I feel that this guy should have surpassed the general patience."

But some Shangren opposed Lei Yin's performance: "is it really good to kill people casually? It's just a test fight. It's tough to be patient, but it's not cruel. "

Hearing this, another one was dissatisfied: "Hey, Ninja is not a comfortable business. If you are afraid of danger and death, you'd better go home and have a good sleep."

"Yes. What's more, xiaren, who is called red copper armor, has gone too far. In the previous match, he even beat a girl who looks soft and weak like that. The kid named Lei Yin is avenging his teammates. It's different from your opinion. He likes the kid named Lei Yin very much. "

When there are different opinions on the field, many people don't know that at this time, the wood leaf has been surging up. There are eight Muye ninjas in the audience, such as a Kai, ape flying ASMA, xirihong, etc.

"It's about that time, isn't it?" At this time, Lei Yin looked at the time, then looked at the position of the watchtower in the center of Muye village. While Meng Xiaomeng and ER Hei didn't notice, he turned around and left the field...

the referee announced the name of the person who played the final game.

I love Luo vs Yu Zhibo, Sasuke!

as soon as I heard Sasuke, there were many shouts coming from the scene. In addition to the girls who were impressed by Sasuke's handsome face, the high level of the country paid close attention to the game.

"What's going on in this game? Why hasn't Yu Zhibo come yet? "

five minutes after announcing the names of the competitors, everyone began to worry when they saw that I still love Luo on the field.

Naruto is beating the railing with his fist, which makes him more worried than anyone else: "what's the matter with this guy? It's really...

Naruto is thinking that there is a gust of wind on the field, and there are two figures, Kakashi and Sasuke.

Kakashi's face slightly apologetic: "sorry, we're late."

Referee: "kid, give me your name."

"Yu Zhibo, assistant."

"Sasuke... Sasuke..." seeing Sasuke's late arrival, chunye Sakura's face showed the color of the flower mania. Yamanakano also looked at him with a silly face.

At this time, lillock, leaning on crutches (and I love Luo battle injured) and his teacher Maite Kai also came.

Seeing Sasuke, Naruto rushes over excitedly. His tone is both excited and provocative: "your action is so slow. I thought you were afraid to fight with me, so you didn't dare to come."

Sasuke's mouth raised a little evil smile: "Hey, you don't want to be too proud, crane tail. Looking at you so happy, have you won the first match? "

Naruto's face is full of confidence:" of course! "

Kakashi looked at Naruto with approval, showing a very happy smile, and then turned his head to the referee:" we are late, has Sasuke lost the qualification? "

The referee shook his head helplessly: "the bad habit of being late, is it you who infect him? It's true that there are teachers and apprentices...

" so, what on earth? "

"Don't worry, Sasuke's game has been postponed, he is not disqualified." The referee said with a smile.

Kakashi gave his signature smile: "is that so? That's great... "

in the audience, people are boiling again.

"Hello, is that the boy of yuzhibo family?"

"Quick... The competition of yuzhibo Sasuke is about to start!"

yamanakai Inoue, who is sitting next to chunye Sakura, can't help sighing: "Sakura, the people in your class are really amazing."

"What do you say?"

"Because I didn't expect that a guy like naruto would defeat the so-called" strongest newcomer "RI Ningci!"

at this time, Li Locke stood next to them and heard Inoue's words. He was shocked, "Ju... Is actually this... Assistant who will defeat my I love Luo, and Naruto defeated the one I always wanted to defeat RI Ningci... And the thunder voice of the Dahe class... "

Li Locke thought, showing a very unwilling look. Looking around, I can't find Lei Yin's figure...

I can't find Lei Yin's figure , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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