Published at 25th of May 2022 08:36:46 AM

Chapter 433

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At this time, the "wind shadow" beside the three generations of Huoying, the chief spectator, showed an extremely evil expression...

at the beginning of the final game, I love Luo directly opened the lid of the gourd, and the sand in the gourd was like a creeping python, surging towards the opponent.

"Is that what Kakashi said about the sand?"

Sasuke thought, body back fly back, at the same time from the bear inside the bag took out a few hands sword, toward the other side to throw out.

I love Luo almost did nothing, a lot of sand from the gourd flow out, block in front of their own body, directly block all the swords in their hands. But gradually, the sand became human shape, and became the same sand statue I love.

"Sand shield has changed into a sand body? ! "

seeing this, Sasuke's heart was also surprised. He rushed forward and suddenly kicked up. Unexpectedly, Nasha split up and protected his hands in front of him, blocking Sasuke's foot. Sasuke took another hand to smash the sand.

The broken sand scattered all over the ground, but the attitude of attack remained unchanged, ready to move on the ground. Sasuke also did not give up the attack, a punch to my love Luo's face, I love Luo's face is flat, flying in front of a sand wall block.


Just when everyone thought that Sasuke was going to fight me from the front, Sasuke quickly came back to me.

This time, I love Luo's face finally emerged the color of shock, but Sasuke's fist was hard hit on his face, hit him to the ground.

This, can't help but let the audience on lillock and Maite Kay heart a tight.

Just with this punch, the armor of sand on my arrow's face gradually peeled off.

"Is that your armor of sand?" Sasuke said, making a provocative gesture of waving, "come on!"

I love Luo's eyes staring at him, but no action.

Looking at him like this, Sasuke felt a little angry: "if you don't do it, I'll be on it!"

Sasuke finished, and ran around my arrow at a speed as fast as the wind. When I found Sasuke in front of him, Sasuke had already run behind him; when I found him on the left, Sasuke had already run On his right.

"Bump... Bump..." the dull sound of kicking on the hard sand in the void, I love Luo was extremely embarrassed, and there was more and more sand under my feet.

"Is that all you have? It seems that I overestimated you before! " Seeing that he had the upper hand, Sasuke showed a very proud smile.

Seeing Sasuke's speed, Li Locke in the audience fell into a deep meditation: Sasuke, do you know how many years it took me to develop such a speed? But it only took you a month... You are really an unimaginable genius!

at this time, I love Luo, who was beaten in a mess, gradually dropped his [armor of sand]. After a few breaths, he put his hands together to make a seal, and sand shield gradually surrounded himself, forming an egg shaped armor...

"it's too cunning to use sand shield to protect himself His whole body is wrapped up! "

" in this case, even Sasuke also... "

for this, Kakashi is indifferent:" you just watch him perform quietly, he will surprise you... "

hearing Kakashi's words, people's eyes twinkle, more looking forward to the game.

On the field, after Sasuke's hands were simply sealed, his right hand sounded like thunder and lightning...

"thousand birds!"

Sasuke flew away, all of a sudden through my arrow's [sand shield].

Not only that, Sasuke opened his eyes and saw that his hand had been inserted into my arrow's right shoulder!

but at this time, strange noises came from the sand shield. Sasuke felt that the situation was not good, so he pulled out his right hand and left a hole in the egg shaped sand shield.

When Sasuke fell to the ground, a special-shaped arm stretched out from the inside...

when the audience was stunned, the sky was covered with feathers.

"This... What's the matter?"

When they looked up, they looked left and right, only feeling drowsy...

Mackay's face became extremely alert, and turned to the side: "Kakashi, this is...

Kakashi's face was still calm:" yes, this is magic! "

" solution! "

realizing this, they put their hands together and untied the magic. At this time, Sharen and Yinren on the field are ready to move...

"Fengying" has a complicated look in his eyes, and gradually turns his head to the three generations of Huoying, who seems to be aware of something. Look at him. Two people four eyes opposite, "wind shadow" took out a bitter, a flash to the fire shadow behind: "old, become so dull? Mr. ape

Three generations of Huoying:! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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