Published at 25th of May 2022 08:36:44 AM

Chapter 435

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After all, the three generations of Huoying are the teachers of the big snake pill. If they want to kill their own teachers, they are more or less sad.

However, it's just a little bit.

The next moment, the big snake pill stabbed his palm directly with bitterness, and the blood gushed out instantly.

Dasheban wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and sighed deeply: "now, I feel much better! No... I just feel sleepy and yawned..."

third generation Huoying: "cut! I know what you're going to say... "

next moment, dasheban pulls out the bitterness of her palm, turns around and lets go of three generations of Huoying.

In this regard, the three generations did not seem to be very surprised: "I know that you are not the one who will act because of personal resentment. If you do this, you will not have no purpose, will you?"

Big snake pill: "isn't it interesting to think about destroying wood leaves?"

Three generations pulled the hat brim: "hum, you really haven't changed at all."

In the examination competition.

See chunye Sakura with their own open magic, Kakashi issued sincere praise: "at that time to do the task has been seen, Sakura, you really have the ability to crack magic."


"now, go and help Naruto and Luwan to solve the magic. Moreover, it's been a long time since we carried out the task... "

before Kakashi finished speaking, two more Sharen attacked and were knocked down by Kakashi.

"On a mission?"

"This time, it's A-level."

"Well, what's A-level mission?" Chunye Sakura's face is complicated after listening.

Kakashi: "Sakura, Sasuke is chasing me Ailuo. You go to solve the magic of Naruto and Luwan, and then follow Sasuke together."

Chunyeying hears the words and does it...

the central watchtower, in the Ziyan border.

Three generations of Huoying took off the robe of Huoying and looked at the big snake pill.

Big snake pill is still a face of symbolic smile: "I can't imagine that I can fight with you... You can already foresee your own death?"

Big snake pill said, also took off to camouflage own wind shadow Yu Shen Pao.

Outside the border, Yinren four people try to maintain the border. In order not to interfere with the battle between dashuewan and the three generations of Huoying, they also make a border outside themselves.

In this case, Muye's Ninja will not threaten them.

The three generations of Huoying also understand that it is not easy to get in and out of this border.

They stood face to face, with murderous look in their eyes.

"Teacher, go to hell!"

The big snake pill took the lead in the attack and made a seal with both hands together. Then, the third generation took out several swords from the bag, and when their hands were together, they also made a seal:

"the art of separating the swords in their hands!"

several swords in their hands were scattered, and the swords in their hands, which were divided into several times of entity, were just like the scattered flowers of the heavenly maiden, directly attacking the big snake pill.

Did not expect the next moment, the big snake pill to use a move earth shaking S-level ban.

"Yin, Si, Xu, Chen!"

"psychics · reincarnation of filthy earth!"

in a moment, two coffins were erected on the top of the tower, one with "Chu" and the other with "Er". The two coffins were just in front of dashanwan, blocking the sword of three generations.

At last? At this time, the tile in the border on the top of the tower shakes strangely...

"I didn't expect that he would use psychics to defend the sword in his hand, and these two men are... Hateful, no matter what, they have to seal the third one, otherwise, it would be troublesome..."

the third generation thinks that the seal action on his hand still doesn't stop...

and at this time, the big snake pill's face is still full of pain However, he was disappointed and thought to himself, "the third one, it seems that he didn't call it out, but forget it..."

at this time, although the three represents were calm, his heart was full of waves: "although the third one was stopped, it would be quite troublesome next!"


then, the two coffins made the sound of wood friction, which sounded good in this atmosphere However, some of them wandered out of the coffin a few days later...

"they? Can it be... "Outside the border, those ninjas who can't get in all feel shocked.

The first generation of fire shadow thousands of hands! The second generation of fire shadow thousands of hands!

"that black hair thing, the first generation of adults, white hair is the second generation of adults." One member of the secret service said to another young member of the secret service.

Within the border.

"Long time no see, ape fly..."

"it's you, ape fly, you are old..."

although the two Huoying are still conscious, because of the reincarnation of filthy land, they are buried with a curse in their mind and are no longer under their control.

"I didn't expect to meet them in this situation. It's really a pity..." three generations could not help muttering to , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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