Published at 25th of May 2022 08:36:43 AM

Chapter 436

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"Reincarnation? Is that the young man who summoned us with forbidden magic? It's amazing... "The second generation Huoying turned his head and praised the big snake pill without expression.

The first generation of Huoying: "in this case, we have to deal with you, ape flying..."

"you old men don't chat there, hurry to do it for me!".

"You dare to blaspheme the dead, you will suffer retribution! Big snake pill!" the three generations were very angry.

For the angry three generations in front of him, the big snake pill was very happy. When he took out the two kuwu again, the charm had already entered the heads of the two Huoying, "before I start, I'll let the two return to their original appearance..."

at the end of the speech, the dust on the two Huoying's bodies gradually peeled off, and their combat clothes became brand new, except for the eyes Besides, it is the same as the real person before he died.

In this way, they are more like what they used to be.

Reincarnation of filthy earth is a taboo psychic technique to resurrect the dead from the blissful world. This technique calls the soul of the dead back to this world. It needs the body of the living as a sacrifice and a container for the soul. And because they have been buried in the brain charm, so has disappeared the original personality.

Because the second generation of Huoying used to be the teacher of the third generation of Huoying, Da Shewan deliberately did this to satisfy his twisted mind.

"Just enjoy it! Teacher! "

when the big snake pill put her hands together, the two fire figures were ready to move.

However, when the three generations planned to take the initiative and put their hands together, the temperature around them gradually rose:

"Huodun · huolongyantan!"

a fire like lunri came to dasheban three people in the border area...

the second generation fire shadow was unwilling to show weakness, but his hands were steady and sealed:

"Shuidun · shuizhenbi!"

a fire appeared out of thin air The waterfall is pouring down, and the fierce flame hits it. With the sound of "Yiyi", a large amount of water vapor comes out. The water and fire blend together, almost offsetting completely.

"Ah ha ha, it's really worthy of the fire shadow of the previous generation that such a huge water escape can be released in such a waterless place!" Da she Wan said with a sly smile.

It seems that they are influenced by the praise of dasheban, and the second generation seals it again:

"Shuidun · the art of water dragon bullet!"

the huge water wave flows by the three people, so the third generation can't sit and wait for death:

"tudun · tuliubi!"

suddenly, the third generation spits a lot of soil out of their mouth, forming a solid wall like black iron in front of them When the wave hits it, it stops abruptly.

At this scene, the fire shadow of the early generation can't help it. Its way of making a seal is more unique than any ninja. The third generation sees this and cries "no good" in their heart. However, the first generation has already finished the seal:

"the secret art of Mudun · the coming of tree world!"

suddenly, from the wall made by the three generations just now, branches and vines sprout rapidly, and those vines and trunks are like poison Snake like, wrapped around the body of three generations...

"white blade!"

when the three generations were about to be bound, a white light suddenly appeared and directly cut off the branches and vines like snakes.

A figure about eighteen or nineteen years old stood in front of the crowd...

figure? !

this is within the boundary. Even three generations can't get out. How can people still come in?

The big snake pill and the three generations were so confused that it was beyond their understanding.

"Old man, I didn't expect you to have such a skill!" dasheban's always gloomy and confident face showed a look of disbelief. He thought that this young man was arranged by three generations in advance to deal with himself together.

Unexpectedly, the young man suddenly laughed: "I have nothing to do with three generations of old men. I came here by myself."

The big snake pill's eyes glared at the boss: "did you come here by yourself?"

Three generations calmed down a little: "boy, what's your name?"

"I'm an immortal in the rain!" the young man replied.

"Rain... Fairy in the rain? At this time, dashuewan also understood that this man was not arranged by three generations to deal with himself. Let's not say whether the three generations can expect that they will set up a border here. After they come here, they don't have to act for themselves.

Of course, they didn't know who yuzhongxian was or how he came in. Dashuewan said directly, "what's the purpose of your coming in?"

Three generations don't know him, which means that he is not a person of three generations. Big snake pill is also a bit confused, so he asked directly.

"I just want to fight with the first generation and the second generation of Huoying." The fairy in the rain said faintly... , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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