Published at 25th of May 2022 08:36:38 AM

Chapter 442

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At this time, the third test competition.

Leiyin unties the magic in erhei and Meng Xiaomeng and takes them to a safe place. Then he stares at the distance and tells them that he has something to do. He turns around and leaves again...

at this time, in a forest far away from Muye, Sasuke has caught up with me.

I don't know why, at the moment, I love Luo's heart becomes more and more manic, and a monster's breath looms on my body.

He looked at Sasuke with extremely evil eyes, which made Sasuke feel quite uncomfortable.

The next moment, I love Luo right body all alienation, changed into a big claw with violet color, suddenly toward Sasuke.

Sasuke stood in a tree, pupil a tight, a flash away, the big claw directly beat the trunk of a thin broken.

"But... Damn! Is this guy a monster?"

Even Sasuke's eyes and alienated body made him feel uncomfortable.

Not only Sasuke, but also Shouju and Kan Jiulang, who were around him, had never seen what he looked like now.

"Are you afraid of me? Yuzhibo? "Alienated I love Luo is drinking, strange and harsh roar resounds through the whole forest.

At this time, Yu Zhibo seemed to have calmed down. He sighed and said, "Why are you so persistent to me?"

"If you want to know the answer, then fight me!" I love Luo said, the right side of the body all beast, eyes become more ferocious.

Sasuke knew that this battle was inevitable. His hands made a simple seal, his eyes became three gouyu, and his hands were shining like lightning.

I love Luo stretched out a big hand, but also put on an offensive posture...

"thousand birds!"

Sasuke's right hand was like a golden spear, directly met me love Luo, two people collided, Sasuke's [thousand birds] directly cut off his hand.

However, I love Luo but did not feel pain, but showed a ferocious distorted smile.

But Sasuke's face showed a little proud smile. He thought that I love Luo's appearance was just a bluff, but the next moment...

I love Luo's left hand gradually changed into the same shape as my right hand!

Shouju and Kan Jiulang who saw this scene in the distance were almost in the same place...

"hahaha, come again, come again! I still want to see it I'm not addicted

At this time, I love Luo has almost been close to the crazy rampage state.

"He... What the hell is he?"

Sasuke, who had some self-confidence at first, was also beating drums at this time. And in a moment, I love Luo flying, faster than before more than several times, hard hit Sasuke's body, will fly out.

"Hateful!" at this time, Sasuke tried his best to concentrate on chakra on his feet and suck on a tree. Because he had used the game twice and just now, he couldn't use this skill any more. At this time, his hands were sealed again, and the burning flame gushed out, "Huodun · howfireball skill!"

the big fireball directly hit my arrow's body, but it didn't hurt I love Luo soon broke through the fire and came flying.

Fire doesn't work on sand.

"Hateful! It seems that in any case, we have to use a thousand birds!"

Sasuke secretly made up his mind.

Before, the teacher Kakashi told him that with his current amount of chakra, this technique can be launched at most twice a day, and if it is launched for the third time, it may die!

Kakashi's words may not be alarmist, but for Sasuke, it has come to the point of fighting to the death.

"Is that all you have? It's really weaker than I thought it would be! "I said to Sasuke, standing on another tree with my teeth and claws open.

This time, Sasuke was even more enraged. Sasuke was desperate, and his right hand sounded a piercing scream again, "thousand birds!"

but when he used this move, there were bursts of irresistible pain on Sasuke's right hand, and he forced himself to meet me.

With the sound of "boom", Sasuke's "thousand birds" once again destroyed my arrow's body. Maybe it was because chakra almost consumed the same amount of money, and Sasuke's curse marks appeared again.

"But... Hateful!"

at this time, Sasuke fell directly on the ground, and chakra almost exhausted his relationship and could not move.

"Wow ha ha!"

I love Luo's sharp smile and pounce on Sasuke. At this time, a figure flies out and kicks him away.

When you look closely, this person is the whirlpool Naruto!

he was ordered to arrive together with Sakura chunye, so that Sasuke could not die...

when you look closely, this person is the whirlpool Naruto , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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