Published at 25th of May 2022 08:36:37 AM

Chapter 443

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"You... You... Cough..." seeing Naruto and Sakura coming, Sasuke suddenly coughed twice, and the curse on his body became more and more obvious, moving to the whole body.

"Sasuke!" haruno Sakura and Naruto shout anxiously.

Sasuke suppressed the seal with his mind, but it didn't help.

Naruto looks at me Ai Luo, who is alienated in front of him, and feels that something is wrong. He drinks to them: "you run! I'll cover here!"

as soon as the voice falls, he sees me Ai Luo rushing towards Sasuke directly, "yuzhibo Sasuke! Go to die!"

unexpectedly, at this time, Sakura chunye's eyes are shining, directly blocking Sasuke's body.


with a scream, Sakura chunye was directly patted on the tree by my big hand.

"Sakura! Hateful..." Naruto cried anxiously, but he was thinking about how to deal with this monster...

by the way, call out the toad!


after the seal, he slapped his hand on the ground, but there was a toad... Only the size of a slap.

"It's you boy, if you have something to ask me, please give me some snacks, otherwise, I won't play with you!" little toad said noisily.

Naruto squatted down: "why did you come out! What a nuisance! "

little toad:" what, stinky boy, you look down on me! "

Naruto quarreled with a little toad. The scene was very funny.

"Now, it seems, it's not the time to joke." When Naruto came to realize it, his eyes focused on me again.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

At this time, just now I love Luo's big claw will chunyeying pat on the trunk of the claw out of the arm, the original big claw into a sand wall, will chunyeying fixed on the trunk. And a new claw appeared on the arm: "if you don't beat me, you can't save that woman. And the longer the time, the tighter the sand will be, and eventually the woman will suffocate."

I can't help but let Naruto be surprised by his words: "that is to say, if we don't kill this guy quickly..."

"sword in the hand of sand!"

at this time, I am shaking my alienated body, and many sharp sand bullets are sweeping towards Naruto. Naruto turns around, quickly picks up the little toad he just summoned, and tries to get away from the sand But he was hit dozens of times in one face and fell on the tree. But the little toad was undamaged.

At this time, the sand over there is more and more tight, and chunye Sakura utters bursts of screams.

"Hateful!" just hurt, and now hear chunye cherry scream, can't help but let Naruto body stagnation.

"What's the matter? Are you afraid of me? Fight with me quickly, or I'll kill that woman! "

I love Luo Gao and urge Naruto to do it quickly.

Seeing Sakura like that, of course, he was worried. He flew up and attacked the monster like I love Luo again: "the art of multiple shadow separation!"

Naruto gave a big drink, and thousands of himself appeared. 360 degrees without dead angle, I love Luo rushed towards me. I love Luo saw this and quickly sealed: "fengdun · infinite dust breakthrough!"

in a moment, the strong wind A huge sandstorm came out of his mouth, blowing Naruto's shadow away, falling on the ground and on the tree trunk and turning into nothing.

Naruto himself was not spared. He squatted on the ground and gasped violently.

I love Luo see, alienation civet cat face more proud: "I won't kill you, first and you have fun.". I'll see when you leave your company, but I won't let you run away

After that, I threw dozens of [sword in the hand of sand] and hit Naruto fiercely, which made Naruto stagger again.

The repeated attacks finally made Naruto's eyes become fierce. He stood up from the tree and took out a piece of bitterness from his pocket:

"the art of multiple shadow separation!"

Naruto's physical strength seemed to never be used up. Once again, he separated thousands of shadow parts. Everyone held one with bitterness, like a storm Generally, I love you.

This one after another attack let me love Luo some caught off guard, suddenly, Naruto real body has been around behind him.

Naruto made a "tiger seal" and attacked more quickly than ever:

"watch it! In this way, Naruto's bitterness enters into my love Luo's buttocks.

Naruto "....

I love Luo"....

I love Luo, but I didn't take it as a joke, turning around and slapping Naruto out...

I love Luo , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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