Published at 25th of May 2022 08:36:35 AM

Chapter 445

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"Please, toad, fight with me!"

Whirlpool Naruto, what is the origin of this guy? It brings me a lot of fun. This is what a crane thought.

Mrs. Wen: "I refuse!"

Naruto's face suddenly changed into a funny look: "why? Didn't you promise me to be your Valet last time? Now I'm in trouble. You have to help me! That's benevolence and righteousness! "

With that, Naruto patted Wentai on the head.

Wen Taipai said: "I did say that I would let you be my Valet, but we haven't drunk the Jiebai wine yet..."

Naruto looked unconvinced: "I'm not twenty years old yet! How can I drink?"

At this time, the little toad that was just summoned by Naruto's psychics climbed out of Naruto's head: "don't say that. Just listen to him for a while. He saved my life, Dad."


It turns out that the little toad just now is called toad Ji, the son of Wentai.

Wen Tai: "how did you come here? Toad

"It was boring to stay at home, so I came out." Then, toad Ji pointed to a tail in the distance, "and that guy just wanted to bully me."

"What? "Toad Ji said so, Wen was too angry," boy, I admit you are my Valet, now I'll let you see... What's benevolence and righteousness! "

Wen said, pulled out the huge knife at her waist, pointed to a crane in front of her:" you guy, let's finish it! "

"Hello! I said, you fools, are you playing games here?"

All of a sudden, a voice like a red bell sounded in the void, which made everyone surprised.

As we all looked up, a young man in a light blue dress was suspended in the sky, looking down at the bottom.

"You... Who are you?" Naruto asked first.

"I am an immortal in the rain!" the young man replied faintly.

"Fairy in the rain?"

"Hello! What do you mean by "you fools" Toad Wen held the handle too tightly and looked unhappy.

The fairy in the rain gave a cold smile: "are you garbage still fighting here? Don't make people laugh. It's not as good as the children in Ninja school. "

When he heard the fairy in the rain, toad Wen, who was already grumpy, got angry and said, "what do you say? ! "

hearing this, Naruto was also very angry:" Hello! You don't know where you come from, we don't have time to talk to you now!

hearing the words, the fairy in the rain said more and more: "hum! You're going to save Muye with a little devil and a deformed toad? What do the civet cats and dogs over there do when they are not like civet cats or dogs? Are you playing clown games here? "

When one hears the words, he is even more furious.

Wen Tai could hardly restrain herself. She drew her sword and was about to chop down the immortal in the rain. However, Naruto patted him on the head and temporarily persuaded him.

"What on earth do you do? Why provoke us like this? " Naruto looks at him, his face is not good-looking.

The fairy in the rain gave a cold smile: "let's be honest. My purpose is to destroy Muye first, kill you guys who don't know what to do, and then destroy shayin village! "

" why do you do this? " Naruto has anger on her face.

"Casket bound by sand!"

before the rain fairy could speak, a large mass of sand rose up and immediately wrapped the whole body of the rain fairy.

"Funeral in a sandstorm!"

the crane has already taken the lead, suddenly pinching its right paw, and the sand shrinks instantly.

What's crushed is just a shadow part.

Wentai didn't say as much as Naruto did. She suddenly went up with a huge sword and chopped at yuzhongxian's real body. Unexpectedly, yuzhongxian pulled out her razor and blocked Wentai's huge sword.

This extremely disproportionate two bodies hit together, set off a wave of wind pressure to sweep away in all directions.

Naruto, standing on the head of Wen Tai, was stunned: "it's amazing that you can stop the toad with such a small sword. What kind of strange power is that?"

At this time, Wen Tai held the huge knife in both hands and pressed it down, but she couldn't make an inch.

Such a person emerged out of thin air, which made these people pay attention to it. Wen Tai said: "this guy is by no means an ordinary person. Naruto, we should be ready for the fight to death!"

Naruto's eyes were fixed: "I understand, no matter who he is, we must knock him down! Then we are going to knock down the monster over there and save Sakura."

Wen Tai: "it seems that now, we have to make a temporary alliance with the enemy."

"Sword in the hand of sand!"

before Wen Tai's words came to an end, the shouhe sent out thousands of sand bullets and attacked the immortal in the rain under the knife...

the sword was in the hand of sand , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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