Published at 25th of May 2022 08:36:24 AM

Chapter 455

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Zilai also pondered for a moment, with a slightly dignified face: "in fact, I don't know why they want that thing, but since the nine tail seal is in your body, you should learn to control its power..."


"but the fatal thing is that you will be watched by them all the time... This is your destiny. But don't worry, I will always protect you. "

When Naruto heard Naruto's words, he didn't have a look of fear and depression. Instead, he was full of self-confidence: "well, I must get stronger quickly!"

after hearing Naruto's words, he couldn't help but be stunned. Then he looked happy and thought in his heart: this guy's style is very similar to that of the fourth generation...

"well, let's go to find the one named gangshou and wait for him to cure Zhu He Li, let's go to practice! "The more Naruto said, the more impassioned he was.

Zilai also put his hands on his chest: "you're right, let's go to interview him as soon as possible!"

hearing the speech, Naruto said: "interview? Wait! The beauty you want to interview is not gangshou, is it

"You are very smart, so what?"

Naruto's eyes narrowed slightly: "he is just like you, but they are all [Sanren]."

Come and see him: "what's the problem?"

"And how old is she?"

Zilai also said: "as big as me."

Naruto smell speech, immediately a pair of cheated expression: "what, this is not a beauty, clearly is an old woman."

Since then, they also said, "...

they talked while walking.

Naruto said: "what kind of person is that gangshou?"

Zilaiye: "what's the matter? Are you interested? "


Zilai also touched her chin: "well, to put it simply, she is a disgusting guy. Besides, she likes gambling very much. People all over the world know her appearance."

"If she is so famous, should we be able to find her soon?"

"She is really famous, and she is the legendary... Big fat sheep!"

Muye, in a casino.

"This old man is very lucky. He's been all morning, and I've never seen him lose."

"I've just won. I've already won 75002."

"What's your little money? I lost 23, 000 taels! "

" I also lost 12, 000 taels... "

a few people who had just lost at the gambling table looked sad. They changed from the gambler who had just spent a lot of money to the audience. At this time, they watched the old man with white beard on the gambling table continue to perform.

The game is very simple, three six sided dice, 1-10 is small, 11-18 is big.

"My tower doesn't believe it. This time, I'll be remanded to the small one!"

"I'll be remanded to the small one too!"

"me too!"

when most people are remanding to the small one, the old man with white beard is slowly remanding to the big one.

"Buy it, leave it and drive it!"

he Guan gave a big drink and opened the dice cup.

"Four, five, six", big!

with a sigh of loss, the old man with white beard pocketed tens of thousands of Liang on the table.

At this time, the door of the casino "bang" a sound, into a woman.

She had blonde hair and a pretty face, with a word "bet" written behind her, and walked in carelessly.

Gangshou, one of "Sanren", is the granddaughter (or granddaughter) of Huoying qianshouzhu in the early Dynasty.

As soon as the master came, he attracted people's attention.

It's not the proud couple on her chest, she's the legendary big fat sheep!

as soon as you see gangshou coming, everyone's bad mood of losing money disappears. Even the boss of the gambling house rubs his hands excitedly, with a face brighter than chrysanthemum, and invites him to sit down.

This is the God of wealth!

once you see the gambling game, you don't need to be advised, and the master of martial arts can't go directly.

"Gangshou, didn't she go to work? Why are you here today? "

"Is the task finished? Ah, whatever. It's a big fat sheep. I lost all my money just now. Now I decide to come back after I get the money. "

"You think the same as I do...

" Hello! Where are you guys muttering? ! "

the people who had just won the money by the old man with white beard saw gangshou come and whispered there, but gangshou vaguely heard the words" big fat sheep ", which made him very upset.

"Master gangshou, we don't have...

" where are you two talking about? "

" that is, master gangshou is just unlucky occasionally. If anyone says "big fat sheep" again, I'll be the first to turn his back on him"That is, it depends on luck. Don't we often lose?"

"Well, shut up "If you want to gamble, start now..."

the audience was silent , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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