Published at 25th of May 2022 08:43:16 AM

Chapter 46

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Beligudgen didn't have the ability to use [Doudou fruit] to escape. When Ayn saw them again, she saw beligudgen lying on the ground spitting out a mouthful of blood, and standing beside him with a cool face.

What happened?

Lei Yin uses the speed of "flying thunder god chop" and body skill "lion continuous bullet" to send out a very fast strike. They can't see this series of actions clearly.

AI Yin stood in the same place with a look of consternation: didn't she say that I would protect you? You're sneaking back?

Beligood, who had been knocked down, was even more unwilling. He struggled to stand up from the ground, used his [Doudou fruit] ability, pulled out a ball from his body and smashed it at the thunder...

"stop it!"

Suddenly, not far away flew out a figure, blocking in front of the two, beligood returned to the original state, stopped the duel.

The figure's owner was wearing a lavender striped suit, a dark blue shirt, a tie, a punk head and a beard. There's an excellent samurai sword pinned to the waist.

What's this?


Mole, who was then the admiral of the Navy headquarters, was one of the senior members of the Navy. He was also a disciple of the former general [black wrist] zefa. He is now a swordsmanship teacher in the youth training camp. He is not only good at fencing, but also a master of six moves. He was one of the five generals who executed the order of killing demons on the justice island of enies. He once captured the giant's 320 million bounty, Ponzi Frye. It will also have a good performance in the future top wars. The strength is unfathomable.

Wearing a cape of "justice" and holding a samurai sword at his waist, mole reprimanded: "you two, it's forbidden to fight privately in the Navy. What's more, you are still in the youth training camp, which is the hope of the future of the Navy. Come on

"Yes Two navy first class.

"Shut them both up for two days, and think about their mistakes in front of the wall!"

"Yes, sir

In this way, Leiyin and beligood were taken down...

a day later.

Office of the marshal of the Navy headquarters.

Karp sent the thunder to the camp, but told the marshal one of the Warring States. The Warring States and Karp were old fellow, and agreed. Except for the Warring States period, even the three generals didn't know about the relationship between Kapu and Leiyin.

The people that Kapp liked naturally attracted the attention of the Warring States period, and the fact that Leiyin was imprisoned spread to the Marshal's ears at the first time.

At this time, the Warring States period is sitting on the desk, Kapu is sitting on the sofa next to him, drinking tea and eating Xianbei.

"Karp, is this the kid you like? I had a fight with the students on the afternoon of my first day here. " There are some questions in the tone of the Warring States period.

Kapp casually ate Xianbei: "ha ha, Warring States period, you will inevitably worry too much. All of them are in their youth, so it's hard to avoid conflicts when they are young. This also shows that this smelly boy is brave and aggressive, and he will become a powerful navy soldier in the future. "

Marshal Warring States: "what's your logic? Can you be a good Navy soldier even if you ignore military discipline and law? This kid is just like you. He's a mess. "

Kapp said with a hearty smile: "ha ha, just like me, just like my appetite."

When the Warring States period saw this, he sighed helplessly: "however, after all, the highest cadre of Don Quixote family, diamandie, was really captured by this boy?"

Kapp took a sip of tea. "Of course, do you think captain T. Penn would have that kind of strength?"

The Warring States period thought for a moment: "in this way, the strength of this kid is unfathomable. If you control it, maybe you can become a talent."

Kapp said with a more forthright smile: "I'll tell you, I want to train him to be the first combat officer in the Navy."

The Warring States period also said: "however, we have captured diamandi alive. I think that the guy of dorfermingo will not give up. It seems that there will be a war between us and Don Quixote family."

Kapp's face became serious: "to tell you the truth, I plan to let Leiyin practice in the youth training camp for a period of time. When his strength grows to a certain level, I will give him a formal appointment and let him deal with Alfred Domingo. I think, with the strength of this boy, it's not impossible to win Mingge. "

The Warring States period looked at Kapu: "take Mingo? It's not a matter of speaking. With brother Ming's power and his own strength, it's hard to have an opponent on the sea. Are you sure you can give it to a fledgling kid? "

Kapp also looked at the Warring States period with a straight face: "I believe him."

After hearing the words of the Warring States period, he sighed: "well, you can do it by yourself. Anyway, now we have to deal with the four emperors and the big pirate group. If Lei Yin is really like what you said, it will save us some things. "

"By the way, what do you do with diamandi?"

The Warring States period sighed: "I've sent someone to escort him to the propulsion city secretly..."On the second day of Leiyin's imprisonment, Ayn came to see him with some snacks.

AI Yin took out a small pink box with some delicious snacks in it and handed it to Lei Yin: "here, I made it myself. I don't think you can eat well here. Try it."

Seeing this, Lei Yin's head was full of black lines: "please, I'm just being locked up, not in prison. I'll go out tomorrow. That's a strange thing to do. "

Hearing the words, Ayn's face suddenly turned red: "yes... I'm sorry (kumenasai)..."

however, Lei Yin said so, still eating with a snack: "you made it yourself, it's really delicious."

Ayn blushed even more: "really, thank you for your praise (ariado)"

Beligood was locked up in the next cell. When he saw this, he was upset: "Hey, sister Ayn, why did you just bring him snacks? I was also locked up."

AI Yin felt embarrassed and scratched her head: "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot..."

Lei Yin swallowed the last snack in her mouth and handed him the snack box: "here, I'll carry forward my style. Here you are."

"Cut, who wants you to pass it." Beligood gave the thunder a white look and took the lunch box.

When beligood took over the lunch box and opened it, he suddenly became angry. His head became bigger and his teeth became sharp. "Hey, you guy, there are 'these' there. You guys ate them all!"

Seeing the success of teasing him, Lei Yin laughed.

And Ian outside the confinement room also covers his mouth and smiles sweetly.... , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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