Published at 25th of May 2022 08:36:19 AM

Chapter 460

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"Kid, I said... Before your head is clear, why do you care so much about the name of" fire shadow " Seeing Naruto's fierce reaction on the dining table just now, gangshou couldn't help asking.

Naruto got up from the ground and patted the dust on his body: "I'm different from you. I must inherit the name of Huoying, because Huoying... Is my dream!"

when Naruto said this, gangshou's face was obviously shocked. She seemed to see the shadow of the dead rope tree and Kato broken...

"what's the matter, this woman will give me an opportunity ”Naruto takes advantage of the Kungfu of gangshou Lengshen to concentrate. He drags a ball of blue chakra in his hands and gradually forms the shape of a ball. There is a gust of wind around him.

When gangshou came back, the cyclone on Naruto's hand had taken shape.

"No... no!" gangshou exclaimed to himself, Naruto had rushed to the front.

"Take the move!"

although gangshou's eyes were stunned, he still followed the previous promise and stretched out a finger. When Naruto dragged the spiral pill to hit Gangshe, she directly touched the ground with her finger.

With a loud bang, a crack appeared at the point of gangshou's finger. The crack instantly increased and spread to more than ten meters, forming a gully.

Naruto was not stable, and fell into the ravine by the huge vibration. The spiral ball hit the ground and blasted out a deep pit.

From then on, his face seemed to have the color of fear: gangshou was still powerful. I still remember that as long as he was hit by her, he would fly a hundred and eighty meters.

And to the consternation of gangshou, this cat faced guy can use four generations of skills... But only to this extent, there is no momentum of that move.

Silence in the past, the pit Naruto pulled out: "you don't mind?"

Gangshou put his hands in his waist: "since you taught him spiral pill, right?"

"I'm also his master."

Gangshou looked at Naruto, his eyes showed a trace of contempt: "only you and the fourth generation Huoying can use this move..."

indeed, the move Naruto just used is the incomplete state of [spiral pill], and its power is quite limited.

Gangshou's attack is not over yet: "how can you be a master of this kind of Ninjutsu that you can't learn? It's better not to take him too seriously. It's no wonder that this kid will say that Huoying is his dream nonsense. "

Gangshou's words made Naruto's face very ugly: "I didn't say any nonsense! You idiot! "

" eh? "

"Give me three days, and I'll master it!"

gangshou said with a smile: "what a big tone, kid... That's our deal."

"To put it bluntly, this is my way of forbearance!"

compendium slightly corrected: "then, let's make a bet."


"I'll give you a week. If you can learn it, I'll admit that you can become Huoying, and..." gangshou said, touching his chest, "I'll give you this necklace!"

hearing the silent voice, he was shocked: "gangshou, that's the most important thing for you..."

Naruto showed his disdain: "who is rare...

I've been clear since then Voice: "Naruto, don't say that. It's the only mineral in the world. It's a relic of the early adults. If you sell it, you can buy three mountains. "

Naruto smell speech, this just noticed gangshou's chest: "is... Is it? Ok...

"but if you can't learn in a week, you have to admit defeat and give me all your pocket money..."

"ah?" Naruto took a look at the little toad purse on his body. He didn't know when it was in the hand of gangshou.

In the next few days, Naruto began his crazy cultivation...

the next day, in a small forest in Muye.

"The dance of the moon in three days!"

a tall, dark boy is attacking Leiyin. In between, he split into two parts and split head-on to Leiyin.

Lei Yin retreated suddenly to avoid the blow.

"It's not over yet!"

"secret sword · Yanhui!"

after the two shadows disappeared, erhei danced his sword and flew forward at a speed close to the speed of sound. Leiyin quickly took out a bitter sword and blocked its blade.


seeing that all the attacks were resolved by thunder one by one, the tall boy's eyes flashed a trace of loss.

Lei Yin patted him on the shoulder with a smile: "Er Hei, you have made great progress. If you go on like this, you will become an excellent swordsman."

It turns out that three people in the Dahe class are practicing. Erhei and Leiyin were practicing just now.

In fact, as Lei Yin said, Erhai has made considerable progress, from the original "double sun and moon" to "three sun and moon". Recently, he has mastered the sword skill of "Yanhui" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!