Published at 25th of May 2022 08:36:18 AM

Chapter 461

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Hearing Lei Yin's words, er Hei's face slowed down slightly: "is what you said true? However, compared with you, I'm still far behind... "

at this time, Meng Xiaomeng also ran over:" brother erhei, your swordsmanship is very good for xiaren. "

When Meng Xiaomeng said this, she glanced at Lei Yin involuntarily.

I don't know when Meng Xiaomeng has been looking at Lei Yin with this kind of eyes, complicated with a trace of shyness.

"Is that true?" Hearing Xiaomeng's words, erhei scratched his head embarrassed.


"Oh, isn't this from class 16?"

Meng Xiaomeng's voice did not fall. There were three people not far away, and a girl was the leader.

It was kaiban's three men, rixiangningci, Tiantian and lilocke.

I was talking about everyday.

The three of them were practicing in the woods just now. When they heard that someone was here, they came to have a look.

Every day when talking, eyes like an angry little lion looking at the thunder.

She has been defeated by Lei Yin for no less than three times. It can be said that she has been defeated and defeated repeatedly. Every time she sees Lei Yin, she seems to have a bitter hatred.

If it wasn't for dignity and other people's eyes, she would not hesitate to fight with Lei Yin.

To Ning times and Li Locke looking at Lei Yin, is a pair of some distant eyes.

"Let's go..."

when they left, they gave Lei Yin a look of hate every day. Lei Yin doesn't think so, but Meng Xiaomeng feels a little uncomfortable...

at this time, she is in a secret base in Yinyin village.

The pharmacist bandaged his hands for the big snake pill, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes: "will she... Promise?"

Pharmacist's pocket refers to the matter of compendium.

"If she agrees, your hands can be cured, and the destruction of the leaves can be carried out again, and master gangshou can see her two favorite people again. However, if she doesn't agree... "

hearing Dou's words, big snake pill's smile:" if so, then I can only force her to comply. "

Dou: "then, will he be willing to obey you?"

Big snake pill is a kind of ambition: "hum... Don't worry... I know her best. For the sake of those two people, she will certainly agree, definitely!"

the night is deep, outside Muye village, in a forest.

Ah! Drink!


Naruto's hands gather cyclones and bombard a tree continuously. Dozens of spiral holes are blasted out of the tree.


Naruto continues to concentrate, with blue energy balls on his hands again. This time, he blows the trees off.

"In the third stage, the cyclone ball must be maintained 100%. In other words, you must give full play to chakra's [rotation] and [power], and form a protective film inside the cyclone ball. Imagine chakra compressed in it..."

during the cultivation, the words you said before echoed in Naruto's ear again and again.

In order to make a bet with gangshou, Naruto has been practicing hard these two days.

In the early morning, Naruto was exhausted and fell to the ground and fell asleep.

At this time, a figure gradually leaned over and said, "Naruto, are you ok...

this person is silent. She carried the sleeping Naruto to gangshou's residence.

"Master gangshou, he is too tired and his right hand is burned by chakra. It seems that he will have to sleep until the day after tomorrow."

Looking at him, a complex color flashed in gangshou's eyes. "It's true that I'm so dizzy that I would bet with him like this... This kid is more real. What a fool..."

"that... Tomorrow...

" eh? "

"Please don't go!" she said boldly.

Tomorrow, gangshou promised dasheban and pharmacist to give them an answer whether they would give dasheban or not.

Of course, I don't want my master to go along with those demons.

"Why don't you speak? Master gangshou, please answer me, don't be silent! "Silent mood seems a little excited.

Gangshou is still silent.

Seeing this, silent face became ugly: "if you have to go..."

gangshou just glanced at her.

"I'll try my best to stop you!"

hearing the speech, gangshou's face was obviously angry: "silence! Do you know who you're talking to?"

Compendium hand says, pass by from silent side, do not know what method to use, make silent faint directly on the groundAt this time, the big snake pill and the pharmacist are rushing here.

Big snake pill: "after a while, it will be difficult if someone comes to stir up."

Dou: "what should I do then?"

Big snake pill: "how about we kill the man of gangshou first?"

He nodded his head, took out a piece of bitterness, and his face was murderous , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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