Published at 25th of May 2022 08:36:17 AM

Chapter 462

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The next day, in gangshou's residence.

"Bang" a sound door rings, Naruto entered gangshou's bedroom, but only saw the silence on the floor.

The arrival of Naruto directly wakes the silence.

Silent see Naruto face immediately appear panic color, suddenly stand up from the floor: "finished, today is a day?"

"Star... Monday." Naruto was also shocked by the sudden response of silence.

"Are you all right? Has it recovered? "

Naruto: "well, I've always been. No matter how much I hurt, I just need to sleep. That... Why didn't you see that dead old woman? Although I haven't practiced yet, I can only stick to it. "

Naruto said this, silent face more anxious: "no, we must hurry up! That... Naruto, you stay here first."

With silence, he rushed out. As soon as he went out, he met zilaiye.

"Silence! Wait!"

"hmm? At this time, gangshou and dasheban had met in a narrow corridor.

Big snake pill is still a face gloomy: "your reply is?"

Gangshou: "I will help you to cure your hand, but you are not allowed to move the village."

The big snake pill's face was treacherous: "hee hee... Yes."

"Then, let's go!"

the big snake pill said, raised his hands, and gangshou's hands gathered a halo of chakra, and stretched out to him.

All of a sudden, a kuwufei shot from the ground between the two people. They were stunned at the same time, and their bodies suddenly retreated at the same time.

When you look around, the pharmacist is standing on the roof in the middle, and he throws out the bitterness.

When Dou jumped from the roof, big snake pill's face was extremely gloomy: "why give me such a reply? Princess gangshou? You want my life? ! "

when the big snake pill raised its hand, it felt that there was a heavy murderous gas on the chakra on the hand of gangshou.

Pharmacist as a medical ninja, of course, also feel.

Gangshou just wanted to kill dashevin!

dashevin continued: "I still trust you 100 percent, Dou... Your loyalty and insight, gangshou tried to kill me. Ah... Gangshou, I really want your brother and husband to be reborn, and I also promised you not to destroy the village. "

Hearing the speech, gangshou's face was a little helpless: "ha ha, big snake pill, do you think I can't hear that's your rhetoric? I know it's fake, but I really want to see them again... Hug them again... And look at their smiling faces. However, I can't let you, a dangerous guy, destroy the village for my selfish desire, and let Muye fall into charcoal again... Because this village is also their hope and dream place... "

with that, gangshou cried.

Big snake pill face evil: "negotiation failure, in this case, I can only and you to hard."

After the big snake pill said that, gangshou wiped his tears, stepped on the ground with both feet, jumped up, and chopped his legs down on the big snake pill's head. The big snake pill dodged the spot and hit the ground with its hands and feet. With a loud bang, it made a deep pit.

When he saw the big snake pill again, he had reached the roof and stood with the pharmacist Dou: "Dou, she is very strong."

Pharmacist pocket: "I said, although she is like a good medicine, but also quite bitter."

Next, the master glared at them: "come on, big snake pill!"

"hum, we haven't really fought yet."

"You're right." Gangshou said, and rushed forward, "I'm going to kill you, scum!"

"boom", gangshou hit out again, smashing the house where they were standing. They quickly avoided and landed on the ground almost at the same time.

"If you get hit, you'll die."

"I know. But if you want to fight from a distance, you can't do it here. "

"You mean, somewhere else?"

"I'm afraid that person may not come to help when..."

"that person?"

"I've come."

"I'm here, you can't escape!".

Big snake pill: "gangshou's breathing has become short, now it's ok...

" understand. "

After the big snake pill was finished, the pharmacist took out a pill from the bag and ate it.

"Damn it, it's a grain pill."

It turned out that the two men had been thinking about consuming the strength of gangshou, and after eating Bingliang pills, they picked up their strength and fighting the consumption of gangshou.

Hard work is not bad.

The next moment, the foot of the master of medicine is a little bit on the ground, flying up to the pharmacist's pocket , the fastest update of the webnovel!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!