Published at 25th of May 2022 08:36:15 AM

Chapter 464

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The pharmacist pushed his glasses: "yes, I'm Yinyin's spy."

"You... What did you say? Isn't that true? Do you want to be a senior

Douleng snorted: "Naruto, I also have your information, and I also know that... You are different from Sasuke, you do not have the ability to become a ninja."

On the other side, gangshou looks very weak. She is supported from the ground by silence. She thinks in her heart: This is the first time that I have seen such a master of gangshou...

"don't be too forced, master of gangshou...

at this time, Naruto looks at him fiercely.

"Hum, don't show your ferocious appearance. This is not the place for you to endure. Although I'm also interested in the monsters in your body, compared with the legendary" three forbearances ", it's just a little witch to see a big one." The more the pharmacist Dou said, the more evil his eyes were, "if you dare to stand out like a tiny mole ant, I'll kill you!"

the more he said, the more angry Naruto was. He crossed his index fingers and rushed up.

"The art of multiple shadows and separation!"

Naruto changes from one to five and draws out the bitterness together to surround the pharmacist.

Seeing this, the pharmacist took out a kuwu and killed him right and left. Three moves and two moves scattered Naruto's shadow, and Naruto's real body was also shot away.

Taking advantage of this gap, silent eyes staring in front, and then suddenly spit out a few silver needles from the air, pharmacist pocket noticed, fiercely put his head forward, flying out of the needle all inserted in the forehead.

Silent heart was stunned: "he actually blocked the silver needle with his forehead!"

to the surprise of the public, the pharmacist took out a red pill from the patient's bag again and ate it.

This is Zengxue pill.

Zilai also stepped forward: "silence, you go to deal with the one who wears glasses. Give me the big snake pill. But if only the master could make my body recover. "

Silent: "I'm afraid the effect will last for another period of time, and I can't do anything about it..."

it turns out that gangshou wanted to solve the problem of himself and Dashe pill by himself, so he knocked out silent the night before, and put some sweat medicine into zilaiye's wine.

"Well, it's hard work. Gangshou, use medical Ninjutsu to heal yourself. " Zilai also said.

Hearing the words from zilaiye, Naruto looked worried, "what about me? What am I doing? "

Come and see him: "you can protect the master and the pig (Master's pet)"

"What? I'll fight if I don't do it! "Naruto is angry.

"No way!" he said firmly, "just as the eyes said, you are far from it. My opponent and I are three forbearances, and they have killed three generations of Huoying. I have to beat him. The power of wearing glasses is no less than Kakashi. "

"In that case, I'll..." Naruto said, and made the starting gesture of shadow separation again.

Zilai is also good at blocking: "wait a minute, shadow separation can't work, it can't confuse them at all, on the contrary, it will waste chakra in vain."

"Hateful!" hearing the speech, Naruto stopped.

Zilai also said, directly biting his finger, drawing two marks on his hand, and suddenly patting on the ground. And the other side of the pharmacist pocket also made almost the same action.

Two dust clouds flashed by. On one side of the bag and the big snake pill, a big snake more than 50 meters suddenly appeared in front of everyone. This is the spirit animal of the big snake pill, ten thousand snakes.

And from this side, we summoned a toad the size of a slap.


seeing this, dasheban sneered: "you are still such a waste."

"The lecherous fairy was ridiculed, and I'm really not reconciled..." Naruto thought like this, biting his finger and slapping on the ground, "psychics!"

seeing this scene, everyone was surprised.

How could this kid be psychic?

Just when we can't help but praise, we can see that Naruto's call is just a toad.

And since also different is, Naruto calls out the toad is yellow.

Toad dragon and Toad Ji.

"Why am I here?"

"Brother toad?"

When the two brothers met on the battlefield, they were very cordial.

Originally, the scene of pretending to be forced became funny, which made the opponent's face more scornful.

The big snake pill suddenly smiles and jumps on WAN she's head: "I'll deal with Zi Lai, and the rest of the people will be handed over to you, Dou!"

after that, Wan she roars and pours at the crowd, beating them in a split second.

"Your opponent is me!"

although he didn't succeed in summoning, his momentum still remained unchanged. His hands quickly sealed, "tudun · huangquan marsh!"

a huge swamp appeared in front of ten thousand snakes, making them trapped in , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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