Published at 25th of May 2022 08:36:14 AM

Chapter 465

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However, the swamp created by him is still a little small, which is not enough to sink it completely. In other words, the medicine on him has not passed yet.

On the other side, he pulled the mechanism on his arm and shot out silver needles at the pharmacist's pocket. The pharmacist's pocket's body basically recovered to its original state. His action was very fast. He rushed to the front of the mute and attacked directly with a surgical knife wrapped in his hand.

Silent, his body retreated suddenly, and at the same time, a mass of purple mist in his mouth came out to his pocket: "forbearance · poisonous fog!"

"hateful, this kind of thing will die if you take a sip..." pocket thought like this, his body also quickly retreated...

on this side, the big snake pill also rushed to Zilai, and Zilai also made a seal with his hands together: "forbearance · needle hiding!"

I saw it The hair grows rapidly, wrapping up the body at the same time, the erect hair becomes as hard as a steel needle.

Before that, the big snake pill's neck stretched rapidly and bit zilaiye's neck like a snake.

"Damn, Ninjutsu doesn't work."

Since come to also think like this, the neck of big snake pill drew back quickly again, restored oneself condition.

Although the big snake pill made Zilai also hurt himself, he himself was injured and could not use his arms, so he also expended some physical strength.

Zilaiye's hair also returned to normal. They stood opposite each other and talked about Naruto.

Big snake pill said with a sly smile: "hee hee, the madman in the village used to run around with his children like a nanny. Just to remind you, I'm very good at judging people. That child has no talent. "

Zilai wiped the blood on his neck and said with a smile, "that's why I took him with me."

Big snake pill "..."

Zilai also continued: "I have no interest in Sasuke. What's the meaning of cultivating a person who is born a genius?"

"Well, it's because he (Naruto) is very similar to you in the past, so you have to cultivate him, right? He can't win the yuzhibo people who are born with excellent blood lineage, because he doesn't write round eyes. Ninja's talent depends on how much Ninja he is proficient in, so ninja, as the name suggests, is the person who can use ninja. "

It seems that dashuewan does not agree with zilaiye.

Zilai also said: "Oh, ninja's talent has nothing to do with those, ninja refers to... People with endurance."

"It seems that we don't understand the same thing."

"Yes, the most important thing in Ninja talent is not how many kinds of Ninja, but the perseverance to never admit defeat."

As he said this, on the other side, chakra was attached to the hand of the pharmacist's pocket. He attacked gangshou and mute. Suddenly, Naruto blocked them and blocked the pharmacist's pocket with his forehead.

"Give me enough!" Naruto glared at him. As he spoke, he also gathered a blue cyclone in his hand.


Naruto let out a loud drink and dragged the cyclone towards the pharmacist's pocket. On one side of the pocket, one leg directly tripped him to the ground. The cyclone in Naruto's hand hit the ground and made a hole.

"Although I don't know what your move is, how can such a conspicuous move hit me? You look down on people, don't you The pharmacist made a slight mockery.

Although gangshou saw Naruto was injured, he was still fighting. He was moved.

Just now, Naruto had been hurt a lot. At this time, he stood up tremblingly from the ground, his face was very ugly, and he felt that his chakra was difficult to maintain...

the pharmacist looked at him and said with a smile: "it seems that ten thousand snakes have caused you a lot of damage just now. If it's just like this, you can still move, but just now, I cut off your left side The muscles on the outside of the leg. Hehe, what's the matter? Are you afraid? Do you really want to run away? "

The pharmacist said, but took out a card from his pocket, "Naruto, in the first scene of the Zhongren test, you once said... You don't look down on people. I will never run away. Even if I only endure for a lifetime, I will become a shadow of fire to show you. What about? Now, do you dare to say such big words? You are no longer young. Don't always try to be brave. You should give up when it's time to give up... "

the sarcasm of the pharmacist makes Naruto glare at him.

Seeing this, the pharmacist continued to sneer: "hum, why are you looking at me like this? This will kill you. If you don't have your life, what's your dream? Children are children. It's too easy to see everything. They always think about some dreams that are not relevant to the world... "

unexpectedly, Naruto stood up from the ground with pain and trembling, which surprised both the master and the pharmacist.

"To put it bluntly, this is my way of forbearance!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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