Published at 25th of May 2022 08:36:12 AM

Chapter 467

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"I didn't expect that he would be so strong. If [Xiao] caught him, it would be hard to do..." big snake pill thought, and one flew to Naruto.

"Big snake pill, don't run!" he came to see it and quickly chased him.

But the speed of big snake pill was very fast. When Zilai didn't move much distance, he had already flown to less than five meters away from Naruto.

Suddenly, the snake pill's tongue stretched out rapidly, and everything was seen by the master beside Naruto. She also clearly saw that the front end of the tongue was a bright samurai sword.

That's the grass shaved sword!

seeing this, the master didn't hesitate to block Naruto's body. In an instant, her body was pierced.

Blood light splashed everywhere!

cough... Gangshou coughed up two mouthfuls of blood.

Big snake pill looked at her with a gloomy face: "gangshou, I didn't want to kill you. If I keep this kid, I'll have a lot of trouble. Let's get out of the way, OK?"

Although gangshou was pierced, he trembled and said: "as long as I'm here, you can't move him..."

dasheban snorted coldly and pulled out the grass shaving sword directly: "why do you want to protect the Sanren who trembles when you see the blood?"

"I do this... To protect the leaves... Cough...

" protect the leaves? " The big snake pill's tongue became shorter and returned to normal.

Gangshou looks back at Naruto with unspeakable tenderness in his eyes: because sooner or later, this kid will become a fire shadow...

big snake pill: "hee hee, don't say stupid words. Fire shadow is nothing at all. Only a fool can be a fire shadow."

Smell speech, gangshou eyes become firm: "it seems that I have to bet on life."

"Hum, if you don't want your life for this kid, I'll help you and send you to the west at once!" big snake pill, with a venomous face, took out the grass shaved sword and drew another sword to the master.

"Master gangshou!"

when master gangshou fell to the ground, Zilai and Mujing rushed up and blocked the big snake pill.

"I said... I'm going to gamble on my life!"

gangshou stood up again, and there was a curse mark on her forehead. The next moment, she clenched her right fist and hit the snake pill out with one blow.

"How can it be? How could gangshou not be afraid of blood? "

"Because I am the fifth generation of fire shadow of Muye!" with that, the master of martial arts put his hands together to make a seal, "forbearance · creation and regeneration!"

this... This is? !

in their consternation, the mantra seal on the forehead of gangshou gradually disappeared, and then the sword wound that was cut just now healed with the speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing that the form has been reversed, he has also bitten his fingers and used channeling again.

The master also uses psychics.

Ten thousand snakes of dasheban have already climbed out of the swamp they created.

At this time, three huge bodies appeared on the battlefield.

Ten thousand snakes.

Toad Wentai.


Three legs stand in balance.

"Big snake pill and ten thousand snakes, gangshou and slugs... Long time no see. Since then, is this your classmate Union? " As soon as she came out, Wen Tai joked.

Since then, he has a serious face: "fool, I haven't come out for a long time. Don't tell such a cold joke as soon as I come out. It's time to end it!"! "Big snake pill!"

and WAN she looked at the big snake pill on her head: "Hello! Big snake pill, don't always leave this kind of mess to me, be careful... I'll eat you! "

the pharmacist knelt down on the ground with a look of fear:" Mr. Wan snake, please don't say that. We will definitely reward you with a big gift afterwards. "

Ten thousand snakes didn't even look at him: "who asked you, you unruly little devil."

Pharmacist's pocket: "Hey, I need to prepare 100 living people as sacrifices."

Two people smell speech, hastily promise.

Big snake pill's spirit animal is not a fuel-saving lamp. If it knows that big snake pill can't use its hands, it will betray its master immediately.

"Slug, get that kid to the quiet." The master ordered to his own psychic beast.

Unlike ten thousand snakes, slugs are quite obedient: "OK."

Slug said, separated a body, carrying Naruto's body to silent treatment.

After settling Naruto and silence, the three men on the battlefield are covetous.

Wen Tai and WAN she looked at each other, as if they could spray fire out of their eyes. Wan she said, "asshole, what's that look in your eyes? Do you believe I turn you into a toad?"

Wen Tai held the handle of the knife behind her: "I just want a snakeskin purse, too."

Zilai also said: "big snake pill, you do many evils, we are no longer companions!"

big snake pill does not care: "companions? Ha ha, that's really chilling... "Gangshou said: "from today on, we will not be called Sanren any more!"

"Oh, such a scene is not uncommon. I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

just at this critical moment, a discordant voice came from the air...

" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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