Published at 25th of May 2022 08:36:10 AM

Chapter 469

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At this time, the people on the battlefield no longer dare to despise the young enemy in front of them.

The next moment, three bear coincidentally, together toward the rain fairy rushed over.

The fist is fierce.

Since then, there has been a strong undercurrent.

Dashe pill is very effective.

"Strange power · tianshouquan!"

"Renfa · zhendizang!"

"Cao Zao · Kong's Taidao!"

the three people saluted the immortal in the rain with three moves, but the immortal in the rain was not slow, and the middle and index fingers of his right hand gathered great chakra's spirit, and his two fingers suddenly cut through the void:

"Xianfa fengdun · yindao flickered!"

this move was powerful, light and easy The lift broke the three man move.


when Sanren was broken in an instant, wanshe and Toad Wentai attacked him at the same time.

When the two psychic beasts flashed and crossed, the fairy in the rain had disappeared in the same place.

When the crowd looked around, he was no longer visible.

This mysterious man is like this every time. He won't kill one person on the battlefield. He comes quietly and leaves in a hurry.

I left quietly, just as I came here gently...

maybe no one knows what his purpose is except him.

Seeing that the immortal in the rain was gone, and ignoring this confusing thing, dasheban said, "gangshou, even if I don't rely on you, I have a way to recover my hand..."

at this time, everyone was exhausted, standing in the same place and panting.

"Gangshou, I'm really immortal and immortal."

Knowing that he won't get any advantage in the fight, with that, the big snake pill, the pharmacist's bag and the ten thousand snakes all disappeared in the same place.

Perhaps because of the arrival of the rain fairy, the battle ended faster.

Since also looking at the ground is still sleeping Naruto, said with a smile: "gangshou, it seems you still can't win the bet."

It also means that gangshou and Naruto bet on whether he can use the spiral pill in a week. Unexpectedly, the kid hit the pharmacist in the battlefield.

With a tender face, gangshou put the necklace directly around Naruto's neck, "please take this..."

he said: "gangshou, you...

" you can't call me like this any more. You should call me the fifth generation of Huoying adults! "

people go back to Muye together and return to this peaceful day again...

" unexpectedly, the strength of Sanren It's worse than I expected. Next, gangshou will become the fifth generation of Huoying. Now I don't know how far away I am from liudao level, or is it slightly better? Then, compared with that man... "

the night is deep, and a young man is walking alone on the open road, constantly thinking about the problems that ordinary people can't understand, and thinking about the battle with Sanren during the day.

The youth is exactly Lei Yin.

When he lowered his head to read, two bitterness came straight away.

Lei Yin's eyes were quick and his hands were quick. He stepped back a little bit.

When he raised his head and gazed ahead, a girl with two small hair bun and a pink cheongsam stood in front of him with a big scroll on her back.

Not everyday. Who else?

"Can't you stop when I say you're not finished?" When I saw him, there were five deep black lines on Lei Yin's head. I didn't expect that this guy was still reluctant.

What he didn't know was that every day she was a very strong girl. As long as she beat her, she would remember for a long time. Even the one who beat her in the middle school entrance examination still remembers her hand bow, but she was in shayin village, far away from the emperor.

At present, the man in front of him has defeated himself for more than five times, and he often meets (all ninjas of Muye). Every time he meets Leiyin, it's like a huge insult to him every day. It's like the man's eyes are roaring at the words "defeat". This makes Yaoqiang extremely unhappy every day.

"In order to defeat you, I increase my training amount at least twice as much as other ninjas every day. I believe I am different now. Let's finish it!"

All of a sudden, every day, he quickly unfolded the scroll and patted it gently, "concealed weapons are playing repeatedly!"

kuwu's sword and other endurance tools almost surrounded the thunder like a lock. Seeing this, Lei Yin raised his palm directly, and a [beast wave gale palm] blew these concealed weapons away.

"I knew it was useless for you."

"Harness the meteor!"

every day, I see that I can't do one move, so I clap the scroll again, and many meteor like iron weapons fly towards the thunder.

As long as you are hit by this iron, you will be bound to your hands or feet. Leiyin dodged left and right, avoiding the attack.

"Sure enough, but this time you can't run away in any case!" he said every day, spreading the scroll to the bottom and using his unique skill."Explosive dragon!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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