Published at 25th of May 2022 08:43:15 AM

Chapter 47

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Watching Leiyin finish eating, Aiyin still did not go, only two people can hear the voice asked Leiyin: "Hey, how did you do that move the day before yesterday?"


"When I saw you disappear in front of my eyes, you had knocked beligood to the ground. Have you mastered the six styles of shaving Ayn asked.

Hearing the speech, Lei Yin scratched his head: "well...

" Hey, you two stay away from me! Don't talk in secret there Before Lei Yin could say anything, belligood, clutching the bars of the cell, yelled at them. Beligood was very upset when he saw that the two people were so close to each other.

As for AI Yin's question, Lei Yin is vague and doesn't understand it. Even if she tells her, she certainly doesn't know the meaning of "Feilei Shenzhan" and "lion Liantan".

Ah, this is youth, the age when hormones are being released...

on the third day, Lei Yin and his wife were released.

Now, beligood's eyes at Leiyin were more scared

Before long, the story of Leiyin and beligood's fight and confinement was spread.

"You mean that kid killed beligood in a second?"


"How is that possible?"

Tina: that's right. He's just a second-class soldier. Tina doesn't believe he has such ability

"At least, beligood is also a demon fruit power."


These days, apart from sleeping and practicing, Lei Yin and AI Yin spend almost all day together, which makes many male cadets and Navy feel uncomfortable.

Ayn is the goddess of our youth training camp. Many of us are secretly in love with each other and pursue each other openly. They don't even look at her. You are just a second-class soldier, and you are so confused with our goddess?

One day, in the restaurant of the youth training camp, Lei Yin and AI Yin sat opposite each other and had lunch together. Not far from the table, Tina and some of her best friends also have lunch together.

As the saying goes: women are born to gossip. This is not, when a few girls sit together to eat, they begin to whisper.

Tina's best friend a: "Hey, look over there. Do you think they're already married?"

Girl b: "I didn't expect that although this guy's rank is low, he still has a good hand in picking up girls."

My best friend C: "I didn't expect that the most difficult goddess in the whole youth training camp would be given a second-class soldier to..."

Tina sniffed at Lei Yin and then said, "cut, Tina doesn't believe that AI Yin will like him."

Girl b: "Oh, yes, the first goddess of the youth training camp should be our Tina."

Girl C: "that is, you always say that Ayn is a goddess, which makes Tina unhappy."

Beauty, jealousy and comparison are women's nature. If two women of the same age stand together, the one who is not beautiful will always feel inferior. Therefore, people in the youth training camp, especially the female students, are always gossiping about these things. It is generally acknowledged that the two most beautiful women in the youth training camp are Ayn and Tina, but who is more beautiful is always debated for this boring question.

However, not long later, the arrival of another beautiful girl broke the argument. However, this is a later story.

At this time, hearing her friend C's words, Tina couldn't help but look white: "hum, Tina doesn't care about this kind of thing. In this world, strength is the most important..."

Tina says that's what she says. In fact, she loves beauty more than anyone else. She always dresses herself up before going out every day. She always looks at Ayn, who is talked about by everyone, for fear that her appearance will be inferior to her. At this time, she can't help looking towards Leiyin and Ayn

Lei Yin and AI Yin sit opposite each other, enjoying the delicious food on the plate and laughing. They really envy others. Suddenly, a discordant knock on the table interrupted the man and woman.

A man followed four or five students behind him. He knocked off the table and stared at Lei Yin with an evil look on his face.

This man is also a student of the youth training camp. His name is brennuel. He is a student of the second lieutenant. He has grass green hair. Some of his high hairline covers his real age. He is big and thick, and his muscles are twisted. He is a little scary.

Brennuel said to Leiyin, "Hey, boy, come out. We have something to talk to you."

Lei Yin put a piece of sea animal's meat in his mouth with a fork: "I'm eating, I'm not free."

One of the students next to brennuel said, "don't be shameless. Our boss told you to go out. How dare you refuse?"

Brennuel clenched his fist and said, "it's a second-class soldier who doesn't know how to die. He doesn't pee to take care of himself. He's eating here with sister Ayn. If I were your second-class soldier, I would have no face to go out and meet people. "Ayn said anxiously, "Hello, brennuel! You have crossed the line! Get out of here! Or I'll be rude to you! "

Leiyin said, "don't worry, Ayn. I'll see what he can do."

"Numb, dare to shout here! If sister Ayn hadn't been here, I would have beaten you all over the place. Come on, do you want me to fix you with the six moves? " Braneau pressed his finger to "gragragra".

AI Yin was about to use her fruit power to deal with them, but Lei Yin pressed her shoulder.

At this time, the students next to brannuw said: "six styles? Boss, are you a little too hard to deal with this boy with six moves? This smelly second-class soldier probably doesn't even know what the six moves are. Ah ha ha... "

When the man finished, many people burst into laughter and laughed at Lei Yin.

Six moves - iron fist!

Bang! Fly up a punch, will be a person hit fly out, directly hit the counter for rice, and hit a big hole.

It's thunder that blows the fist, and it's brennuel who flies. Brennuel not only bumps a big hole in the counter, but also spits out a mouthful of blood, spits out two front teeth, and dislocates his chin.

Brennuel's men scattered like birds and beasts.

Even brannuw, who is five big and three rough and knows six styles, is beaten to that virtue. We are definitely not the opponent of this second class soldier.

After beating brannuw with one punch, Lei Yin continued to eat as if nothing had happened

At this time, not only AI Yin, who is sitting opposite Lei Yin, but also Tina, who is not far away, is stunned.

Girl a: "Hey, he just used what seems to be [six moves - iron fist] , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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