Published at 25th of May 2022 08:36:06 AM

Chapter 472

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Muye hospital.

Under the careful treatment of gangshou, Sasuke finally woke up.

"Sasuke!" Sakura chunye see Sasuke has no big problem, tears with joy, all of a sudden rushed to embrace him.

Sasuke: "seeing the scene, Naruto shows a complicated smile and turns away.

"I didn't expect that Naruto was quite intelligent..." gangshou thought.

After Naruto left, gangshou told chunye Sakura to take good care of Sasuke, he will soon recover, and then also out of the ward.

Sasuke did not pay attention to so many, a person sitting on the bed, thinking of the scenes that happened some time ago.

[yuzhibo weasel: "do you know why you are still so weak? That's because you don't hate enough! "]

when you think of weasel's words and his scornful eyes, Sasuke is not happy.

[to protect us, he showed unprecedented strength.

"Naruto · 4000 bullets!"


before he knew it, he thought of the amazing strength that Naruto showed again and again in the process of fighting with I love Luo, and his face became more and more unwilling.

"Hateful! Naruto, why did you become... So strong..." Sasuke hit his fist on the bed...

in the barbecue shop.

Autumn road Ding eat with relish, also Baji mouth, and Leiyin's plate, Inoue has given him full of meat.

"I'll do it myself, Inoue." Lei Yin laughed a little embarrassed.

"You must be very happy when you are promoted to Zhongren? Eat more and celebrate. " Igano said with a smile.

Lei Yin is even more helpless.

Seeing that Qiu daoding was still eating there, Inoue frowned slightly and turned to him: "Ding, if you eat like this, be careful and go to the hospital again, do you know what it means to chew and swallow slowly?"

"What's the degree? Even if I eat more, I'll have no problem." Ding said, a chopstick picked up three pieces of mutton, sent to the mouth, while eating also showed a very enjoyable expression.

Ding Ci's appearance made ASMA and Dahe, the two adults present, laugh, thinking that children are children after all.

And when dingci swallowed the meat, his face turned to thunder: "I remember, when we took the Zhongren exam, did we hand it over?"

In the last match of the third 20-10 in the Zhongren exam, Lei Yin easily broke Ding's [doubling technique].

"Oh, there is such a thing."

"Mr. ASMA, he is really strong. He threw me out at that time. It's strange."

ASMA held a cigarette in his mouth: "no wonder people can become Zhongren. You should also refuel and learn from Leiyin and Luwan."

Erhei said with a smile: "Luwan, if you are not afraid of trouble, you will perform better."

"Ha ha..."

everyone talks and laughs, and the table is very harmonious. But who knows that Lei Yin, who has just been promoted to Zhongren, is a rain immortal named zhenmuye?

Muye hospital.

Sasuke, who is lying on the hospital bed, can't let go of the scenes that happened before. Naruto's continuous display of Superman's strength seems to be fresh in my mind.

Unfortunately, at this time, Naruto suddenly pushed the door and came in, "Hello! Sasuke, are you better?"

When he saw Naruto coming to visit him, Sasuke didn't show his happy mood. Instead, he looked at Naruto viciously.

"Sasuke, what's the matter with you?" Seeing Sasuke like this, Naruto feels something is wrong.

Sakura haruno also feels that Sasuke's vision is not good.

"What are you and I staring at?" Naruto is more and more confused.

At this time, the air in the ward is very dignified, and Sakura chunye feels uncomfortable breathing.

"Ming... Naruto..." Sasuke bowed his head and said heavily.

"What... What's the matter?" Naruto looks confused.

"Let's have a competition now!" Sasuke looked very serious.

"Ah? Are you kidding? Your illness is just getting better... "

" it's OK, just compare! "Sasuke raised his head, two gouyu in his eyes were turning.

It seems that he is serious.

Sasuke's action surprised Naruto and Sakura chunye.

"Don't think you saved me, and the fifth generation of Huoying, I don't need her to meddle in here!" Sasuke said coldly.

Naruto smell speech, cat face a burst of anger: "you this guy, say what?"

Sakura haruno was at a loss: "Sasuke? What's the matter with you? Naruto, what's the matter with you

Suddenly, a smile appeared on Naruto's face: "I can't wait, I just want to compare with you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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