Published at 25th of May 2022 08:36:06 AM

Chapter 473

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Chunye Sakura see two people like this, look very anxious: "you... You don't like this, OK?"

Sasuke ignored her, just looking at Naruto: "go, let's go outside."

They followed each other to the roof of the hospital, and Sakura haruno also followed.

When they stood face to face, Naruto felt that his lower abdomen was tight.

I just want to compare with you!

But also...

"ha ha!" Naruto's face showed a smile from his heart.

Sasuke looked at him slightly angrily: "is it funny?"

Naruto: "it's not funny. I'm excited. Because I can finally... Beat you! "

[taking Naruto away is the supreme order given by Xiao!]

at this time, Sasuke thought of his elder brother yuzhibo weasel's words again, and his eyes were filled with three points of hatred:" don't be too arrogant! At the end of the crane! "

Naruto's eyes were frozen:" I don't intend to be the end of the crane and a hindrance all my life 。”

[I'm not interested in you at all now!]

Sasuke thought of Itachi's words again, shook his head and looked at Naruto: "you big idiot... Don't be too arrogant!"

seeing Sasuke like this, Naruto put his hands in his waist and laughed easily: "you are always calm, but you can also shout loudly. It's not like you, it's not like you Do you regret that I came here? Sasuke... "

" stop talking, come on! "

" before the match, put on your forehead, I'll wait! "Naruto reminds.

"No need!" Sasuke said contemptuously.

"Put it on quickly!"

Sasuke pointed to his forehead and said in a very provocative tone: "no matter what, you can't hurt me here!"

Naruto held his forehead angrily: "you don't understand me! This means that we are equal, and we are all fighting as Muye ninjas!"

Sasuke retorted: "that's why I say how you do it Why are you arrogant? Who is equal to you? ! "

Naruto:" I've always thought this way, and I never felt inferior to you there! "

Sasuke became angry and angry:" you're an eyesore! "

Naruto:" at that time, because you were always standing still, little Sasuke! "

" Naruto! "

" Sasuke! "

looking at the tension between them, Sakura chunye knew that she couldn't stop them at all .

After a battle, Naruto crossed his hands to make a "cross" seal. In a moment, dozens of shadows appeared in the battle circle.

These shadow splits are three circles inside and three circles outside. They surround Sasuke firmly in the core. Sasuke rushes left and blocks right, constantly fighting with these shadow splits, and the shadow splits that Sasuke hits turn into dust.

"Swirling vortex singing human..."

as Sasuke was charging left and right, several parts of Naruto hit him in the air, and the last blow was that the real Naruto appeared on the top of Sasuke's head, and fell down fiercely, "Liantan!"

but at this time, Sasuke's hands had been sealed.

It's Yin Yin!

"Huodun · haohuoqiu skill!"

Sasuke spits out a raging fire from his mouth in the low air, which almost burns up Naruto's shadow part in the battle circle!

when the fire dissipates, Sasuke finds that Naruto is gathering a blue cyclone in his hand, and a nearby part is rubbing him back and forth.

What's that?

No matter how much, Sasuke knew that the guy was going to attack himself, so he made a seal himself, and his right hand flashed with a twinkling light.

"Thousand birds!"

"spiral pill!"

in this way, the two former teammates hedge against each other...

"you two... Stop it!" Sakura chunye yells and rushes to stop the two men's attack.

It's too late.

When the shining thunder and the cyclone were about to collide, a figure flew in an instant, grabbed the wrists of the two people and threw them out.

The two men were thrown into two iron water tanks and both smashed a hole in the water tank, but the difference is that Sasuke's is much bigger than Naruto's!

the dull Naruto didn't notice so much, but Sasuke caught all this in his eyes, and he couldn't help showing a proud smile.

This shows that the power of his "thousand birds" must be stronger than that of spiral pill!

in further words, it means that his own strength must also be above Naruto!

"Sasuke, are you balanced in this way?"

When Sasuke was deep in thought, Kakashi said, "the thousand birds just now are not for you to deal with your own people. Do you want the life of Naruto?"

Chunye cherry heard this, also scared a big jump."Cut!" But Sasuke didn't care. He turned over and jumped onto the railing, ready to go downstairs.


all of a sudden, Yu Guang saw something, and his eyes slowly focused on the target, showing the color of great fear!

Ding , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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