Published at 25th of May 2022 08:36:02 AM

Chapter 476

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Zuojian's words suddenly came to Sasuke's heart.

Duo Youye: "don't forget that this village is just like a shackle to you. Cut off those boring fetters quickly and get more powerful is the most important thing!"

"please don't forget your original intention!".

This time, they really left, waiting for Sasuke's response elsewhere.

After they left, Sasuke had made up his mind...

"in the middle of the night, what are you doing here?" When Sasuke has packed up ready to go, but on the road met chunye Sakura.

Sakura chunye looks melancholy: "because I have to pass here to leave the village, so I have been here all the time..."

Sasuke sighs: "go back to sleep."

Finish saying, pass by with her, continue to walk forward.

"Why don't you tell me? Why don't you tell me anything? " Sakura chunno said, crying.

Sasuke did not even look back: "who let you so many things, you'd better save it."

Chunyeying gently wiped her tears and continued: "in Sasuke's eyes, I have always been very annoying. Do you still have an impression? On the day when xiaren was divided into three groups, you and I were alone here for the first time. You told me that

"Do you have one?" Sasuke's face was cold, and he didn't even look at her.

"Ha ha, that's right. After all, it's been so long." Haruno Sakura said with a wry smile, "but since then, you, me, Naruto and Kakashi teacher, we have completed a lot of tasks together. Although it's hard, the key is... I feel very happy. I've heard about your family, but revenge won't make people happy. You too... "

Sasuke sneered:" we are different and we have different paths. Although we have done a lot of things together, does that mean that the road is the same? "

"Anyway, I have to take revenge. That's the way I have to go. So I can't live like you and Naruto. " Sasuke said words between actually revealed helplessness, said, he turned to go.

"Sasuke, do you want to go on that lonely road alone? Don't you say lonely people suffer? I have that feeling now too! "Sakura chunye almost cried out. "I have relatives and friends, but if I leave you, I will feel lonely too..."

Sakura chunno said, and cried again.

Sasuke's tone is still cold: "we just want to embark on different roads."

"I really like you, Sasuke! As long as we are together, I promise you will not regret it. You can be very happy every day, I can also give you happiness. I can do anything for you, so I said, "don't go."

Finish saying this paragraph of words, the spring wild cherry already cry of sob.

At half an echo, Sasuke looked back: "you are really... Very annoying."

With that, Sasuke immediately went around behind her and fainted her, then continued to move forward...

"we are waiting for you, Mr. Sasuke."

"What are you doing?"

Sasuke has not gone far, there are four figures in front of him.

It's Yinren.

"We believe that when you decide to leave the village, you are our leader..." Zuo nearly changed his previous state, "we hope you can forgive us for our rude behavior before."

Sasuke didn't care: "hum! Forget it, let's go! "

the next day, five in the morning.

Zi tie and chuyun are rushing to Huoying office with a pile of documents in their arms.

"I'm so tired. Hoo ~ "

" can the fifth generation of adults really instruct people to forget to bring the documents and not go by themselves? "


Zi tie was the first to find a girl lying on a bench in front of him.

It's Sakura chunye.

"Hello! Get up, you'll catch a cold when you sleep here! "Chuyun shouts.

At this time, chunyeying woke up, rubbed Xinsong's eyes, and became anxious: "Sasuke, Sasuke is gone!"

this matter was soon told to gangshou, who sent Zitie and chuyun to call Nara Luwan.

When Luwan stood in front of gangshou, his face was dignified: "yuzhibo left the village last night. Now it can be concluded that he is going to Yinyin village."

Lu Wan was surprised: "leave the village? Why? "

Compendium: "because of the invitation of big snake pill."

Lu Wan's face was full of disbelief: "wait, why did such a dangerous guy go back to Sasuke?"

"Don't ask so many questions, your name is Luwan, right? I'll leave this task to you...

" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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