Published at 25th of May 2022 08:35:59 AM

Chapter 479

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"There are mantra marks on every body..."

"it seems needless to say that these people are different from the previous sneak attacks..."

"stop talking, stupid, go to die!" at this time, duo Youye's whole body is covered with Mantra marks, and he says to the two ninjas Muye with a big drink.

"The puppet of big snake pill, Muye's Ninja is not so easy to be provoked!"

the two Muye's Shangren are not willing to be outdone, and they rush up with bitterness.

However, after a while, the two muyeshangren died and fell into a pool of blood.

At this time, Luwan, Leiyin and other six people were still moving forward. Suddenly, gouzhongya felt bad. He turned back to Luwan and said, "the breath of the five people in Sasuke was mixed with the breath of the other two people, but now, the smell of the five people is far away. What shall we do? "

Lu Wan heard the words and muttered to himself: "it's really... Abducted."

At this time, Naruto couldn't help saying, "let's go after Sasuke."

Dog grave tooth some angry: "Naruto, you shut up! These things have to listen to Luwan, you really think you are the head?"

"The breath of the two people has been far away from that of the five people, which means that the conflict is over. Although we can understand some of the situation in the past, we still have to delay some time..." Lu Wan makes an analysis while walking.

"In that case, Sasuke has left the land of fire." He added.

Naruto: "what should I do?"

"Forget it, go after Sasuke."

"Right, that's what it should be."

Lumaru then said: "however, since there has been a conflict, the enemy's vigilance is bound to be strengthened. Maybe what they encounter is Ninja from the secret assassination group. In this way, there may be enemy traps or ambushes ahead. "

Autumn road Ding time smell speech, involuntarily swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Listen up, from now on, you should maximize your vision and hearing, and find the enemy before ambushing!"

Naruto's face is full of War: "understand! When you find them, you must let them see the power of my new Ninjutsu."

All of a sudden, the front dog teeth found abnormal situation, deer pill also see out, signal everyone to stop.

"Everybody, look at the top!"

when the six people looked up, they saw a word "pop" written on the tree.

RI Ningci opened his eyes, looked around, and said to everyone, "besides the detonator, there are five more. According to the position, they are [jiejie FA Zhen]."

Qiudaodingci: "jiejie array?"

Nara lumaru then explained: "it's a kind of jiejie Ninjutsu. It belongs to the time difference trap of the Dharma array system. When the enemy steps into the Dharma array surrounded by Fu, it will start immediately. I read from my father's book that this is advanced Ninjutsu."

Lu Wan's expression of admiration made everyone flinch.

"It seems that we can only make a detour."

In fact, for Lei Yin, these traps are just children's traps. With his strength, if you throw a powerful ninja at will, you can destroy the array.

But, or that sentence, in order not to show his strength too much, he can only show the same performance as his friends. For different purposes, he is not a person in this world after all.

After several walks, the situation is still the same as just now.

"What a nuisance! It's just a trap..."

"yes, fortunately, the enemy is also in a hurry, and the trap design is obvious."

"Naruto, there's a line under your feet!" dog Zhong Ya reminded.

"Again?" Naruto squinted, told everyone that he understood, and then collapsed.

"Naruto! Don't move!"

Luwan drinks, but Naruto's foot has already stepped out.

When it was too late, Luwan used shadow imitation to control Naruto's action, so that he didn't step on the next line and triggered the array.

However, the range of Naruto's action is too large for Luwan to support.

At this time, a figure flashed, instantly took Naruto and Luwan away, out of danger.

After getting out of danger, Luwan touched his chin and began to analyze again: "although he was on the way, the enemy still set such a subtle double trap..."

RI Ningci said: "they are resting, or someone is injured. Use these to delay time."

Ning CI said, hands together, concentration, a strong breath surging: "white eyes!"

he saw blood vessels around his eyes burst, and then looked more carefully in all directions, "found it!"

Ning CI said this, Naruto immediately excited: "great! Sasuke, I must take you back!"

dog grave teeth smile: "no Good idea, Naruto, it's up to me this time! "

Akita:" there's me! "

" don't be impatient. When I've made a plan, we'll go there again. " Lu Wan said , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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