Published at 25th of May 2022 08:43:14 AM

Chapter 48

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Girl b: "good It seems that... "

Girl C: "how can it be? He's just a second-class soldier who is not well-known. Even most of the military officers don't know this [six styles]... "

Tina looks at Lei Yin with a pretty face and can't help being surprised. Although she doesn't say anything, there is a surge in her heart: isn't he an ordinary second-class soldier? How could it be? What's more, it's an extension of iron in the six moves?!

It's not surprising that everyone has such a strong reaction. Not many people in the Navy know the six styles. Let alone the lieutenant, even the school officer, it's estimated that only one tenth of the school officer knows the six styles.

What's more, Lei Yin is just a second-class soldier?! Is it an extended move?

It's not scientific.

"Did Tina underestimate him before?" Tina thought to herself

This fight was provoked by brennuel first, and brennuel was also injured. The headquarters only gave them verbal warnings.

The ranking assessment of the youth training camp is getting closer and closer, and Lei Yin is stepping up her self-cultivation

After a period of intense training, our department gives the students a three-day holiday. At this time, Lei Yin has a big plan in mind

After earning a reward for such a long time and selling [rubber fruit] at a price of 110 million yuan, Lei Yin still has nearly 20 million Bailey.

It only costs 10000 Bailey to extract e-level Ninjutsu, while Leiyin only costs more than 200000 Bailey to learn all the six basic e-level Ninjutsu.

The six basic e-level Ninjutsu are separation, double, change, transfiguration, escape, and rope breaking.

one of the six basic e-level Ninjutsu is of great help to his plan.

Lei Yin read the latest issue of the newspaper. Recently, two pirates came to [shambaldi islands], one named Taylor, who slaughtered more than 100 residents. In addition, more than a dozen young girls about 20 years old were kidnapped and disappeared. Zheng Fu suspects that this has something to do with him. Moreover, he was well hidden. Zhengfu sent troops to arrest him many times, but he failed. Therefore, he was offered a reward of 52 million Bailey, and his ability was unknown.

There's another one named Capone Becky.


What a familiar name.

Lei Yin is searching his memory

Capone Becky, known as the "gangster", captain of the fire tank regiment, Superman is the fruit of the strong city. Now the reward is 78 million Bailey. Lei Yin remembers that he was one of the 11 supernovae of Luffy's contemporaries a few years later, when he offered a reward of 138 million. Later, he joined big mom, and the reward increased to 300 million Bailey.

Didn't expect this guy to be in the shampoos right now?

It's no wonder that carpenter Becky has always been on his own, because he has a bug in his fruit ability. He has thousands of troops wherever he goes. So it's not easy for the navy to catch him.

Well, 78 million Bailey, in that case, the target is you!

Thinking about this, taking advantage of the three-day holiday, Lei Yin took a boat to the shamudi islands, which is not far from the Navy headquarters.

Although the training in the youth training camp is very strict at ordinary times, the students are very relaxed and comfortable after the holiday. Shampooland islands is the first choice for them to play and entertain during the holiday.

Near the headquarters of the Navy, there is a world's largest mangrove, the yarqiman mangrove. Because its roots have been exposed on the water, the shambaldi islands have been formed.

The shambaldi islands lie in front of the red earth continent in the middle of the great sea route. The island is made up of many big trees, and the ground is the root. In the original book, the shambaldi islands are also called "the island of failure" and "the island of starting again" by Brooke.

The most important feature of the shambaldi islands is that the roots of the arqi mangrove trees secrete special natural resin due to respiration. The resin inflates to form bubbles and then flies to the sky. Because the bubble is only suitable for the climate range of yarqi mangrove, once the bubble is out of the shambaldi islands, the resin component will blow up because it can not give full play to its power. That's why the shampoo islands got their name.

Bubble car, bubble Ferris wheel, coating technology of bubble, house built on bubble All these have become the unique characteristics and beautiful scenery of shampooland islands.

The island consists of 79 numbered trees, each with towns and facilities.

From the 1st to the 29th, there are mainly human trafficking shops, people's auctions, no zone, etc.

30 to 39: mainly soap bubble Park, etc.

40 to 49: there are mainly sightseeing areas, specialty stores, etc.

50 to 59: mainly shipyards, coating craftsmen, etc.

No. 60 to No. 69: there are mainly naval bases, government entrances and exits, etc.

70 to 79: hotel street, etc.

Lei Yin is now a serious Navy, so he naturally entered the shambaldi islands from the Navy's area 60.

Leiyin thought that the shambaldi islands were very big, but he found that they were bigger than he thought.As soon as I boarded the island, I saw bubbles flying all over the sky. Under the sunlight, they looked colorful and gorgeous

From the moment he went to the island, he made up his mind to catch carpenter Becky, go to the navy to exchange rewards and draw Ninja to enhance his strength.

That is to say, Lei Yin is going to go back to her old business.

However, he is now in the Navy. If he catches a pirate, he will not be able to get a reward. He will be promoted to a higher rank at most.

When I become a navy, I want to be a pirate hunter. Isn't that bullshit?

Ha ha.

But don't forget, Lei Yin is a ninja.


Looking for an empty space, "bang", Lei Yin changed into another person's appearance.

He changed his previous image of being weak and delicate. This time, he transformed himself into a strong man with e-level [transfiguration], and his twisted muscles were very different from the original image.

Who says you can't be a pirate hunter when you become a navy? Who let me have such a buggy system?

Next, you can start looking for the target.

Logically speaking, the place where the pirates are located is not likely to be in residential areas, tourist areas and specialty areas. Of course, the most likely place is the "no zone" of shampoo Island, where the navy has little time to take care of, so it naturally becomes a gathering place for pirates.

After confirming this idea, Leiyin went to area 1-29

The gathering of Pirates naturally attracted many pirates hunters. But there is also a famous human trafficking shop, which is the default of Zhengfu. So, the pirate hunters there say they are pirate hunters, but in fact, they almost catch people who feel valuable and then sell them to the [human trafficking shop] , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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