Published at 25th of May 2022 08:35:55 AM

Chapter 483

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"It's up to you?" Jiro Fang looked at his thin body contemptuously. His body size was less than half of Akira's. obviously, he didn't pay attention to Lei Yin.

Seeing this, Lei Yin suddenly smiles: "aren't you very strong? Well, if you can take my punch, I'll admit you, OK? "

"Well! Do you know what it means to be arrogant? What's more, what are you to be recognized? I really despise it. " There is more irony on Jiro Fang's face.

"Needless to say, there are so many useless ones. Have a try!" Lei Yin said, the color of his right fist had changed into pitch black.

Although the tone before was very arrogant, I don't know why, Jiro Fang felt that there was a strong breath on this thin boy.

To be on the safe side, Jiro Fang quickly made a seal with both hands, "tudun · Tulu returns!"

suddenly, a wall appeared in front of his body, which he used as his own shield to cushion his opponent's attack.

At this time, the dark iron fist of thunder came.


with a deafening sound of breaking, the wall fell apart and fell to the ground.

Not only that, the impact of his right fist did not decrease, directly hit jilongfang in the face.

Jiro square was hit and hit more than ten meters away.

One side of the autumn road Ding is to see the dumbfounded.

It seems that it's not a coincidence that he beat himself out of the state of doubling in the last test.

Who the hell is this guy?

Ding Ji was just thinking about it. Jironfang's face was like a black worm crawling out. The curse appeared on his face. "You little devil, I look very familiar." Jiro Fang came here coldly.

Qiu daodingci: "do you know each other?"

Lei Yin said with a smile: "well, I used to hand it over once."

"Hand in hand?" Jiro Fang only thinks that the kid in front of him is familiar, but he doesn't know where he met him.

Lei Yin: "I'll tell you when we're done and help you remember. But maybe you won't have a chance then. "

Jironfang's face and body were more and more bright, and his face became angry: "you arrogant dead kid, look at me crushing you!"

"Sheng boxing!"

jironfang was drinking like a straight armored car, and he rushed to attack with his fist. When Lei Yinzheng was about to attack, a huge arm nearly three meters hit him.


under the two-way impact, Jiro Fang collided with the fist which was not in proportion to himself, sweeping waves of dust.

That arm is exactly the result of Ding's use of hyperglycation.

It turns out that when Lei Yin was fighting with him just now, Ding CI ate the first [falian pill].

"Hello! Don't you, you fellow, tell you not to eat? " Lei Yin doesn't understand.

"I can't just stand here and watch, I also want to fight!"

hearing Ding Ci's words, Lei Yin sighed.

Even if the strength is not strong enough, but as a man, should also have their own dignity. How is it possible to watch one's companions fight while standing like a log?

If Lei Yin and Ding CI are exchanged, Lei Yin will also choose to take pills with side effects and join the battle.

But what Ding CI doesn't know is that since Lei Yin came to this world, almost all the battles are hiding his strength. As long as he wants to, the fat man in front of him can solve it without any effort.

But in that case, we will expose our strength in front of dingci.

If you play slowly, you may learn more Ninjutsu.

Lei Yin helpless: "you don't have to continue to eat, next, I'll get rid of him."

He said, flying a foot directly to kick away, Jiro Fang quickly hands in front of the body, catch the foot of Leiyin.

But then there was only a clear sound, and Jiro Fang cried out in pain.

The crisp sound was the sound of Jiro Fang's broken bones.

"You damned kid! I'm going to tear you to pieces!"

Jiro Fang didn't expect that this seemingly weak kid could break his foot in the curse state.

"You've successfully angered me!"

Jiro Fang drank, his whole body became darker and darker, and finally became dark brown, his skin became similar to a toad, and his eyes became almost white. "Once I become like this, you will die! I'm not in state two, which is dozens of times stronger than state one I've met an opponent before! "

his face is fierce with pride...

his face is fierce with pride , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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