Published at 26th of May 2022 12:48:45 PM

Chapter 489

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When everyone looked at it, it was Lei Yin.

"That's great. Lei Yin, you're here just in time. We'll hold them down. Naruto, you'll take the bucket and go quickly." Lu Wan ordered.

When Naruto was still hesitating, Luwan urged again: "what are you doing in a daze? Let's go!"

"None of you can leave!"

When Naruto just made up his mind, a figure came again.

A handsome man with a red dot on the left and right of his forehead and a picture of gossip on the belly of his coat came.

"You are so bad, duo you. What about those two? At least we are also five people...

junmalu, to be exact, should be the first of "Yinren five people" and a man with "skeleton vein" and blood boundary.

Seeing junmalu coming, Duoyou didn't feel happy about "one more powerful reinforcements". Instead, he was full of doubts: "Why are you here, your body..."

junmalu didn't have an expression on his face: "what supports me is not the body, but the spirit."

Duoyouye: "however, after all, it's really timely for you, the guy who has recovered one life."

Junmalu seemed to ignore his words: "now I can more or less feel the feeling of getting rid of the bondage of the body and taking the spirit as life, and the feeling of touching the dream of dashuewan adults..."

when it comes to dashuewan, Naruto's face is filled with hatred.

"What are you assholes talking about there? Sasuke is ours!"

Naruto's head is hot, and he flies straight up.

Luwan drank: "Naruto! Come back

Sure enough, before Naruto came near, he was beaten back by Zuo Jin, and Leiyin caught him.

Did not care about this episode, junmariu flash at most in front of you: "the reason why your head is still on your own neck now is because you are still shouldering the mission that you have to complete... The four fools will be handed over to you."

"Damn it! Damn it Naruto said reluctantly.

Dog grave tooth: "Naruto, don't get excited..."

seeing junmalu carry away the big barrel, Luwan gathered several people in front of him: "Naruto, Leiyin, tooth, listen, next do as I say."

Seeing them muttering there, Zuo Jin was worried: "Damn, we're going to end you right away!"

At this time, Luwan, Leiyin and Ya rush to Yinren.

"Well! A fool is a fool. No matter how many of you work together, it's useless. "

Duo you is also drinking, but he doesn't notice that Naruto left alone to chase junmalu with a big bucket on his back.

And when they saw it, they couldn't follow Ben because they were entangled by three people.

Zuojian: "fool, you three stay here. It's no use even if the dwarf goes!"

Duoyou also continued: "in terms of time, you have to sacrifice each team member as the premise to catch up. Is Sasuke really that important to you? Are you all right to take more lives for one person

Duo you also said that. In fact, Lei Yin always wanted to ask this question.

In the past, when he watched animation, he could see that the level of each member of Yinren's four members should be especially high tolerance. But at that time, gangshou sent a group of low tolerance to try hard to recapture Sasuke. She also knew very well that the low tolerance to deal with special high tolerance was absolutely bad.

Is it true that Sasuke's life is more important than theirs?

Later, Lei Yin figured out that it might be because he was afraid that the big snake pill would succeed in reincarnation after getting help, which might be more out of fear of yuzhibo's blood.

The explanation given by Luwan is: "this is my first task when I become a team leader. The decrease of team members makes me feel very uneasy. Even I am not sure whether my decision is right or wrong."

Zuojin: "then why do you do this?"

Lumaru: "in my team, there is no one who will be robbed or who will retreat for his own safety. Even myself is no exception... "

" in fact, it's hard for me, who only likes to watch clouds and is afraid of trouble, to be a team leader. The only thing I can do is to trust them. Listen, I don't think that's sacrifice, let alone that they are dead... Don't look down upon my companions... "

with that, dog Zhong Ya's eyes turned Ning, he looked at Chiwan. They looked at each other for a moment, nodded, turned into two whirlwinds, and rushed over directly:

"teeth pass through teeth!"

Two whirlwinds, one in front of the other and the other behind, made Zuojian unable to look back and forth. But when the whirlwind disappeared, they saw a self behind Zuojian, but the two people were connected: "don't look down on us, asshole!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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