Published at 25th of May 2022 08:43:12 AM

Chapter 49

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"If you start from the naval station and go to the forbidden area, you should go through the specialty area."

Lei Yin recalled the map of the shampoo islands.

Walking on the road, under the sunshine, there are colorful bubbles rising to the sky. This is the unique scenery of shampoo islands, which can't be seen in other places.

Imperceptibly, he went to the No. 45 area, which is a special tourist area. Leiyin rented a unique vehicle here - bubble car, and rode it to the forbidden zone.

When you go to area 8 of shambaldi archipelago, you feel a decadent atmosphere. There are many ruins here, and there are so many people gathered on the ruins. If these people were not pirates hunters, they would be pirates.

"What year is it that even the residents dare not to bring it?"

"He must be confused about the situation, isn't he?"

"Grab it, sell it to a human trafficking shop, and give the brothers some wine money."

These people said, carrying swords and guns, surrounded the thunder of riding a bubble car.

A leading man with a knife said to the thunder voice in the car: "boy, my brothers are a little short of money recently. Please come with us."

Next to the younger brother smell speech, all to thunder sound smile.

The meaning of the big man is to let Lei Yin go and sell him as a slave for money.

So these people are pirate hunters.

Are they really pirate hunters?

For the sake of money for a while, he sent people to a human trafficking shop where the sun would never be seen. From then on, he lived a miserable life, which was more abominable than those heinous pirates.

"If you have the ability, just come and catch me." Lei Yin said calmly.

"Numb, arrest this innocent boy and sell it!" The leading Dahan road.

As soon as the voice fell, an arc of energy and white light suddenly appeared.

White blade!

Before they had time to react, these pirates were all cut open by thunder. Some of them were cut open by thunder. Some of them were cut open by heart. Some of them were cut open by lung. They were lying on the ground, convulsing in pain, and their blood dyed the ground red. Each of them was very ugly.

However, Leiyin deliberately left a person's life, the man saw the blood and the ugly death of the pirates hunters, scared wet pants.

Lei Yin jumped out of the car and patted him on the shoulder: "Hey, I'll ask you something. You must answer me truthfully."

The man's body trembled violently. Seeing the thunder sound, he seemed to see the devil Satan. His eyes were very frightened. He stood in the same place and did not dare to move. After all, it was real blood, not ketchup.

The man still did not speak, and Leiyin then asked, "where is Capone Becky?"

Lei Yin came here just to find him. It's almost impossible to find such a big place blindly.

The man didn't speak yet. Maybe he was scared by the white blade of thunder just now.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Lei Yin continued: "if you don't speak, I'll try to make you speak. I tell you, I have 10000 ways to let you die, but the length of death and the degree of pain are up to you. "

The man heard the voice of hell and immediately said, "brother, I really don't know who you are talking about. Please let me go..."

Lei Yin's face was livid: "Oh, is that so? Then don't blame me... "

"Wait Wait... " Seeing that Lei Yin was about to start, the man immediately knelt down on the ground in fright. "This big brother, oh no, sir, I only know that kapen Becky is a reward prisoner of more than 70 million. As for where he is, I really don't know. Please spare your life..."

The man knelt down to beg for mercy and kowtowed.

Lei Yin thought for a moment: in this way, maybe he really doesn't know. Then he asked, "well, do you know any other reward criminals? The higher the reward, the better. "

Hearing this, the man stopped kowtowing: "Oh, sir, if you ask me, I really know a man who was offered a reward of more than 50 million Bailey..."

The man told Lei Yin about the pirate, and Lei Yin went away

Lei Yin only follows one principle to people and things, that is, to see people.

If Kapp and Ayn are kind or gentle to themselves, he will also treat them with a kind attitude.

For those who want to threaten and suppress themselves, such as beligood and brennuel, Lei Yin also retaliates with fists.

As for the so-called pirate hunters who send others to hell for their own selfish desires, Lei Yin shows the most ferocious and treacherous face. If the man didn't say that just now, Lei Yin didn't mind killing him in a cruel way.

Since they are demons, they should be sent to hell.

And for those poor people who are sent to the human trafficking shop, they have died easily.For angels, there should be faces of angels; for demons, there should be faces of demons.

This is Lei Yin's principle for people and the other side of those "demons"

According to the place that the man told him, Lei Yin went straight to a place in area 16.

Most of the areas from No. 1 to No. 29 of the shambaldi islands are inaccessible. When Leiyin went to No. 16 area, he saw that it was quite different from No. 8 area just now.

Area 8 is mostly the ruins destroyed by pirates or pirate hunters, while area 16 is clean streets and rows of gorgeous houses. It doesn't look like an impossible zone at all.

Of course, not every pirate just destroys.

The pirate should be here

Lei Yin is thinking, only to see a girl running out of a courtyard, she looks flustered, eyes scared, she ran out, followed by a group of people chasing her.

"Don't let her run away. If you lose her, the boss will blame us all for death!" Cried a leading man behind the girl.

After all, women's physical strength and strength are not as good as men's. soon, women are surrounded by those people again.

"Run, run again!"

"This is our territory. It seems that you still don't understand."

"No matter how you run, you can't get out of the palm of our hand."

"Go back and serve our boss!"

The girl's face turned pale, like a frightened kitten. In her frightened eyes, those people stretched their claws to her

Flying thunder Chopper - white blade!

Lei Yin suddenly appeared in front of the girl, and crossed a white energy ripple in the void, and an arc-shaped sharp blade scattered in all directions , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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