Published at 26th of May 2022 12:48:43 PM

Chapter 491

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"Psychics · Rashomon!"

At the same time, both sides of the gate, such as Shura and blue faced tusks, burst out.

The dog's grave teeth and red pill hit it hard, making a dull sound, which knocked the gate out of a big pit.

The wolf felt dizzy and fell to the ground heavily.

Seeing the deformed door that had been hit, Zuojian couldn't help sighing to himself: how powerful it is that it can make the strongest defense [luoshengmen], which is used to protect Da Shewan, look like this.

Thinking about this, Zuo Jin flew up and kicked the double headed wolf hard. The double headed wolf had just suffered a heavy injury, but he didn't react for a moment. He was kicked more than 20 meters away. The double headed wolf relieved his state and changed back to the appearance of dog mound tooth and red pill.


Looking at the nearby red pill, dog grave teeth anxiously drank.

The attack is far from over.

"This is not the time to worry about others."

At this time, right near the teeth have been to the side, with the arm around his neck.

For a moment, seeing this man and beast being forced into a desperate situation, he showed a sly smile on his right side: "this is my ability as an assassin expert. I can't win with my keen sense of smell and sharp claws alone!"

"In the body, as chakra's [tendon system] around the various organs, you must be clear about this? When I change to state two, I can use chakra to decompose and recombine cells or proteins at will. In other words, I can let my own body enter other people's bodies and restore them! "

Temporarily control the right near dog grave teeth, with a long speech to tell teeth their ability.

I don't know if this is a kind of blood boundary of the family.

"So now, I want to share your body with you. I will slowly erode your cells, and in the end your consciousness will be controlled by me. "

Right near smile more and more treacherous, the body has been gradually integrated into the dog's body.

"Oh? Is that so? "

At this time, the dog also showed a bad smile, do not know when, his hands out of a bitter.

Then, he stabbed the bitterness into his abdomen!

"What would you do if I did?"

Teeth looked close to their right near the face, pale face said with a smile, while saying, but also side of the abdominal painless rotation.

"Asshole, do you want to commit suicide?" Right near look a little scared.

"Die with me!"

In addition to the head, the right near has integrated most of his body into the body of his teeth. He stabs the bitterness into his own body, that is, into the right near's body. He wants to die with the right near.

Then, the tooth and ruthlessly insert the bitterness into a section, at this time, the tooth and right near at the same time show a pair of painful expression.

Then, the tooth pulled out kuwu, and the blood ran down the leg.

"Asshole! What are you doing? Stop it

Right near to drink, teeth turned to look at him: "hey hey, tell you to share a body with me... How about? Does it hurt? "

"Madman, you are a madman!"

Right near loud roar, tooth again raised painless, want to stab down again to make an end.

Right near see the situation is not good, quickly out of his body.

Tooth eye quick, and did not pierce, but right near the direction of the projectile in the past.

Just out of the right near dodge less, with the hand to protect, painless so stabbed in his hand.

Taking advantage of this gap, teeth quickly past, a red pill in his arms, and then temporarily fled here.

"I have to kill you!"

"Nearby, where are you? How close is it? "

"It's so noisy, brother. If you yell like this, you may attract the kid's sneak attack..."

"even though I want to kill him now, it's time to go to bed. You can't let those two bastards go!"

"Don't worry." With that, the two bodies fused together again, and then went to find gouzhongya and Chiwan...

in the forest tens of kilometers ahead, Naruto had already caught up with junmalu. At this time, Naruto uses the technique of multiple shadows to cover the battlefield.

"The dance of willows!"

I saw Jun mariu's face as usual, in the shadow of many parts of the left to right block, he or kick or hit, set off waves of smoke.

At this time, Naruto and several shadows split to Jun Malu's head with kuwu, but they didn't expect that Jun Malu didn't even flash and let kuwu chop on his head.

With a clear and loud sound, junmalu's body exploded like a firecracker. In an instant, his body turned into a pile of bones.

"This is my blood boundary...

" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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