Published at 26th of May 2022 12:48:42 PM

Chapter 492

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"Damn it Naruto gnashed his teeth and said, again changed some shadow parts to stay in the middle.

"What's the matter with him? He can escape from the bones of his body."

Naruto is thinking, and then a terrible scene appears.

Junmariu opened his coat, a big blood hole broke out on his left shoulder, and a head slowly emerged from the blood hole. Junmariu held it in his right hand and pulled it out directly!

"You pulled out your own bone?"

Naruto was stunned at this scene.

However, there was no expression of pain on junmariu's face. He calmly held the bone sword drawn from his body in his right hand. At the same time, the wound on his left shoulder healed at the speed visible to the naked eye.

"With bones as swords?"

Naruto is stunned, but the next moment, his shadow takes out a few swords from his pocket and shoots them without hesitation.

Junmalu didn't dodge at all. He just put the bone sword in front of him, and the sword in his hand was bounced out in an instant.

"This bone is not an ordinary bone. Its density is very high, even no less than that of steel."

Naruto looked unwilling: "so what? I'll give it a discount. It's so easy! "

Obviously, Naruto is bluffing.

Junmalu's face was still indifferent: "I have five kinds of 'dances'. Don't think you've figured out my strength..."

"next, I'll show you my' Chunzhi dance '!"

Naruto clenched his fist: "I'll beat you up!"

At this time, behind the forest, dog grave tooth, red pill and left near right near fight.

A few kilometers away, Luwan and Duoyou are also fighting.

However, duo you also summoned two giants with his flute, one in white with a butcher's knife, the other in black with a wolf's tooth stick. Lu Wan could not fight against him in the front, so he hid in the dark and thought about countermeasures.

"Smelly mouse, I see where else you can hide."

At this time, Duoyou and his two giants were standing on the top of the tree, surrounded by each other. Duoyou also knew that Luwan was hiding in several tree caves below.

"It's really not easy. Let the two big men attack separately and cooperate with each other very well. It seems that the guy has mastered them very well. It seems that I have met a difficult opponent. " The deer pill hiding in the tree cave could not help sighing.

"Don't hide like a mouse! I already know where you are! " Duoyou has also lost patience and wants to end the cat and mouse game. He picks up the flute and puts it to his mouth:

"no one who has heard this song can survive! Take it

"Finale, the ninth verse, the chaos of the devil's land!"

A strange and restless tune came out from the flute hole. It was not only very uncomfortable to hear, but also the two giants rushed up like two tigers, and Luwan jumped away like running for his life. At the same time, the mace and the butcher's knife hit the tree together, flying the sawdust.

This strike is powerful enough.

However, the astonishment of Luwan was far from over. When the two giants rushed to their front, their heads turned into two giant cannibals, which extended rapidly. The sharp and ferocious claws on the big green mouth tore at Luwan.

Listen carefully, the tune of Duo you's flute has changed.

In mid air, Luwan almost lost his balance and fell down. He saw the position of the tree with his spare light and fell on it.

But at this time, three seem to have changed the cannibal also to.

Luwan quickly took out three pieces of kuwulai. As soon as they turned around and shot them, they all hit. But they gave out three terrible hisses and bit Luwan again.

Seeing this, Luwan turned over and jumped down the tree, hiding again.

He sat in the same place, put on a posture of meditation, thinking about countermeasures, brain rapid operation.

"It's like playing chess with him... Well..." Lu Wan's eyes were fixed, and he even showed a smile.

Duoyou also held the flute around to find its trace: "how? Do you want to hide like a mouse? Is your Muye Ninja so seedless

Voice just fell, a figure flying from afar, at the same time also throw over, a bitterness.

It's not an ordinary one. There's a detonator on it.


Duo Youye said in his heart. He left immediately. The detonator exploded and set off a storm.

"Do you think you can beat me with this little trick? You are so naive

Doyle has also found him.

"You are innocent, aren't you?"

At this time, looking at Luwan, he has already controlled the giant with [shadow imitation] , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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