Published at 26th of May 2022 12:48:40 PM

Chapter 494

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Seeing that Luwan was under control, Duoyou flew to him with a Ku Wu in his hand and said with a quirky smile: "now you are bound, how are you? How does it taste? "

"Hum, go to hell!" Then he raised kuwu to stab Luwan's heart.

However, when the stab under the moment, he was stunned.

To be exact, he can't move.

He found that his arms, legs and feet were again restrained by the same force.

Shadow gallows!

No way. Isn't he already in the magic? How can you still have the consciousness to fight against yourself with ninja?

Then Duoyou saw his hand and understood the reason.

Originally, in order to get rid of magic, Lu Wan broke his finger and used pain to make his consciousness clear.

That is to say, just now, Lu Wan's cry of pain was all pretended!

At this time, it was Luwan who controlled Duoyou. Luwan was a little proud and said, "didn't I tell you that long ago? The first move is a false move, and the second is a real move. This is the basic common sense of attack. Just like just now, the first shadow imitation is feint attack, and the second shadow hanging is actual attack. "

However, I didn't expect that although Duoyou was also killed by Luwan's shadow hanging technique, a smile appeared on his face: "hum, it seems that I have to admit that you are not only smart but also courageous... In fact, I am also very gentle."

Although he was bound by Luwan's shadow technique, it could not change the fact that he was more than Luwan's chakra. Duoyou also broke free again, and they fell into a bitter struggle.

Compared with other battles, the battle between duoyouye and Luwan is more like a battle of wits...

at this time, the forest ahead.

Boom boom!

Pa Pa Pa!

In the battle circle, Naruto turned into hundreds of shadows and launched a tidal attack on junmalu. However, junmalu looked very self-confident and raised a bone sword that was harder than steel to chop from side to side, cutting Naruto's bodies into dust.

Before long, Ying Fenshen was cut down by junmalu.

"Only you left..." Jun mariu looked at Naruto, calm as water.

Looking at Jun mariu, who is besieged by many shadows, but has no damage, can't help but make Naruto feel a little shocked.

What's more astonishing is still behind.

Junmariu put the lid of the big bucket on the ground like the cap of a soda bottle. He opened it with a bang, and black smoke came out.

"It's going to be finished soon. It's the first step of big snake pill's ambition

Jun mariu is just saying that the big barrel explodes like a firecracker. Sasuke's whole body seems to be in the middle of flames, and more thick black smoke comes out of his body. Soon, the black smoke disappears, and Sasuke only leaves Naruto a figure.


Seeing that Sasuke was safe and sound, Naruto's face showed a happy smile, "Sasuke, how do you mix with these guys? Come back with me

Unexpectedly, Sasuke didn't seem to hear him at all. He clenched two fists and then laughed like a psycho.

"Sasuke, did you hear what I said?" Naruto roared again.

But Sasuke didn't even look back and ran towards Yinyin village.

Seeing this, Naruto's heart was quite anxious, and he got up to chase him. But he didn't know when junmalu was close to him. "Don't look down on me. You shouldn't care about him now."

"Go to hell!"

With that, junmalu, holding a bone sword, chopped at Naruto's neck.

At this time, a figure flashed, a sound of gold and iron in the air, the dark fist blocked his bone sword.


Jun mariu, who was shocked back, asked with some sullen anger on his face.

"Tolerance in wood leaves, thunder sound."

Luwan orders him to support Naruto, and Leiyin just arrives.

Naruto: "how can you...

" don't worry about so much. Go after Sasuke and leave it to me. "

"Lei Yin, be careful. This guy can attack with his own bones."


Lei Yin looks at Naruto suspiciously.

It is needless to say that Naruto, who is familiar with the original work, certainly knows that junmalu has the blood boundary of "skeleton vein".

Naruto looks a little dignified: "he is really strong...

" don't be so fussy, go to chase Sasuke! "

Naruto heard the words, no longer nonsense, flying toward the direction of Sasuke escape.

These two men are left in the battle circle.

Lei Yin knew that his bone sword was harder than steel, and his two fists were blackened.

Lei Yin takes the lead and moves up with his fist. Junmalu also seals with his sword. This fist is like a dragon playing with water, and that sword stab is like water piercing flowers.

In the air, the sound of crisp metal can't be heard. The two fight for dozens of rounds, and win or , the fastest update of the webnovel!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!