Published at 26th of May 2022 12:48:39 PM

Chapter 495

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Thunder sound see, legs and feet are attached to the armed color, and more accelerate the attack.

Junmalu gradually couldn't keep up with his speed. He took advantage of a gap to fly back and pull out a bone from his body.

"The dance of Toon!"

Junmalu had two Bone swords in his hand and once again had a fierce battle with Leiyin. The sound of gold and iron in the void was heard all the time. They even hit each other at a speed that human eyes could not see. Only dozens of shadows could be seen in the void.

Suddenly, junmalu's double swords crossed and cut toward Leiyin's waist. Then Leiyin stepped back two steps to avoid the blow. At this time, his right fist was like lightning, and he flew junmalu out with one blow.

Jun mariu was shocked by Lei Yin's body skill, but his face was unshakable. He opened his whole coat and bared his arms. Then there were four blood holes in his right arm.

The next moment, there was a more frightening scene. Four sharp bones suddenly appeared in the four blood holes. "My weapon is attacked by bones. Did the guy who was separated tell you just now?"

With that, he raised his right arm and attacked. The four bones were like four sharp swords, stabbing directly at Lei Yin's heart.

Leiyin rushes to the right and catches his fist with his palm, so that his protruding sharp bone can't pierce himself. At this time, suddenly, junmalu's chest bone comes out like a sharp knife, and directly pierces Leiyin's body!

The ribs in his chest and abdomen were like the horns of an antelope, and almost every tip of his head was stabbed into his skin.

Just when junmalu thought his life was over, he found that the skin of Leiyin was as black and shiny as his fist. Although his bone was harder than steel, it could not penetrate into Leiyin's body half a millimeter.

At this time, junmalu, who had always been calm, was not calm: "what is this? Is your blood going beyond the limit? "

Lei Yin certainly won't tell him that it's armed lust. Even if he tells him, he doesn't know what it is.

In the former world of the pirate king, armed colors were hierarchical. First of all, those who could master the domineering power of armed colors were strong to a certain extent. However, according to Lei Yin's current judgment, he is usually armed and can't bear the stabbing of junmalu's bones. Lei Yin is a four emperor class in that world, and his domineering spirit is already perfect.

Lei Yin said with a faint smile: "if you want to understand it in this way, it's OK, but I'll give you a friendly reminder that my" blood boundary "is far more than that...

Lei Yin's arrogant tone didn't make Jun mariu feel threatened. On the contrary, Jun mariu felt that he was just bluffing.

How can a person have more than two blood boundaries? Anyway, so far, he hasn't heard of it.

Just a kid who likes to boast.

Thinking about this, junmariu's look returned to calm: "your blood is really good, but it can only be used for body skill and defense. And I can manipulate my bone cells at will, and even control the concentration of calcium. There are only more than 200 bones in an ordinary person's body, which means that my body can produce a number of bones that ordinary people can't imagine. Another point is that because it can control the concentration of calcium, you just saw that the hardness of bones is not the limit... "

Lei Yin said with a smile:" is that right? Thank you for giving me so much knowledge, but to tell you the truth, I'm really not interested in...

"flying thunder two, iron fist!"

After that, his whole body was covered with armed colors. This time, he rushed past at a speed invisible to the naked eye...

"Tang Song Dance!"

As early as a moment ago, junmalu's eyes closed slightly, and then dozens of blood holes appeared all over his body. Then bones were born from that blood hole. From a distance, he looked like a hedgehog.

At this time, Lei Yin's fist has arrived.

But never thought that his body full of armed color was scratched!

Lei Yin sees this, and his figure flies back again. Several cuts have been made on his body, but fortunately the armed color resists him. All the cuts on his body are minor injuries.

He never thought that the hardness of the bone made by junmalu was so high.

This hardness, comparable to diamonds... Even harder than diamonds!

"It's really interesting..."

Lei Yin, who has been broken for a while, is not sad but happy. This is the first person who can hurt himself since he came to Huoying world.

Although he only put forward a small part of his strength.

If you give the general definition of junmalu, it must be on the tolerance level, and the strength is absolutely no less than qimukakasi.

"Finally, let me be a little more serious...

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