Published at 26th of May 2022 12:48:37 PM

Chapter 498

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When the two moves meet, it's like a dragon meets an evil tiger, and the mighty force is quietly annihilated in mid air.

After some bone arrows were shot into the air, most of the bones were still left on the ground. Then he put his hands together, and the bones on the ground "gragragra" made a sound, gradually splicing and fusing...

"the skeleton vein of aoyi · bone dragon!"

Finally, the bones on the ground were put together into a huge bone dragon, which rose up in the sky!

This time, the form has changed from the original land to air to air.

"What's up, boy? Didn't you expect that? "

Junmalu said, crossing his hands to control the bone dragon to launch an attack.

"Channeling · lightsaber like!"

Suddenly, a glass like golden lightsaber appeared in Leiyin's hand, chopping at the bone dragon.

The golden blade constantly collides with the bone dragon. Some chopping attacks can actually cut off the bones, but the bones can be immediately spliced together. In this way, its combat effectiveness seems endless.

But it doesn't seem like that either.

Junmalu's face became whiter and whiter as he fought, and he coughed twice from time to time, and the attack of Gu Long gradually weakened.

Of course, Lei Yin also felt this, but when he thought about it, his face was suddenly enlightened.

He remembered that junmalu himself was seriously ill!

In the original book, he died of illness when he was fighting with me.

Sure enough, at the next moment, junmalu gushed out a mouthful of blood, and the bone dragon finally collapsed and fell to the ground.

He was seriously ill, and the fierce battle had made him consume a lot of chakra in his body, which aggravated his illness.

Sure enough, junmalu spat out two mouthfuls of blood and scattered all the bones around him. He fell to the ground and recovered to his original shape.

There is no sound.

Junmalu, a soldier.

Seeing this, Lei Yin shakes his head and sighs a little. A flash disappears in the same place, and he doesn't know where to go...

more than ten kilometers ahead, the first generation of Huoying and the huge statue of yuzhiboban stand in opposition. Here is the place where the two main characters fight for several times - the end valley.

At this time, Naruto has caught up with Sasuke.

"Sasuke!" The Naruto lost his voice.

Hearing this, Sasuke turned his head slowly: "Hi, at the end of the crane...

" Sasuke, how did you get mixed up with those guys? Are you willing to fall like this? "

"I will act according to my own will, you... Don't come here to get in the way!"

"Well, even if you break your legs and feet, I'll take you with me."

Therefore, they launched a fight to the death.

Finally, Naruto's nine tails are alienated, and Sasuke's spell seal is fully opened. After Naruto faints, Sasuke escapes to dasheban.

Later, Kakashi arrived and took Sasuke back.

In fact, Lei Yin has the strength to beat Sasuke easily and bring him back to Muye. But in that case, it will really change the course of history, the butterfly effect, and I don't know what will happen in the future.

In this way, the two protagonists in the original work, one continues on the road of light, the other goes to the dark.

While Luwan's team, gouzhongya, qiudaodingci and rixiangningci, were all taken back. The medical team began to treat them. Leiyin and Luwan were waiting outside the ward.

"Qiudaodingci and gouzhongya's life has been saved..."

"there is no life danger in suningci..."

silence: "also, I just received the news that qimukakasi has returned to the village with whirlpool Naruto. Although Naruto is seriously injured, his life is not in danger."

"I wish everyone would come back."

Gangshou turned his head: "Luwan, it seems that this mission has failed, but everyone is alive, which is more important than anything..."

hearing this, Luwan's tears can't stop flowing down: "next time, I must successfully complete the mission..."

originally, Naruto's injury was not too serious, coupled with his abnormal resilience, his injury was cured in a few days assorted.

One day, when he was still in bed thinking about his appointment with Sakura chunye, he only heard a violent noise and shook the ground.

Naruto was so surprised that he ran to the bedside to see a huge toad on the third floor. There was a middle-aged man with long white hair on his head.

"Good... Lecherous fairy?"

People come from their own way.

Naruto is very happy to see that he has come to see himself.

"From today on, you are my official ninja, I will use three years to train you to be a ninja who can be entrusted with heavy responsibilities..." Zilai also continued with a serious look, "when I was investigating the [immortality] of dashuewan, I got the news about [Xiao] through a certain channel...""Dawn?" When Naruto hears the speech, his face is filled with surprise... , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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